Chapter 22 - Part 1

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The next morning when I woke I lay watching Angel sleeping. I didn't want to get up and have to face anything. I wanted to stay right in the warmth of the night I had shared Angel. There had been something different, something more. I couldn't quite put word to it, but all the mattered was how it made me feel. It gave me hope that he would be love me one day. It wasn't impossible.

A shrill pierced the air and I looked around. It was a foreign sound. It sounded like a phone ringing but it wasn't a ring tone I recognized. I slipped from my bed and followed the sound to my bag. Frowning, I looked through my hand bag and found a phone I didn't recognize.

I answered the call to stop the constant ringing to wake up Angel.

"Kira." It was Kaiden.

"Kaiden?" I was confused.

"Before you say another word, go into the bathroom and run the shower."

"What?" I whispered, peering back over my shoulder to make sure Angel was still sleeping. He was lying on his stomach, eyes closed, his breathing steady.

"Do exactly what I say Kira. Go to the bathroom and the run the shower."

I did as he said even though I had no idea why he was acting so strange.

Once I closed the bathroom door softly I ran the shower.

"What the hell Kaiden?" I asked in a harsh, whisper. "Whose phone is this?"

"I dropped the phone into your bag, in case I needed to talk to you without being overheard."

Was he crazy paranoid? He sure sounded it.

"Why not just give it to me like a normal person Kaiden?" I swear the years in the FBI had tainted him into thinking there was danger and deception at every corner, in every person. I had the urge to roll my eyes.

"I didn't think you would take it, You would have argued that it was overkill. Sometimes, Kira I know what I'm doing and it's just easier if you don't fight me on it."

The crazy thing was, what if he was right? That sent a shiver of awareness through me.

"You think someone might be listening in on my calls?" I asked, not quite believing it.

"I didn't want to take any chances."

"So what's so important you had to call me first thing in the morning and nearly wake Angel up?" I asked, feeling irritated and annoyed that there might be something more to worry about.

"I figured it out." His tone ominous.

The dread inside me grew. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good?

"Um...what did you find out?" I asked the question, knowing I didn't not want the hear the answer.

"Why Angel married you?"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my husband. I gripped the phone tighter, trying to fight my fear of what my brother had discovered.

The truth was I didn't want to know. I wanted to believe he cared for me and that had been his sole reason for his actions. I didn't want to think that there was another more underhanded reason for everything.

"Kira? You still there?" My brother prompted while I was struggling with the thought to hang up and ignore whatever he had discovered.

But pretending wasn't an option. With enemies around every corner I had to know the truth.

"Yes. I'm here." I hoped that whatever he had to tell me wouldn't tear me apart.

"Maybe it's best to have this conversation in person," my brother said.

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