Chapter 13

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Wow oh wow oh wow, we are so happy, he has been watching me if he knew I tilted my head and the fact he wanted Hero to be his human boyfriend, I need to tell him, I will after the talent show, it would be the perfect time, I will ask him out on a date.

I don't know how Eden does it he is always the first person in the locker room already in his gym kit, it's like he is hiding something and the fact he doesn't get changed here either, I hope it's not something bad, maybe he is just shy, because he can be very very shy and nervous and other times he just oozes confidence and you never know which Eden your going to get, it's like he is fighting a battle between the two.
I made sure to pick Eden for my team then spent most of the lesson talking to him, he has such beautiful eyes and his laugh it's soft and caring, I can feel myself falling for him, I just hope he is starting to like me in return, it will make explaining a lot easier.
I was waiting to take my shot at the basketball ring when I felt eyes on me, I turned to see two girls walking up to me, with way to much makeup on, "Raven, so nice to see you again, I didn't know we would be in the same gym class together" I can't even remember her name, she then attached herself to my arm, Hero was getting angry, I growled "get off me, I'm not interested, leave me alone" I then moved so I was the other side of Eden. He looked her up and down "you need to tone down the make up your just scaring everyone away, you look like a clown" I tried to hide my laugh but it didn't work, her face was priceless she stuttered then huffed and stormed off "thanks that's made my day she has been a pain in the ass for a while now", he shrugged "No problem, so have you dated her of something?" I shook my head "Nope, not interested" Eden raised his eyebrows "ok", something felt off with the way he said OK like he didn't believe me, "what do you mean by Ok?" He looked back at where the girls left "I meant nothing most guys like the Barbie look" "so you do like the Barbie look?" He then whispered in my ear "Nope, but then I don't really like most girls, I prefer guys" he pulled back from my ear just as coach yelled for everyone to tidy up the gym and like that Eden ran off.
I noticed Eden had grabbed his gear and legged it out the locker room probably heading home, I didn't have time for a shower at school as dad wanted me at home as soon as school was over, I was walking through the hallway when I heard our schools councillor so I slipped into the nearest room
"I really believe talking about it would help you"
The student laughed "really it happened at the beginning of summer, I have been back in school what over 3 weeks and it's taken you that long to come and find me, to talk about my issues, I don't want to talk about my issues especially to you, I think you know what happened it's probably written in your folder your holding there, They died"
I heard footsteps so I guess the kid walked away "Eden please come back" I stuck my head out the door, who died? Ok now I'm really worried about him. I want to go after him but dad wants me back home and you can't go against an Alpha.
I walk into my house and mom is not in the kitchen, "Mom, where are you?" I shout, I was already in a bad mood as Tess told me Eden had a date tonight, I've got to speak to him.
"In your dads office" comes her reply, I sigh as I make my way to his office and walk through the door to find them whispering, they look up at me. Great what have I done now.
"So son, I have decided that you will not be taking over the pack until you have found your mate" "What, that's not fair, you said I would take over the pack when I turned 18 which was nearly a month ago"
"Well I changed my mind, You will now start looking for your mate, you will be going to all the packs in the state over the coming weekends to find her" I huff and throw my bag in the chair, I look at mom who gives me a sad face. "You took over the pack without mom and you did just fine, why am I different, are you saying I'm not good enough?" I was trying to keep my voice level but finding it very very hard
"Yes that's what I'm saying" "your unbelievable, I have straight A's at school, I don't sleep around, I help out around the pack house, I do everything you ask, I have never rebelled against you......unbelievable, fine you know what, I'm done" I turn round storm out the door go to my room and grab a bag and stuff some clothes in it and walk back through the house, mom sees me and comes to me crying "don't go please, please don't leave the territory" she whispered knowing if I did without consent I would become a rogue. I got in my car I had no idea where I was going, after an hour or so, of driving around and my friends trying to mind link me, I dropped my car off at the school and the ran to Eden's tree house, what was good was it started to rain just as I got there so my pack wouldn't be able to trace my scent. I just needed some time to think, it was pretty roomy in here, there were even some blankets seems like he spent a lot of time in here.

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