Chapter Twenty four - I could never leave you

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I lay silently on the cold floor, I don't know how long I'd been here. I had no sense of time anymore but it had felt like an eternity. I'm pretty sure Mike had left me down here to die. I didn't know when he'd last been in here with me but it felt like a few days ago at least. My body ached and most of the time I drifted in and out of consciousness. I was starved to the point of exhaustion, I had no energy to even think of process what was going on. I tried to reach out to Chase but I didn't have the will power to do it. 

I heard a noise in the distance. Mike. He was back. I dreaded to think of what he would want from me this time. I felt nauseous even thinking about it. I used all my strength to huddle myself up in the corner to try and protect myself somehow even though I knew it was pointless. The blindfold was still over my eyes which I had become thankful for so I didn't have to look at his face. The sound of footsteps become louder as I heard the sound of the door open. I held my breath almost wishing that he just kill me and let this torture be over.

"Lex" a shaky voice croaked as confusion filled my senses. Was this some sort of trick, was Mike pretending to be Chase just to torture me more. I felt his hand brush against my cheek and I flinched as tears rolled down my cheeks. I'd given up on protesting against his touch, it was pointless.

"It's me Lex, I found you" he breathed. A slight warmth touched my face again as I realised the blindfold was being lifted. I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to watch him, I couldn't take anymore.

Baby's it's me, open your eyes baby. I'm here, you're safe now. It's me Chase

The thoughts filled my mind and for the first time I'm what felt like forever a glimmer of happiness filled me. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the most beautiful green eyes starring back at me.

"Chase" I barely whispered. My voice was so hoarse, I hadn't had anything to drink since the last time Mike was here and then that was no more than a few drops. "You found me, you came for me" I sobbed into his chest as he pulled me into him. I could feel him untying the rope that bound my hands behind my back as the relief of them finally being free brought another smile to my face.

"I could never leave you Lex, never" he soothed as his worried eyes took in the state my body was in. He removed his hoody and placed it gently over my head, helping me put my arms through the sleeves. "I'm going to carry you out okay?" He asked me as I felt his arms gently grip under my legs as he carried me bridal style out of my prison. I buried my face in his chest inhaling his warm sandalwood scent and praying that this was really happening and not just in my head. I'd wished for this everyday since Mike had kidnapped me and part of me couldn't quite believe that it was real.

"Nate, I'm going to pass her up to you" he called as we got near the entrance. I felt another pair of arms around me as I was lifted into the air. My brain had given up on me as I drifted in and out of reality.

"Chase" I slurred as I fought to open my eyes again.

"I'm here baby, I've got you. I'll never let you go" he whispered as I felt the warmth of his chest once again. 



"Chase I don't know how to ever thank you for finding her. I dread to even think of what I would of happened if she'd been down there much longer" Mrs Morgan sobbed as she pulled me into a tight hug. This was something I wasn't used to, her mum actually showing approval of me. She released me from her grasp as she moved around to take her place at Alex's bedside. I had the chair on the opposite side and we sat down silently. I took her hand in mine and gently stroked the back of her hand, part of me was just checking she was real, that this was really happening. It had been almost 24 hours since we'd found her and the doctors had given her some heavy sedatives so she could rest properly whilst her body recovered. She was severely dehydrated and barely had the energy to talk let alone stand when I'd found her. 

A soft knock on the door drew my attention away from my thoughts as I glanced at the door to see someone I didn't expect to see.

"Josh oh my gosh what are you doing here, I didn't know you were back in town?" Mrs Morgan bombarded him with questions as he entered the room and she greeted him with a friendly embrace.

"Luc called me and told me what had happened, I came back home as soon as I could. I'm really sorry this happened Mrs Morgan, I had no idea Mike was like this when I was friends with him" he said whilst shaking his head. Me and Josh had our differences in the past but I knew deep down he just wanted what was best for Alex and he knew where he stood with her. She only wanted his friendship and he accepted that. Still I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. I offered him a friendly nod but didn't move from my place at Alex's bedside.

"Natalie said you and Nate found her" he asked as he looked over at the fragile bruised girl lying in the hospital bed.

"Yeah...not soon enough though. I should have found her faster. Maybe then she wouldn't be in this state" I mumbled defeatedly.

"Chase without you we very nearly might never of found her, not in time anyway" Mrs Morgan spoke sternly. "I'm going to pop and grab a coffee and make some calls, I'll be back in about ten minutes" she finished before taking one more glance at her daughter and leaving the room.

"So they haven't found him then?" Josh asked glumly

"No, they think he'd been gone a couple of days. He left his car there, well a stolen car so I guess it wasn't really his to leave. He just left her there to die after what he did to her" I closed my eyes replaying it over in my head.

"She must have gone through hell" Josh sighed as he sat and looked over her.

"I'd do anything to turn back time and take this pain away from her. She didn't deserve this, not that anyone does but...I just hate that I couldn't save her from it" 

"You can't blame yourself for this Chase, Alex wouldn't want that. She's going to need you to be strong for her, to be there for her. She might not be the same Alex that we remember from before this happened. Something like this can change you forever"

I knew he was right. I needed to pull my shit together. She would be awake soon and the last thing I needed was to be having a pity party and making this all about me when she woke up. As hard as this had been on the rest of us it was her who had to live through it, this happened to her and I was going to do whatever I could to be there for her.

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