Chapter 6

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When I say the women are crazy they are man hungry crazy, I could be their son and they still look at me like I'm a piece of meat ready to be eaten. I got to the gym with Andy telling me he was sorry and thank you so much, he threw me a shirt and ran off quickly, it was strange, I headed straight for the changing rooms, I pulled my top off and put the gym one on, I looked down "ANDY!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice, I stormed out looking for the bastard as Lucy and Clara walked out " ummm Eden you sure about that top? I love seeing you and all but your gonna be eaten alive" i growl at them and storm past them into Andy's office they followed behind "do you want me to be eaten alive?" I grit out whilst pointing to my top "it's all we have" i huff "you fucking owe me big time" I turn around and find my way to the bike studio. Let hell begin.

"Afternoon ladies, Dave is sick so I will be helping out today"
This middle aged women eyed me "oh darling I would take you over Dave any day" that made the ladies around her giggle, I think I'm gonna be sick.
"So are you ready to take me for a spin?" the middle aged women's friend said I shivered "umm I'm young enough to be your son lady" "your older than 18 so it's all good" "yeahhhh not happening" I get on the bike and using the remote start the music
"Ok everyone, we are doing exercise 3 today, let's warm up" I look up from my screen setting the mode to 3 then glance around the room mostly middle aged women and a group of girls probably 20-24 years old. One of them has their phone sitting on the bike
"So mister eye candy what's your name?" I don't have to give my name out and I'm definitely not. "Yeah not happening" "so can I call you Daddy whilst I ride you all night?" Everyone is giggling "you may have a daddy fetish, but I definitely do not" the next 30 minutes were filled with sexual innuendos and comments most of them making me want to be sick, as soon as the lesson finished I was running out of there straight to Andy's office, to find nearly everyone in there watching the camera
"did you guys have fun?" My tone told them not to answer and they all ran out leaving me with Andy, "What the hell Andy, I'm never doing that class again, I don't know how Dave puts up with them" Andy shrugs his shoulders "Dave's a flirt back to them, so they love it". I have a half hour break before the next class which is meant to be nicer, I hope so, I can't deal with another group of middle aged women that need to get laid, my prayers are answered it was a group of over 55 's they were so sweet, it's what I think a grandmother would be like, it made me a little sad to think I might have grandparents somewhere, when I went through the paperwork in my dads office I didn't find anything, no addresses, pictures or names of any family members it was like they deleted everyone.

I would normally go for a run tonight but my legs are knackered after 2 bike classes, I just go home and collapse on my bed and fall asleep. What a first day.
The rest of the week went by, it was just a bit strange people were still watching me and whispering but what I started to notice was Raven was always watching me, everywhere I was he was somewhere in my line of sight, I've never spoken to him, I've never had to.
On the following Wednesday people were talking about a video on you tube, some thing about a bike class, it got me thinking about the girl with the phone. I waited until lunch and went and sat at my usual table outside, I found the video, I only watched 10 seconds of it, yeah it was me and the top was even tighter than I realised, the messages people were leaving in the comments were funny and some were very very sexual, they probably would have been even worse if I hadn't taken my piercings out before the class, some people need to get a life away from the internet. The one thing I had noticed in the comments they were asking for my name over and over again and I bet at some point someone..... yeah there it was his name is Eden Spark. Great just great, I shake my head and put my phone away.
"So when did you start working in the gym? Over the summer?" I know that voice I look up to Zara and the other 2, I sigh "you guys really are awful, if you were my friends you would know the answer to that question along with hundreds of others, now get lost" they didn't instead they sat down so me being the new don't give a crap Eden stood up and walked off.
That evening I was feeling restless so I decided to go for a run, I did my usual route then climbed up into the tree house and sat looking at the stars, ever so often if I do a late night run I see a wolf running through the trees, they are beautiful creatures, I don't know if they notice me in the tree or not, they run as if they don't have a care in the world, I know I should be scared of them after what happened but I just find them so intriguing

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