chapter Nineteen - Some kind of nightmare

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I ran as fast as I could away from that room. Tears threatened to fall but I blinked them away. I wasn't going to cry over him. I rushed towards the kitchen hoping to escape into the garden before Natalie caught my eye

"There you are girl. Where have you been?" She asked are she drunkenly wrapped her arms around me "come on join us, we are having a game of pong beer" she giggled as she dragged me along with her to join the group. 

"Nat I'm really not in the mood" I pleaded just wanting to escape

"Oh don't be silly loves everyone beer pong" she giggled again. How much had she drank?

"Hey Alex there you are" Lucas chimed in as we approached the rest of the group, he seemed surprisingly sober considering they'd been playing this game since we arrived.

"Please Nat I just want to go" I half sobbed 

"Is everything okay Alex" Jules's concerned voice asked with a hiccup. I looked up and finally couldn't hold back the tears anymore as I felt them start to roll down my face.

"I'm fine, I just...I just need" I stammered, overcome with emotion as I began to wipe them away. 

I felt Nate's eyes on me clearly concerned as his girlfriend approached to offer me comfort. Chase approached the group, his eyes finding mine.

"Lex, I'm so sorry" he began

"Is this why she's upset, did you do something?" Nate asked accusingly, alcohol laced his breath.

"No I fucking didn't" he shot his brother an annoyed glance before taking Jules's place at my side.

"Honestly Lex I had no idea when I walked in that room" his arm reached out to steady me as he used the other to wipe my tears.

"Of course your with him. I should have known" Zac's voice boomed as he walked towards us. Thankfully he'd found his clothes.

"I told you to back the fuck off" Chase spat as he turned his attention to Zac.

"What's going on here guys?" Nate asked looking between the three of us confused.

"This idiot here thought he'd get away with shagging someone else" Chase announced making me want the floor to open and swallow me whole. I heard shocked gasps from the small group that surrounded me. My eyes looked down, I couldn't look at any of them right now.

"I fucked up alright, but maybe if my fucking girlfriend hadn't been pinning after her ex instead of paying attention to me I wouldn't have needed to look elsewhere" Zac's voice was full of anger. How could he be blaming this on me.

"You better shut the fuck up right now. I'm warning you Zac" Chase threatened as he stepped away from me.

"Maybe she'll be happy to share, she's done it before with you two after all" he nodded towards Chase and Nate and I watched as Chase clenched his fists.

Before I knew what was happening Chase had him pinned on the floor. Fists were flying, people were shouting. I just needed to get out of there.

I turned away from the commotion and ran towards the door. I fumbled through my bag for Lucas's keys. I'd never felt so relieved when I reached the car and started the engine. I turned on the radio willing it to distract me as I drove away from the chaotic events of the night.  

As if I was on autopilot I drove into my usual parking space and started the slow walk towards the creek. 

My feet crunched on the stones as I made my way towards the water stopping just before and letting out a sigh. I fell down to my knees and let the emotions take over, the humiliation of seeing Zac with some other girl, Chase announcing it to all my friend. Zac blaming me. The fact that part of me was relieved. I let out a sob as I sat on the stones and pulled my knees up to my chest. Why was my life such a mes. A crack in the distance drew my attention and I looked up scanning the tree line. I knew Chase would follow me, he'd know exactly where to look for me. As I studied the trees silence filled the air around me. Maybe I'd imagined it, maybe this time he wasn't coming to save me. I turned back to look out over the water hoping it's calmness would calm me somehow. Another snap drew my attention back to the trees. Was he seriously going to hide and watch me from afar again. Anger filled me as I stood up and stomped over towards the trees. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing but I knew I'd heard him.

"Chase I know you're out there" I taunted as I walked further into the forested area. Honestly I thought we were over this but clearly not.

Snap..."Chase stop fucking about" I shouted once again.

"It's not Chase baby" that voice made my blood run cold as I turned around in horror coming face to face with what I knew was true but couldn't quite believe. Before I had chance to process anything a shooting pain filled the side of my head and everything went black.



"Give me my fucking keys Nate, I need to go after her" I spat in my brothers face as he pushed me back against the wall.

"You need to calm the fuck down bro. Your fucking drunk and I'm not letting you get behind the wheel like this" 

I knew he was right but I just needed to get to her. Once the fighting had been broken up and I realised Alex was gone my heart broke. I'd felt her pain, all of it. I knew I shouldn't have humiliated her like that in front of everyone but that asshole deserved for people to know the truth. 

"I've booked an uber, it can take you to her house and you can go see her" Jules offered in way of comfort

"She isn't at her house" I spat back knowing I was taking my anger out on everyone around me.

"How do you know?" Jules questioned. I shot Nate and Natalie a look.

"I'll book one to take us to the creek, Nate you and Jules can check her house and wait there in case she shows up. Me Luc and Chase will head to the creek" Natalie announced as she tapped on her phone. That girl was annoying as hell but she'd actually grown on me over time and I was thankful she was taking control of the situation. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. How could I let her leave on her own.

"Oh my god" Natalie's voice was full of worry, her phone was shaking in her hand. How much had she drank? Lucas was at her side 

"Nat what's up" he asked as he pulled her into him.

"He's out..." her skin had paled and she looked up and met my eyes, tears filled hers.

"Who's out" Nate asked looking between us 

"Mike" she spoke in no more than a whisper.

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