Chapter 14

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As Monday finished I walked back to the locker room, smiling, I finally told someone, ok I didn't say I'm gay or anything like that, I just said I like guys and it felt like a bit of weight had been lifted, I grabbed my phone to see Carter had text me asking if I wanted to meet up tonight I replied yes and told him I would see him at 6 at a coffee shop round the corner from Debbs place.  As I was walking out the school I got jumped by our guidance teacher wanting me to talk to her, how about no, I'm not talking to you lady. Well that dampened my mood. But by the time I got to my car I was smiling again, I saw Tess and Olivia walking up to me "what's made you so happy?" "Got a date tonight" I said with a shrug, Tess looked at Olivia and they both made faces like they had sucked lemons, I looked down at my phone and Debbie was calling me.
"Hi Debbie"
"You free to talk"
"Yeah I good, just got out of school, walking to my car, what did you wanna talk about"
She giggled I've known her 4 months and she has never giggled "I want to say thank you for pushing me with Layla"
"No problem, you both liked each other, I didn't really do much but I am never and I mean never doing your forfeits again, I do not like having my chest licked by random women" as I said that I saw Tess and The others minus Raven stare right at me as if they could hear me from all the way over the other side of the car park, I sat on the bonnet of my car. "I guess something good came out of that forfeit tho, I got a date"
"Oh who with?"
"That guy that also licked my chest, Carter"
I heard a sharp intake of breath
"You mean Carter Michaels?"
"I don't know his last name, but I guess so?"
"Eden, be very careful, he is bad news" I looked up at and could still see Tess looking at me "what do you mean he is bad news, like how bad is bad, like I should run the other way with a baseball bat just in case he comes for me or take pepper spray just in case he gets handys with me" I said whilst playing with my laces on my shoes
"Bad as in run, run and keep running" I look back at Tess and see Raven with them "Oh....that kind of bad, I go on the date, I feel like I should go on the date and then decide for myself, if I feel uncomfortable I will just leave, we are just going for coffee"
"I don't like it Eden"
"I know you don't but I'm a big boy"
"I just feel like I need to look out for you."
"Yeah I get, I have no one, I'm alone poor little me"
"Eden I didn't" I cut her off and pulled open my car door and slammed it a bit to aggressively "Fuck"
I wasn't talking to Debbie but I sent her the address, just in case, I found a parking space and got out the car and walked to the coffee shop/bar, it wasn't sure what it wanted to be, I spotted Carter before he saw me, he looked good but not as good as Raven, what? Where did that thought come from. Carter was eying up everyone which was making me uncomfortable already and I hadn't even sat down, just great.
I walked up and pulled the chair opposite Carter, he looked up from his phone "Hi Eden" I sat down "Hi Carter" "what's good here?" As I pulled the menu out "oh pretty much everything" "so you come here a lot?" "You could say that" I looked up at him to see him checking out the waitresses arse as she walked past, is it to early to leave, I think to myself.
I order a ham and cheese toastie and a lemonade, he gets a steak sandwich and a beer, i have decided I'm gonna keep my answers guarded, I don't trust him, he starts the questions off "so where abouts do you live?" "Oh as I said I live an hour away over by Blue Acre Hills" he seems to get stiff at that "is that a problem ?" "Ummm it's just I'm not allowed over there, I got in some trouble with some people I really shouldn't of" "Oh" not much else I can say to that, "so you know I'm 18 and at school, how old are you and what do you do?" "I'm 21 and I'm studying business at the university, didn't really know what I wanted to do, still not sure,  but it is what it is" the waitress comes over with our food "oh hi Carter, how are you sweetie, you coming over to Zac's later we can finish what we started on Saturday?" She winked at him and smiled, I was watching him and her, he looked like someone caught doing something he shouldn't have, he coughed "ummm no I'm not, I'm busy" pointing to me "Oh well your loss" I pick up my toastie and wait for him to talk, I'm gonna make him sweat just a little "So, I'm guessing, you want to know what that was ?" I shrug my shoulders "was gonna see if your gonna lie or not" I'm watching him careful "no point in lying" "Good" "so I have a what you call a friends with benefits thing going on with a few people" he shrugs whilst looking at me "ok" "what, is that all your gonna say" "what do you want me to say, we aren't dating or seeing each other, we only arranged this yesterday, I might be a bit more annoyed if you hooked up after we arranged this but you didn't" "ok"
It was a bit awkward for a little while after, but we kept to safe questions and it did start to relax but I don't think I see anything romantic happening, just as we were finishing our drinks 3 big guys walked in and straight up to our table "Carter" "what do you want Mark" Carter growled out "just came in here to grab a drink but as I saw you thought I best remind you of our agreement" Carter shifted in his seat and got up very slowly I'm sure his eyes changed colour "I know what our agreement is, I definitely haven't forgotten about it, I'm working on it, now leave me alone" he growled, what is it with growling, the whole place was silent like at any moment this was going to turn into a massive fight, one of Marks friends put his hand on Carter's shoulder and slammed him back down into his seat "Good boy, now stay" again I'm sure his eyes changed colour again, we watched them walk out, I turned back to Carter who was breathing heavily "Are you ok?" He gritted his teeth "I'm fine" "yeah and I'm the Queen of England, and I think that's my cue to leave" I got up and left him sitting in his seat, I walked back to my car and text Debbie
Total trouble not worth it.

I looked at the clock in the car and realised I had only been in there just over an hour it felt like hours and not in a good way, there was just something about him that was off. I shook myself out of my thoughts and drove home.

The next day at school, Tess was sitting next to me in Science, the teacher told us to answer the questions on page 24 and 25 and then I think fell asleep or he died.
"I want to say sorry for how I acted Yesterday" I looked up from my book "huh" "after you said you had a date I ignored you" "oh did you" I shrugged my shoulders "can't say I remember" the bell rang we all packed our things away and headed for the door "Did you want to sit with us for lunch?" "It will have to be quick as the show is this Friday and I need to practice"she dragged me through the hallway and into the cafeteria "you buying food Eden?" "God no, make my own" I went and sat at the table she pointed to no one else was on it, a couple of minutes later Tess turned up and then other people.

my phone started to ring, Debbie, I sighed "Hi" "Hi Eden, I want to apologise for what I said" "what is it with people apologising to me today, tho you did need to apologise and I accept, I know your just looking out for me, I'm not use to it that's all, is that all you wanted?" I look around the table I can tell they are trying not to listen but really do want to listen. "So what happened last night?" "Oh Debbie, it was bad, so bad, I left after an hour, just bad, I can't really explain....I felt..... uncomfortable, no that's not the word, I felt unsafe, something about him then these 3 guys came over to him and again I dunno there's definitely something illegal going on" "Has he tried to contact you?" "Nope, and I didn't give out much info, he knows I live in Blue Acre Hills and I'm in high school but that's it" "Ok, good , if he does contact you ignore him" "ok Debbie, thanks Mom" we both laughed "see ya later".
"So was that the date you had last night?" Tess said whilst eating her sad looking salad "Yeah, if you can class it as that" I took a bite of my ham sandwich.

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