Chalter 19

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We didn't stop at 2 rounds....we went all night. We were rudely woken up by a phone ringing somewhere in the room, it finally stopped and then started again, I looked over at Eden as he was mumbling something in his sleep, I grabbed my jeans and grabbed my phone and saw I had missed calls from my dad and mum, I turned my phone off and snuggled back into Edens arms. Eden woke me up a couple of hours later by kissing my lips.
"Morning puppy" I had my eyes closed "I'm not a puppy" I groaned "yes you are your my gorgeous puppy" I opened my eyes to look at him and widen my eyes in shock his neck, I shot up and then groaned my back side was killing, he grabbed my hand "is everything ok?" "Yeah yeah, look in the mirror" he picked me up and walked to the bathroom, we stood next to each other looking in the mirror, we had matching mate marks, a wolf being hugged by boy sitting next to a tree house, Eden was touching his mark "wow, it's stunning and so spot on, I love it" he turned to me with the biggest smile "I know it's gorgeous, I'm glad that I got one too, I know it's silly but I really wanted a mate mark" he looked at our marks for a few more minutes "come on baby let's get in the shower, how are you feeling?" Eden asked as he turned the shower on and checked the temp, we got in once the temp was warm, I moaned once the water hit my back "I'm good, sore but good, you did destroy my arse" he just laughed and kissed my mark, making tingles shoot through me "hey no fair" we washed each other "So did you prefer being a top or bottom" he was washing his hair I let him finish and then answered "I know I'm an Alpha and should say top but I actually preferred you taking charge, do you have a preference?" I could see him thinking about it for a minute "I prefer topping but I don't mind being a bottom every so often if you want to switch" I nodded "ok cool" we finished in the shower, I slowly got dressed with Eden laughing at me, I'm going to have to go home today, I have run out of clothes. We ate breakfast but I was struggling to sit down "I thought werewolves healed quickly" "yeah the pain should be gone in an hour or two" once we had finished breakfast and the mess cleared away "I need to go home today and ummm I think you should come with me, I can't really hide my mate mark" "ummm ok I guess" I could see he was nervous.
"Oh can we try something, I want to see if the mindlink will work"
"Hay handsome" I said via mindlink
"I heard that you say Hay handsome, so I just have to think what I'm saying" I nodded
"Thank you puppy" he mindlinked back "well done"
"So, to block the mindlink think of a wall, brick by brick" he nodded "ok I will try to mindlink
"I'm not a puppy" I felt his shield up
"I can feel something, like someone is tapping at my mind" "yeah that was me, so to open the link back up just think about taking the bricks away"
"I'm not a puppy" I mindlinked "yes you are, you are my puppy" he mindlinked back
"Perfect, I wasn't sure if you would be able to mindlink"
We went back into his bedroom and stripped the bed putting new sheets on it. "Eden, ummm what's with the scars on your back?" He stopped putting the pillows back and tensed "sorry sorry, you don't have to tell me" he turned to look at me "can we talk about it another day, today is a happy day" "Ok"
My phone was still off and in my pocket as Eden drove to the pack house, with me giving directions, we were both tense, wondering what would be in store for us. He parked next to my car and we got out and stood in front of his car, I held out my hand and he took it smiling at me "this is the packhouse, the Alpha family and Beta family lives here, everyone else lives in the houses in town" "it's beautiful, I love the woods surrounding it, bet it's helpful" he said as he turned to me winking, I just laughed, we walked in through the front door, this is strange no one is around, I showed him the kitchen, lounge, dining room and games room. That's when we heard noises from outside.
"What do you mean you can't find him, how hard is it to use your noses?" My mother screamed "I'm sorry Luna but the scent ended at the ice cream parlour" the guy whispered, I turned to look at Eden who just shrugged his shoulders, we slowly walked out the doors "you looking for us?" I said as my mother whipped her head round "Damn it boy, we have been worried sick, you can't disappear like that" she shouted, I looked at her confused, "I told you I was with Eden" she went to say something then stopped and looked at me then Eden, a smile morphed on her face "oh my, he is so handsome, more so than the video" she came up to him "I'm Ravens mum Mel but you can call me mum if you want" she said hugging him, I saw him tense up "Umm hi nice to meet you, I think I will stick with Mel...for the moment" she let him go.
"You know you dad is furious with you, just disappearing" I just shrugged my shoulders "ok, he can just turn me rogue then" I heard gasps around me, that when I noticed most of the pack were in the field. I turned to Eden "so this is the Blue Acre Hill pack, my mum is Luna and my father well he is Alpha oh I forgot to say Jaxson will be my Beta so second in command" "ok but why is everyone staring" he whispered he then rolled his eyes "there was no point in me whispering was there?" People started to giggle "No not really" "hey no fair, I need to get use to your sonic hearing ok" he said lightly hitting my arm.
We all heard a growl as 4 wolves ran out the woods straight for us, I turned to Eden to see his face is shock, I went to smirk but I saw a tear roll down his face and him mumble "No fucking way" he then touched his back, he quickly wiped he tear away. I'm now confused what the hell.
"Raven Parks!" My father said via mindlink the wolves were in front of us and quickly shifted and clothes were thrown at them.
"Where the hell have you been, this is unacceptable behaviour for an Alpha" he growled as he got in my face, I still had a death grip on Edens hand, I then heard a scoff and both my father and my self turned to see Eden staring my father down. "Who the fuck are you boy?" He shouted in his Alpha tone making most people whimper and submit, Eden tried not to move, but it hurt him a bit "Boy who you calling a boy, if that's the case, I can call you old man" the guys around us inhaled sharply, what is he doing, does he want to get killed. "Who does it look like I am, I'm Ravens mate" everyone stopped you could hear a pin drop. "What did he say Raven" my fathers eyes drilled into me "No no old man, look back at me, your talking to me not Raven" my father has steam coming out his ears "dad he doesn't mean anything" "oh I do, you see he said what you did was unacceptable behaviour for an Alpha so what I want to know is, what is about attacking an 8 year old human boy as he walked back from his tree house and leaving him for dead, is that acceptable Mr Alpha" Eden had narrowed his eyes at my father, everyone was like stone.
"Dad what's he talking about?" I whispered as I remembered his scars on his back. "Did you attack Eden when he was younger" my dad just scoffed "He was a human boy, he was in the way, he is unimportant" a slap was heard and I realised it was my mum hitting my dads face "a defenceless child, how dare you, you are a monster.....I can't believe you are my mate, my husband the father to my children, were you three involved as well?" she said looking at the men behind my father, they just looked at the floor "the one in the middle wasn't with him but the other two were" Eden said My mother just shook her head and sighed "ive got no idea what to do with you, any of you, what you did is a crime" I could see my father was eying our hands which were intertwined still "I can't believe my son has a male mate" he growled "Shut up!!!" My mum screamed making us all submit including my father, my mum never gets angry. "You three get in the dining room now, everyone else get lost, Raven, Eden come with me".

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