Chapter fourteen - What's past is past

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I pulled up outsides Jules's and sat behind the wheel for a minute just playing back the events of the morning in my mind. Shit was going to hit the fan with Chase and Alex. I could see it before it even happened, they had unresolved history. I of all people understood that I thought to myself as I raked my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. I had to pull myself together, I couldn't get sucked back down that rabbit hole again. I had Jules now, I loved her.

I opened the door and slowly made my way towards her house, a smile covered my face as I watched the door open revealing my gorgeous girlfriend. Her blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail and her green eyes sparkled at me as I approached and pulled her into my chest.

"I missed you" she purred into my ear before pulling my lips down to meet hers. She was a fairly petite build with her head only reaching up to my shoulders. The perfect height for my to rest my chin on I always joked to her.

"Missed you too babe" I smiled back at her as we broke away from our kiss. Her eyes studied me and I saw a hint of concern flash across her face.

"Somethings up? What is it?" She asked as she stepped aside and gestured for me to come inside. We tend to hang out at her place, it was much nicer than mine and we'd been spending a lot of time together the past few months, it was no surprise she could tell something was up. I followed her as she walked through to the kitchen her worried gaze stayed focused on me. 

"I'm just worried about Chase" I admitted as I thought back to what he'd said this morning, he'd never be able to let Alex go.

"Your worried about how him and Alex" she stated more than asked as she took a step closer, her expression turning to one of sympathy. I nodded as I pulled her into my chest, she always knew how to read me. How to comfort me when I needed it. 

"I'm worried he's going to get hurt, I don't want things to turn out how they did before" I sighed as I rested my head on top of hers. Her arms gripped me tighter in way of comfort.

"You're worried he will do something like that again" she asked as she pulled away and looked directly into my eyes "you think he'd hurt himself again?" She whispered in concern.

"Maybe, I don't know. I just know someone is going to end up hurt. He refuses to move on but Alex she's....she has Zac now...but I..."

"You think she still has feelings for Chase?" She questioned seriously 

"I know for a fact she does. She's just trying to deny it. It won't end well" I shook my head in frustration.

"Does she still have feelings for you?" She asked in almost a whisper. My eyes immediately shot down to meet hers. I could see the worry etched on her face. This was my fault, I'd betrayed her when I'd kissed Alex the morning after the party. I don't know what even came over me, I loved Jules. I wanted Jules. 

"Baby I know I don't deserve your trust after what I did the other day but you have to believe me when I say I love you, I only want you. Kissing Alex was a mistake, she knows that as well, I'm not in love with her like that anymore it was just a moment of weakness after not seeing her for so long, those emotions just hit me before I could process things properly" 

She looked up at me with sad green eyes "but does she still love you?"

I didn't know how to answer that one, I'd certainly felt a pull from Alex when we'd kissed. She felt the tingles that I had felt, that attraction but I was sure after seeing her with Chase that her heart was with him and not me. After everything we'd gone through, who knows. I knew I loved Jules and although part of me would always love Alex I wasn't in love with her like I was before. Jules had my heart now.

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