Chapter 1

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Main Characters
Eden Spark 18 Human
Raven Parks 18 Soon to be Alpha Blue Acre Hill Pack
Jaxson 17 Soon to be Beta
Tess 17 Werewolf
Max 17 Werewolf
Olivia 17 Max's twin Werewolf
Debbie Wright 23 Human
Carter Michaels 21 Werewolf
Layla Goldsmith 20 Human

Chapter 1

Last day of school had finally ended and Eden was so happy he could almost jump for joy almost being the word because now he had 3 months of being with his family and apparently he was a waste of space. He said good bye to his friends and headed up the drive, he was a bit confused as both his parents cars were here when they should be at work. Did he do something wrong again.... Is he in trouble, he opened the door quickly but quietly expecting to be shouted at the moment he stepped foot in the door but it was silent, like scary silent, he went up stairs dumped his bag in his bedroom and went back downstairs in search of food in the kitchen, still no parents, this is strange. Upon entering the kitchen he noticed a note sitting on the table

We have decided to go on a family holiday with your sister for 2 weeks as she has been so stressed revising and sitting her exams, here is some money see you in 2 weeks.

Wow just wow, he sits down and just stares at the note, is he really that bad a son and brother, he doesn't think so, ok so he isn't getting straight A's in all his classes but he is getting A and B's it could be so much worse. Most of him felt hurt, unloved and rejected by the people that are meant to love him the most, the last part of him had given up hope that they would ever love him and just wanted to get through the final year of school and get away, he wasn't going to come back ever he had already decided that, he would happily spend family holidays by himself if it came to it, he had money saved, he was applying for scholarships, he was going to do everything so he didn't have to take a penny from the people he lived with. He had a decent amount saved up, he had a job at a gym in the next town over, he was quite well built not that most people at school knew, he lived in baggy clothes, he wasn't very tall 5 foot 8, he wished he could hit 6 foot hell he would be happy with 5'11.

He spent Saturday and Sunday at work with his head in the clouds, thinking about that note, they haven't contacted him should he contact them but then what would he say, Hey I'm the son you didn't want just checking in? Nope not going to happen, he was being stubborn but he had to be, they would contact him first. His friends had also been messaging him but he hadn't replied to a single message he was just a bit depressed, angry, hurt and annoyed and he knew he would take it out on them and they all had prefect families, he once tried explaining his home life to them and they just didn't get it they thought he was blowing everything out of portion so he kept quiet to the point he never ever mentioned his family or his home or anything to do with family, any events that required family he went by himself or just didn't go either and no one said anything, actually now he was thinking about it, they aren't very nice friends.
6;00pm freedom from work, even though he works in the gym he still likes to run in the woods that is behind his house, he feels at home in it, a lot of the time he sits high in the branches and stares at the sky watching all the stars.

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