Chapter 17 - Part 1

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"Today?" I spun around to stare open mouthed at Angel.

Today? My mind echoed, still struggling to grasp what he was saying.

He shrugged. "I didn't see the point in delaying it any longer."

"You just told me you were moving the wedding up yesterday. I haven't even received my dress yet. It only arrives in a couple of weeks." My head was already spinning with every reason why our wedding couldn't go ahead as he had planned.

It was crazy. Right? He was crazy. This couldn't be happening. Their dress wasn't ready, we hadn't picked a venue, flowers hadn't been chosen. The list for every reason we couldn't marry today was endless.

"We are going to marry today Kira." His tone determined and unwavering.

He was clearly mad. There was no way.

My knees felt shaky so I moved to sink down at the edge of the bed. "But I have nothing to wear."

"I remember you saying you didn't care what you wore. Garbage bag comes to mind."

He was right, it had been an offhand comment. No woman wanted to get married in a trash bag no matter what the circumstance of the nuptials.

"You know I didn't mean that," I shot back at him.

"You have an hour before the ceremony."

An hour? My mouth fell open, and my mind went blank.

"You're already wasting valuable time," he said as he exited the bedroom. "You'll find your garbage bag hanging in the closet."

I frowned. Was he trying to be funny?

I looked after him still trying to grapple with the realization that today he would become my husband. It did something weird to the middle of my chest but I didn't have time to analyze it.

Irritated, I went to the walk in closet and stopped in my tracks. The dress I had chosen hung in my closet with a matching pair of shoes. Something constricted in my chest and I took a moment to breathe normally again.

The dress fit perfectly. I felt like a fairytale princess, even if my wedding was tainted by reality.

There wasn't time to do anything but wear my hair down.

There was no time to think about what this day would mean, the only thing on my mind was trying to make the most I could out of what I had readily available to get myself ready.

Just under an hour later there was a knock on the bedroom door. I opened it to find James waiting for me on the other side. I had managed to get dressed and put some make up on but I was no where near as ready as I wanted to be but I would have to do.

"I'm here to escort you for the ceremony," he said. He offered me his elbow and I linked my arm through his.

"Let's go," I said as he led me out the room and then out of the house.

"Are we having it outside?" I asked, trying to figure out exactly where we were headed. He nodded.

Honestly I had expected it to take place inside the house, even in Angel's study. This was unexpected.

He led me to the pond on the edge of the property as we moved past the trees surrounding the water I saw an Angel with a priest and a couple of other guys. He stood under a wooden arch that was interweaved with my favorite flowers, white lilies. The sight was unexpected and took my breath away.

Angel had never looked more handsome in a tux. My heart swelled. It was getting harder to ignore the emotion he created in me when he was near.

James stood beside his boss as Angel took my hand into his. His touch warm and assuring. I took a breath trying to get myself together.

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