Chapter Twenty two - Nightmares are real

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I was driving out towards the creek, I knew the road they had found her phone on and I knew I wouldn't be able to rest until I checked it out for myself. Maybe they were still in the area.

Please find me Chase

The plea for help filled my mind and I almost ran myself off the road as I heard it.

Lex, can you hear me. Where are you? I'm coming baby please hold on

I willed my thoughts to reach out to her but I didn't hear anything in return. I knew I'd heard her in my head there was no way I'd imagined it. I turned onto the stretch of road south of the forest by the creek and looked out the window at my surroundings but all I could see what trees and empty fields. No sign of Alex, no buildings nearby, nothing. I'd already driven straight to Mikes old cabin last night. His parents had sold up shortly after his arrest and moved out of town. Probably didn't want to be stuck in a place where everyone knew what a monster their son truly was. This was no use, I had nothing to go on.

My phone buzzed on the centre console and I looked down to see a number I didn't recognise flash up on the screen.

"Hello" I answered hastily only to be met with silence "who is this, Lex is it you baby" I asked hopefully as I pulled over to the side of the road. An evil chuckle filled the line.

"You'd like that wouldn't you Chase, for your precious Lex to be calling you to tell you everything is fine" mikes twisted voice sounded through the speaker.

"Where the fuck is she, I'll fucking kill you I swear Mike. If you lay a damn hand on her I'll"

"You'll what Chase? Because I'll tell you now I've already laid more than a hand on your precious little Lex. She was quite delicious as well"


"Don't worry though, I didn't want you to miss the show. You'll find a little gift from me in your inbox" he sneered before the line went dead.

No this wasn't happening no. I sat frozen looking at my screen in horror as a new message popped up on my screen. It was a video. I knew what was going to be on it before I hit play but part of me had to see it just to believe that this was really happening. A few seconds in and I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and jumped out the car to throw up on the side of the road. This was all my fault. His sick obsession with torturing me had led him to target her. Even after all this time, he had gotten what he wanted. 



"I'll give him another half hour and if he doesn't pick up I'll go out and look for him" I told Jules as we sat on the sofa in the Morgan's living room. It felt strange being here with everyone and not Alex. Natalie was in the kitchen with Mrs Morgan making hot drinks for everyone, Lucas was slumped in the chair opposite us looking downcast and Jules had vowed to stay with me to offer support. She knew how hard this was on everyone and she wanted to be there for us all. I'd tried to call Chase a few times but it just went unanswered. He left almost four hours ago and I was worried about him. He was angry and that was never a good thing. Zac had decided to make himself scarce and took off for a walk about half an hour ago, probably a good thing. Chase wasn't the only one who was mad at him and I knew he was only sticking around out of guilt. Him and Alex were over, that was obvious.

I picked up my phone to dial Chase again just as the door opened and he walked in. He looked wrecked, I'd never seen him looking so bad. Not since that night. His eyes were red, tears evident on his face. He looked around the room and slowly approached the police officer. He handed his phone over.

"Now do you believe us when we tell you Mike took her" he spoke flatly before looking at me and then across to Alex's mum who had come out of the kitchen.

"Don't play that in here" he directed before walking back out the front door.

Fuck, what the fuck was on his phone. I was up in an instant following him outside

"Chase, what the fuck man. What did you find?" I asked confused

He turned to look at me, devastation was all over his face "he has her. He called me"

"Okay, well maybe we can trace the call or something, it might help lead us to them" I offered trying to put a positive spin on a fucked up situation.

"He sent a video...he..." he closed his eyes and more tears fell down his cheeks. He couldn't speak the words but he didn't need to.

"No..." I felt tears prick my own eyes as I studied his crumpled expression, he met my gaze and just nodded before he fell to the ground and let his emotions take over. I ran forward and knelt down to comfort him but I knew deep down there was nothing I could say or do to take this pain away. I looked up to see Jules and Natalie both stood in the open doorway watching us with grave expressions. Tears rolled silently down Natalie's face. I don't know how long they had been stood there but it was probably long enough to hear our conversation. The police would surely be telling her mum any minute now. They had chases phone, they would be watching that sick video. I just hope that something in it would give us some sort of clue as to where he had her so this torture could be over for her.

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