Chapter 15

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Because I blocked the mindlink my friends have been messaging me like crazy but the only one I was interested in was the ones from Tess saying that Eden didn't enjoy his date last night and that he left after an hour. Good no one gets my mate, he is ours, his little treehouse made us feel very content and happy, I didn't go to school today, I needed to get my thoughts in order I was going to be completely honest with Eden, no lying and if he didn't want to know, well we will get to that when we get to it. I decide to run to Eden's house, so I shift and pick up my bag in my mouth, I feel so free running as Hero, I go crashing through the trees and come face to face with Eden
"Oh hello wolfie, what you got there?" I put the bag down and then shift and grab the bag to cover myself, I slowly look up to Eden "should have guessed" I tilted my head confused, "do you need clothes?" "No" he turned around, I grabbed some shorts and a t shirt out my bag, once I was dressed I tapped him on the shoulder "come on let's go inside". I walk behind Eden into the kitchen and take a seat at the island, I watch his muscles move as he gets 2 bottles of water out the fridge and hands one to me then takes a seat next to me "why aren't you afraid or scared of me?" "I've known about werewolves for about 10 years" I turn to face him my face must have been a picture because he started to laugh "yeah your friends aren't quiet whilst talking, but also I have first hand experience of wolves and not the nice experience but that's another story, what I want to know is why you decided to shift in front of me now"
"Ok, I'm going to tell you everything, you might know some stuff but let me finish" he nods "so I turned 18 on the first of September, which is when I can find my mate" he is nodding so he knows about mates maybe"so my father held a party and invited all the females from local packs, but I knew my mate wasn't going to be there, because well because I'm gay but my father doesn't know that...yet" he puts his elbows on the island and his face in his hand whilst watching me, with a slight smile. "Anyways my parents told me not to leave the party but I did and I went running in my wolf form when I picked up a scent Strawberry's and Sugar it led me to your tree house" when I said that Eden straightened his back but didn't say anything "so I camped out but no one came, so I went to school and could still smell Strawberries and when we had Gym I realised the smell came from you, you are my mate, do you know what a mate is to a wolf Eden?" He was looking at me wide eyed, he nodded "yes, so that's why, I can't stop thinking about you" "yeah, I'm just that good looking that I'm always in your dreams" he snorts "keep dreaming Raven" after a minute

" I wanted to get to know you before I dropped a bomb shell on you but you are very hard to talk to, your walls are very very high, I even got Tess and Olivia involved" I put my hand over my mouth "don't worry I knew about them years ago, they can talk forever and most people forget I'm around, it's amazing what you can find out" he said with a sad smile "but what made you decide today was the day?" " I wasn't going to, I was going to ask you out after the show thing on Friday but something happened last night" I sighed, Eden rubbed my shoulders sending sparks through both of us "will that happen everytime we touch?" "No, once we are mated, it will just be a warm feeling going through us" Eden hummed "shall we move to the lounge to finish your story" once we were comfortable on the sofa "so dad always said once I was 18 I would take over the pack,Oh I forgot, my dads the Alpha so I will be the Alpha and you would be the Lunar, do you know what they are?" "They run the pack, don't they?" "Yeah they do, so once I turned 18 I would get the pack,I get home last night and find out that dad won't give me the pack until I find my mate and then tells me that I need to go to all the local packs until I find my girl, I kinda had an argument with him and left, I slept in your treehouse last night, I wanted to get to know you before everything and everyone got in the way, I have no idea how my dad or the pack is going to react to you being a guy and secondly a human, we haven't had a human in the pack for over 10 years" I'm rubbing my forehead when I felt Eden grab my hand and hold onto it bringing it away from my face making Hero purr.
"I don't know what to say as I don't know your family but I'm sure they would be happy for you, are you happy that............that your mate is me?" He looks straight in my eyes I can tell he is holding his breath "of course I'm happy that your my mate" he smiled and started to breath again "though I don't know much about you but we can fix that right?" He nods
"So what's your wolf called I'm guessing it's not midnight" I laugh "no his name is called Hero and he is very happy that you haven't run away and have accepted us". We are both smiling at each other "So what happens now?" Eden asks slowly "Can we not think about that now, I'm hungry can we go out to eat" Eden gets up letting go of my hand and the warmth has gone "it's fine I can cook dinner, let me see what's in the fridge" "when are your parents back, will they be having dinner" I looked at Eden he froze slightly and then pretended he didn't pulling out some steak "oh they are away on business" I will let that drop for the moment, it's just strange looking around the room there are no family pictures.
I have so many questions for him but I know he isn't going to answer them yet, his walls are still to high but I will break them down, one at a time.
Over dinner we talked about our favourite things and our dislikes, I never realised how much of a fitness freak Eden actually was, I guess because he hid himself in baggy clothing but now he is all mine, Hero is in my head chanting Mark him Mark him. I remind him that Eden is human and needs time and that's what I'm going to give him but I will need to explain the process I guess. After dinner we go to sit in front of the Tv and stick on Star Wars "do you mind if I hug you Eden" he seemed taken back by the question "Ok" he stands up as I walk over to him, he fits into me like a glove his hands wrap round my waist whilst I hug him back, I break from the hug "thank you" he smiled we both sat on the sofa, he automatically curled up next to me so I put my arm round him and pulled him into me, at some point he grabbed blankets to put over us and we fell asleep.

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