Chapter Thirty seven - Guilty lies

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A week had passed and Nate had stuck true to his word, I'd not heard from him. He had cut me out of his life completely. When Chase told me what Jules had asked him to do I wasn't really surprised, she didn't want to lose him and she didn't exactly trust the two of us being alone together. I couldn't really blame her, if I'm honest id probably feel just as insecure if I were in her position but part of me ached for my lost friendship. Knowing that I had caused this, that it was my fault we couldn't be friends, it was eating me up inside.

"Babe you have to stop beating yourself up about it, things will work in the end. Nate will be back in our lives just wait and see" Chase offered a hopeful smile as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Sorry I don't mean to keep playing it over and over in my head. I just feel awful for everything you know. Not even just for me, but for you as well" I sighed 

"Me and Nate are fine"

I shot him a skeptical look knowing that he was just trying to make me feel better. "You forget I can hear your thoughts too. I know things are tense between the two of you" I say with a raised brow.

It's true, i'd overheard a couple of tense phone calls, not to mention a few stray thoughts here and there. Things were far from fine between the two of them but I knew he was doing his best not to worry me. I sat getting lost in my thoughts when the ping of my phone drew my attention. I grabbed my phone and read the message on my screen.

"Natalie says Lucas is throwing a party this weekend. His parents are away and our attendance is non negotiable" I called to Chase who was reading a message on his phone.

"Yeah, just had the same text from Luc" he held up his phone and shot me a wary smile. This was it, the first time we'd all hang out together since the awkwardness with Nate and Jules. 

"It'll be fine babe, you'll see" he soothed. I just wished I could believe him.


I sat on my bed reading over the text on my screen once again

Maybe it would be best if you didn't come tonight

Jules had sent it to me a couple of hours ago and I didn't quite know how to respond, or even if I should. I glanced at the clock, it was almost 8pm and Natalie would be here any minute to pick me up for the party. She'd insisted on seeing me before, probably wanted to give me a little pep talk or make sure I was actually planning on coming. I had to think fast if I wanted to get out of this one.

A few minutes later I heard her car pull up on the drive and I made my way downstairs to greet her.

"Hey, you aren't ready...or is that what you're wearing?" She asked sceptically as eyed my leggings and hoodie.

"No, I've got my jeans and a sparkly top ready, I was just about to change when I hear you pull up" I smiled hoping she'd believe me.

"Well I'll wait down here whilst you go change" she chirped and ushered me towards the stairs.

"Actually Nat, I hope you don't mind but Chase is swinging by to pick me up in bout twenty minutes. He was worried about me showing up without him with everything that's happened with Nate and Jules" 

A pang of guilt hit me as I stood and lied to my best friend. It was the only excuse I could think of that she would believe. She shot me a sympathetic look.

"Really Al, I'm so sorry about everything. I want you to know I've talked to Jules and tried to help smooth things over. She's just really insecure when it comes to you and Nate. He's come clean with her about everything and I think it's really effected her. She can't help but feel threatened even though she knows you don't mean any harm"

"Yeah I guess" I sighed 

"But tonight let's put it all behind us, this is the first time all of us have hung out in ages. It's going to be so much fun" her bright smile was back and I could tell she was trying her hardest to lighten my mood.

"I could use some fun" I smiled back not letting it quite reach my eyes.

"Well I'll head off, Luc will be having a heart attack if I don't show up soon. See you and Chase soon"

I let her out the door and waved my goodbyes as I watched her drive off, a sudden chill ran through me and I glanced out into the street. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was there. I closed the door and locked it behind me whilst shaking off my paranoia. The buzz of my phone distracting me from my worries.

Just got to Luc's, Nate and Jules seem in good spirits. Told you there was nothing to worry about, see you soon xxx

Part of me wondered if I'd made a mistake by not going, it wouldn't take him long to realise I wasn't coming and I fully expected him to turn up and try and change my mind. I was just hoping he'd understand and let me just have a pass on this one. I wandered into the kitchen and set about making myself a hot chocolate, that always helped cheer me up. I glanced out the kitchen window as I stirred my drink, the sky was beginning to darken and nightfall would soon be upon us. I took my drink and snuggled down on the sofa and began to flick through the channels trying to find something to distract myself with, before I knew it half an hour had passed and as expected my phone was ringing.

"Hey" I answered warily 

"Lex, what's going on. I thought you were coming?" Chase sounded disappointed and slightly hurt. I felt awful for deceiving him but I didn't see another way.

"I'm sorry. I did intend to come but then...I just couldn't. I'm sorry I lied" 

"I'm coming to see you. I don't want to be here without you, I don't want you being alone whilst your mums out of town" 

"You should stay, at least for a bit. Come and see me after. Just tell them I'm not feeling well or something. I don't want it to be awkward for anyone"

"Lex I don't give a shit is it's awkward for them. You've done nothing wrong, Nate and Jules want space so they should be the ones to stay away, not you" his frustration was evident through the phone. I could imagine him running his hand through his hair as he spoke.

"Chase please, I don't want this to cause any trouble. I'm perfectly fine at home, I've got my hot chocolate and a cheese movie to watch. Swing by in a couple of hours and you can worry about me then but for now I want you to enjoy yourself at the party. Please" 

Silence fell between us as he took in my words.

"A couple of hours and then I'm coming over. I love you Lex"

"I love you, and thank you" 

I smiled at my phone as we ended the call, relief swept through me that he wasn't too mad and that he was at least going to stay for a bit and have some fun. Another buzz of my phone and I saw a text from Natalie pop up on my screen. I knew she'd be pissed but I couldn't deal with that right now. I switched my phone to silent and pressed play on the movie, making myself comfy on the sofa for the evening. 

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