Chapter 10

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I want to know what's going on with Eden who is this Debb's person and why is he getting girls, he doesn't need anyone but me. I was pacing back and forth in the living room when my mom comes in "Honey are you ok?" I sigh and collapse in the chair "Yes....No" I look up at her, she has a worried look on her face, I rub a hand over my face "is dad here" "No why" "good, you can't tell him, ok what I'm about to say, you can't tell him, promise" "your scaring me but I promise" I took a deep breath "I found my mate" my mom was smiling and clapped "congrat" "there's more, they are human" "Oh, ummm we haven't had a human in our pack for nearly 10 years, but that shouldn't be a probably, congrat" "I haven't finished, my mate it's a guy" my mom just stares at me "oh" then it's like a light bulb went off
"that's why you were so grumpy with your dad about having all the girls at your party you knew it was gonna be a guy" I nodded my head "your not upset are you?" I don't want her to be upset "Gosh no, the goddess picked your mate as your perfect other half, tell me about him" we sat on the sofa "that's the problem, I don't know much about him, his name is Eden from what people say he use to be really quiet and shy and liked to hide in the background, he was kind of a push over, then he comes back from summer break and he is a completely different person, he won't talk to anyone, shuts everyone out, I tried to start a conversation with him and he didn't really care or want to know, I don't have any classes with him apart from PE, what should I do?" "I'm guessing you haven't told anyone you found your mate" I shook my head "I think you should tell your friends and maybe they can help you, like if he is  in their classes they could talk to him, if you pass in the corridors say Hi, small steps at a time, then maybe ask if he wants to hang out in a big group" "that's a really good idea, thanks mom, please don't tell dad, I will do it but not yet" "do you think he will be angry?" "I have no idea and that's the problem"

I knew Eden was working Saturday, but I wasn't sure about Sunday I hoped he would show up at the treehouse, I would love to know why he goes to it.

I was so knackered Saturday at work I felt like a zombie but I got through it, I was meant to work Sunday but I got a call saying it was pretty much dead so they didn't need me in, I did I bit of pottering around the house when I came across a necklace that opened to show 2 pictures, one was of me and Chloe when we were small and the other was my mother with someone that looked like her.....a twin, but what, there were no other pictures when I cleared the house out, so my mum was a twin...maybe.... I put the locket in my pocket and continued to tidy up when I came across some mixed cds I put them on, they were Chloe's I was smiling for the first few songs then I started to cry and I couldn't stop, I needed to get out the house.

It was dusk I started to run to the only place I felt safe, my vision was blurry but I still managed to come to a complete stop when I saw a massive wolf standing in front of me, he was nearly as tall as me, midnight black fur but with blue coloured eyes, one word to describe him "Stunning" I whispered I put my hands up and bowed my head slightly "I mean you no harm" I whispered he whined at that and laid down under the tree to the tree house, I really wanted to touch the wolf, am I crazy I slowly moved closer to him he watched me with his beautiful eyes "your beautiful" I whispered as I wiped the tears from my eyes, I slowly put my hand out and started to stroke him, he started to purr and laid his head down, I sat down next to him, I was sniffing as the tears started to fall again, he lift his head and looked at me, it was as if he wanted to know why I was crying "I'm sorry for interrupting you but you are sitting under my treehouse and I come here when I'm upset or scared, I'm crazy I'm talking to a giant wolf" he huffed at me "sorry" we sat in silence I was now snuggled into his fur "you make me feel safe, I haven't felt safe or happy in years" I laughed to myself "yep I've gone crazy, a wolf, I feel safe with a wolf, even after what happened when I was a kid, I'm definitely losing it" he was watching me, it was like he understood me, animals can't understand humans, can they? No?. I was running my fingers through his fur "do you ever feel so lost you don't know if your drowning under the weight of being so lost, I don't know if im even making sense, something happened and I'm not sure how to deal with it, have I even been dealing with it, I think I have just bottled it up and hidden it, they say talking is good for the soul but I don't have anyone to talk to, did I ever, Debbie" the wolf whined, I turned to look at him "now am I going crazy because it seemed like you just whined at me for saying the name Debbie" the wolf just carried on looking at me "so I guess I could talk to Debbie but she was my sister's friend maybe even best friend I don't want her version of my sister tainted" I sighed "maybe....Carter but I've only just met him, and he will run if he knows how fucked up my head is" I start crying again, the wolf tries to nuzzle me, "thank you wolfie, I think I'm going to name you Midnight because your fur is as black as midnight" he started to purr at that. I must have fallen asleep as I woke up as the sun was coming up "Crap" I jumped up the wolf had kept me warm all night, he opened his eyes and seemed as confused as I did I bent down and stroked him "thank you midnight for keeping me warm, I have to go, I need to get to school, I hope to see you again" I kissed his fur and ran off.

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