Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

He got home late Wednesday night, brought all the bags into the house and left them in the lounge and went straight to bed, he could deal with everything tomorrow.
Thursday morning he woke up and walked into the lounge seeing the bags, he finally broke down and collapsed on the floor crying his heart out, he was finally alone, but wasn't this what he wanted in the end, he did but he didn't wish them dead just away from him but definitely not dead. He sat down at the table and wrote out a list of everything and everyone he needed to contact regarding his parents and sisters deaths, once he finished the list he realised it's going to take days but he started with the important one, he phoned the bank, after emailing a copy of the death certificates, he found out the house has been paid off, so it is now his, any money in his mom and dads accounts goes to him. He worked down the list doing the easy ones like the phones and the electricity but he just couldn't phone where they worked I guess it would make it too real.

He had to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday so that's what he did, he didn't say anything to anyone about what had happened, just went about his usual routine just a bit quieter.  On Monday he decided to go back to the list of people to contact and carried on doing some more, he finally had to phone the company's his parents worked for, they were both very considerate and helpful and said they would send any personal items back to him.

It's been a week, it hit him, one whole week, he had no family, he had no idea if he had grandparents or aunts, uncles or even cousins, his parents never talked about anyone, they probably pushed them away too.
By the end of the week the funeral directors had called and he had been in and picked 3 coffins and he had decided they were being cremated, he wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do, if that's what they wanted but that's what he picked. It was another Monday and he was in a black suit, watching his family go up in smoke, he didn't invite anyone to the funeral, to be honest it hadn't crossed his mind, the sole thing he had been focusing on was to get his hair cut, which he did, it was now short, that he could pull off that cool just out of bed look and it was back to his normal hair colour - blonde like platinum blonde, people use to always comment on his hair.  As he sat watching the smoke, he thought should he be crying, or was he still in shock, it's got to be shock right, definitely shock, it just happened so suddenly to lose his whole family in one day.

He hadn't really touched the house or their rooms but after the funeral he started, with selling the cars, then his dads golf clubs he was never going to use them, he went through the down stairs but still couldn't open the doors to his parents bedroom. He did his sisters, he kept a few things but took most of it to good will.  Whilst he had been doing this he carried on working at the gym and running, he hasn't spoken to any of his friends, it took them a month but they stopped contacting him, he was glad, he didn't need them not at the moment, during this summer holiday he finally reached his goal, he had a growth spurt, probably his final one he was now 6 foot he grew like 3 or 4 inches probably because he was finally eating better, sleeping better and wasn't constantly on edge.  He had also gone through some style changes and had decided to go back to school with a bang, no one ever saw his car because he preferred to walk, so he was going to drive to school on Monday.

Yes the new Eden had arrived.

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