Chapter 5 - Part 1

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Angel returned to the study shortly after my brother stormed out.

"I take it things didn't go well?" he asked as he closed the door behind him.

"What gave you that impression?" I asked grumpily, sitting in the chair as I tried to gather my thoughts about what had just gone down between me and my brother. His anger at my refusal to do as he wanted played heavily on my mind.

If I went through this marriage with the man who sat across from me, I was on my own. There would be no over protective brother waiting in the wings to step in.

I let out a shaky breath.

"If you're having second thoughts, you need to tell me now."

I lifted my eyes to meet his. "I'm not."

He studied me. "Then the sooner we discuss the details, the better for everyone."

I nodded. "Okay. Let's get this over and done with."

"Do you have a specific ring design in mind?" he asked, moving to sit behind his desk.

I shook my head. "I've never really thought about it."

"I'll organize someone to bring you some rings to have a look at it."

This was all so business, like it was taking all the romance out of the dream of getting engaged. The more time I spent discussing it like a business deal, the more anxious I was that I was getting myself into a situation I wasn't very prepared for.

This was Angel. The boy had I grown up with, but there was nothing boyish about him now. He was all man, and I averted my gaze from him, trying to stop myself from staring at him too openly.

"I have a question."

He nodded.

"Is this going to be a proper marriage?" I asked, feeling very self-conscious at that moment. "Or is it just a pretend marriage where you'll have your affairs on the side?"

"If anyone doubts the validity of this marriage, it will cause problems. It's best to make this as real as possible."

"I'm not sure what that means?"

"It means there won't be any affairs."

I swallowed again, very aware of how hot it suddenly became. His eyes held mine.

"What if I'm not ready?" I asked, not sure I was ready to jump right into this with him.

"It wasn't so long ago you were ready to sleep with me..."

Did he have to remind of that in every conversation?

"That was the actions of a foolish sixteen-year-old. I'm not that girl anymore." Life had hardened me. I saw the world with more realism that I had at that age. There was no more day dreaming for me.

I knew this marriage with Angel would not end in some fairytale ending. We would be lucky if we didn't destroy each other.

"Perhaps we should see if we have chemistry before we discuss this any further." He rose, and I stood up quickly.

"I'm sure that's unnecessary."

He prowled closer, and I had a panic of fear of what he would unleash. He cornered me slowly, his eyes searching mine as he came close. My back touched the wall, and he caged me in with a hand on either side of me.

I held my breath as he leaned closer, his lips nearly against mine.

"Tell me you want me to kiss you," he whispered.

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