Chapter 23

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Eden has been gone half an hour, I have checked all the bathrooms, I checked the kitchen, I was now looking in the garden but came up empty. I rushed back into the house and found our group "Eden is missing" I mindlinked "what?" Jackson said "I can't find him anywhere" I walked back into the kitchen, people had started to leave the party and the kitchen was empty. Jackson followed behind me, "can you smell that?" "Smell what?" He started to sniff the kitchen, when he came across a drink, he picked it up and sniffed it "it's been drugged". I was pacing backwards and forwards in the kitchen pulling my hair out when the rest of our group came in with two other people, I growled, wolves but not part of a pack, Olivia and Max both jumped in front of them "stop Raven, they are our mates" "where's Eden?" Marsha said looking around "I can't find him and this drink has been drugged" I saw the 2 new wolves look at each other, Jackson saw the look as well "what the hell do you know, tell us right now" his wolf taking over. Olivia stepped in and started talking "This is Tommy my mate and his twin sister Tammy is Max's mate, they are lone wolves that go to the university" "that doesn't tell me what I want to know" Hero growled out "Umm so we heard a rumour that someone was trying to take down your pack, apparently Carter Michaels is involved" "What has Carter done now" we all turned to see Debbie, "ummmmm, Eden is missing" I shout out knowing that Debbie doesn't know about wolves "and maybe Carter is involved" she looks concerned "I knew he was no good, I told him not to go on that date with him?" Layla was rubbing Debbie's arm "that was who he went on a date with?" Tess asked in disbelief, Debbie nodded "yeah and everytime I see Carter he has asked about Eden, it got a bit weird, do you think he took Eden?"
We all looked at each other.

We left the party went back to the hotel, I spoke to mum and she told us to come home now, as we pulled in to the packhouse the sun was rising and my phone went off. I walked into the kitchen "I'm so sorry Raven, we will find him" I pulled out my phone and saw it was Edens number, I opened it and it was a picture of Eden unconscious and tide up, I showed it to everyone.
Don't hurt him, who are you, what do you want?
I didn't get a reply, I was told to go to bed and sleep for a few hours but how was I meant to do that, I knew I couldn't go back to mine and Edens place, so I collapsed in a guest roomed and stared at the ceiling until I fell asleep.
The next 3 days were bad, I couldn't control Hero he had taken over and destroyed the guest room, going out for runs were not helping any more, we had every wolf out looking we had contacted all the local packs, nothing, I tried phoning Edens numbers but they never answered, I haven't had another picture, our bond hasn't broken so I know he isn't dead which is the only thing keeping me going.
"Raven get into the lounge now!" Shouted my mum, I stumbled about the room grabbing a top and trousers and made my way to the lounge, I opened the door and walked in to see Carter on his knees in front of my mum and Jackson, I ran to him and was about to punch him when Jackson held me back "what the hell Jackson!" I bellowed "listen to what he has to say" "whatever it is, it's going to be a lie" I shouted "calm down, and let him talk and then if you don't believe him....well we can go from there" it took another 5 minutes for Hero to give me back control, by that point Carter was sitting on the sofa, I kept pacing
"start your story then" he coughed "ummm well my parents did something in our previous pack that got us kicked out, I don't know what I was probably around 10 or 11 we became lone wolves travelling around America, we arrived in California when I was 15, dad said he had become friends with the local rogues and that they had an Alpha of sorts, so we decided to settle here, me and my sister started school, mum died when I was 16 hit and run so my dad said but really I'm not sure, after that he spent more and more time with his rogue friends and left me at home to bring up Maisie, by 17 my dad was out of control, one evening the Alpha Rogue Dwayne barged into our house and said that my dad had attacked him and tried to take his title and that Dwayne had killed him and as punishment me and my sister were now his to do as he pleased, I couldn't let him touch my sister she was 13, so I agreed but not to touch my sister, he agreed, over the years I have done his dirty work, well this time, I said it was the last job I was willing todo and that the debt was settled he agreed, my last job was to find the weakness in the Blue Acre Hill pack, I was looking at your father, I knew he had a temper, I was trying to see if he had done anything, then I started looking at other people he hung out with but then I met Eden and found he went to your school and thought I could use him so I asked him on a date, but we got interrupted by Dwayne's Beta and Eden done a runna, i didn't know until later that Eden was your mate and the next Luna the Beta really messed that up, when I found out Layla was having another party I knew Eden would come, I just had to wait, my job was to get him to Alpha Dwayne and he would give me my sister and we would be free. I did my job but he lied and didn't hand me my sister" 
I was shaking my head "so you gave up my mate for your sister and in the end lost both of them" I said through gritted teeth, all he did was nod and sob "I'm sorry ok, I just wanted my only family back, I only have my sister left, I left Eden with a key it would open the back door, he just needs to get out whatever room he is being held in", "you need to tell us where you took Eden now!" "I was told to take him to a warehouse on the edge of the city, I don't know the address but we can drive there"
I looked at Jackson then my mum, "what do you guys think?" I said through mindlink just as pain ripped rough my body making me scream out and collapse on the floor, i gritted my teeth as I tried to get back up, Jackson grabbed my hand "you ok?" I shook my head No "Eden, whatever happened, just happened to Eden and he is human so goddess knows the pain he must be feeling, we need to find him now, Jackson get the warriors now, Cater your coming with me, we will take the car so we can get Eden home quickly" Carter stood up "And my sister, she has done nothing wrong" I nodded as I headed for the door "fine".

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