Chapter one - New beginning

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I sat in my room looking around at my life packed up in boxes, how had this past year gone so fast. I couldn't believe it was over. I picked up a picture of me and Natalie that I had on my bedside table and studied it. It was taken just over two years ago when life seemed so much simpler. I let out a sigh as I placed the picture in the final box. Lastly I opened up my closet and retrieved a blue box from the top shelf, I hadn't opened this box for months and I wasn't about to now but I couldn't leave it behind. I placed it in the box with the photo and taped it shut.

"You ready sweetie?" Mum asked from the doorway as she eagerly looked at my packed boxes and suitcase. 

"Yeah I'm ready" I smiled back at her.

"I can't wait to have you home, it's not been the same without you around the house" she hugged me tight before smiling down at me and retrieving one of my many boxes. I'd completed my senior year at a boarding school a couple of hours out of town. I needed to get away to escape all the drama in my life and just focus on me and that's exactly what I'd done. It had been torture at first leaving my life behind. Saying goodbye to Chase and Nate. When they'd asked me to choose I knew they were asking the impossible but something had finally clicked into place. I needed to choose me. If I couldn't pick then I shouldn't have either of them. I don't think it's the choice any of us were expecting but it was what I needed and since that day in my kitchen, I'd said goodbye to my old life and I hadn't looked back. Natalie had taken it pretty hard, she was my best friend and being away from her this long had been difficult but we'd stayed in touch with our weekly video calls and constant letters. She had really helped me. I'd written to Josh a few times but that was sometimes a bit awkward. Last I heard from Natalie is that he and Susie Jensen were dating and I don't think she'd be happy to find out he was pen pals with an ex so we'd kind of drifted apart the past few months. I'd worked really hard on myself to try and piece my life back together, I hadn't had a panic attack since I moved here and I sure as hell wasn't about to let them start back up now I was going home.

"Hey I'm not too late to help am I"  Zac smiled as he entered my room.

"Not at all Zac, I've saved the heavy ones for you" my mum smiled back at him as she took the first box to the car.

"Heya babe, did you miss me?" He asked as he pulled me into a bear hug whilst planting a kiss on my lips.

"Always" I chuckled in response. Zac Bentley was like a breath of fresh air, we'd started dating about three months ago and I didn't really expect it to turn into anything serious but we were having so much fun together. He made me laugh which is something I was in much need of, my mum had met him a few times and she had given him her stamp of approval which meant a lot. The only problem is he is going to college half way across the country.

"I've actually got something to ask you" he beamed at me with his cheeky grin, god I loved that smile. His blue eyes sparkled down at me as he brushed his floppy brown hair out of his face. "So there's no pressure and you can absolutely say no...but, my parents said I can spend the summer with you. They've talked to your mum and she's agreed to let me have the guest room but only if you want me to, I know it's only a few months until we're off to college but"

I cut him off with a kiss before he could finish "I'd love that" I beamed up at him. I wasn't ready to let him go yet and spending the summer together was going to be perfect.


"Right I think that's finally the last box" mum exclaimed as she crammed the final box onto the back seat and shut the door. "I'll let you two say goodbye, I'll see you in a few days Zac" she smiled as she got in the car to wait.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Zac asked as he pulled me into his chest

"Of course, I can't wait to spend the summer with you. I was dreading saying goodbye"

"Me too babe" he pulled me in for a kiss, I loved the way his lips felt on mine, so soft and gentle. "It'll only be a few days and I'll be with you. Gotta spend the weekend with my folks and then I'll be with you Monday night" 

"Sounds perfect" 

I gave him one final kiss before making my way to the passenger seat and winding down the window. "I'll call you once I'm home" 

"You better, I'll see you Monday babe"

"Bye Zac" mum called before starting the engine and starting our journey home. I felt the all too familiar pit in my stomach. This was going to be okay, this was my new beginning.

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