Chapter Thirty eight - Party with the truth

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I couldn't believe I'd fallen for it, I should have known she wouldn't want to come. I knew she was hesitant but I didn't think she'd actually lie to me about her intentions. Something didn't add up, when I saw her this morning she seemed okay about seeing Nate and Jules, I'd swear I'd heard thoughts of her even looking forward to breaking the ice a bit with them and moving on from this ridiculous drama. Something must have happened for her sudden change of heart and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

I headed back into the kitchen where Luc and Nate were prepping drinks for us

"Any luck?" Luc asked as I approached 

"No, she's not feeling great. She's gonna sit this one out" I fibbed. I know she didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling by staying away but at the same time it didn't feel right.

" bullshit. She was fine when I saw her, she out right told me you were picking her up. She lied to my face to avoid coming. That's not because she's feeling sick" Natalie snapped as she grabbed a drink from Nate. I watched as Jules eyed her with a strange expression.

"Maybe she just thought you'd drag her here if she told you the truth" Nate offered in explanation.

I shook my head at him "No. Natalie is right. She was okay about coming when I saw her earlier this morning. Something has happened, something or someone has changed her mind" my gaze fixed on Jules as I watched her squirm slightly as Nate pulled her closer to him. "You wouldn't know anything about that would you Jules?" I asked accusingly.

"I um...I...." She began to stutter, I could tell I'd hit a nerve 

"Cut it out man, Jules has nothing to do with this" Nate hit back in defence 

"She's got everything to do with this! She's the reason we're in this mess in the first place" I snapped

"Of course you'd think that, you're blinded by your love for Alex that you can't even comprehend how someone on the outside of your weird little bubble would feel. How do you think I feel knowing her past with Nate let alone the fact that there's clearly some sort of weird ass shit still going on" 

Nate pulled her back slightly probably cringing inside at the confrontation that was developing in front of him. 

"Did you say something to her?" Something didn't add up here and Jules seemed pretty passionate about the whole situation. She flinched at my question and stood arms folded just looking at me but not offering a denial.

"Jules, did you?" Natalie asked with a hint of shock in her tone. 

"I just thought it might be easier if she didn't come tonight. That's all, it's still so fresh and I haven't had time to process it all yet" she huffed. 

I watched as Nate took a step back from her, clearly he was not aware of Jules and Alex's little exchange. 

"Jules why didn't you say something to me?" He asked with a hurt expression. Jules began to sob as all eyes fell on her. She was wrong in this situation and she knew it.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help how I feel about it. You don't understand how hard it is for me" she stuttered between tears. My patience had ran thin with her and the anger started to boil over inside of me.

"How hard it's been for you! I'm sorry were you the one who was kidnapped and sexually assaulted? Alex is just trying to get through this and she needs her friends around her right now. That includes Nate. You are the one who shouldn't be here" I shouted 

"Chase" Luc voice warned from behind me as I felt him arm on my shoulder pulling me back. I couldn't stand here anymore and listen to this shit.

"Fuck this shit, I'm going to see her, you were wrong tonight Jules" I turned my gaze towards my brother "and as for you, well you should never have agreed to this bullshit in the first place. You're just as much to blame as she is" 

I stormed passed them both and headed outside to my car. I had to get to Alex, she was the only one who could calm me down right now. I grabbed my phone and dialled her number, setting it to speakerphone as I pulled away. No answer, typical. I left a quick voicemail letting her know I was headed over. I know she wouldn't have done to bed, she knew I planned on coming over a bit later anyway. She'd probably gotten into some cheesy movie and turned her phone to silent.

I drove for another five minutes, it wouldn't be long until I was at her place when I was hit with a sudden wave of fear. I almost lost control of the car as I tried to control my emotions. What the hell was that. A feeling of dread filled my mind and I knew in that moment that it wasn't my emotions I was feeling it was hers. I dialled her number again, still no answer. Something was wrong. Alex was scared. Putting my foot down I didn't care if I got a ticket, I knew I needed to get to her.

Alex was in danger.

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