Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Eden was woken up by a constant ringing, it was annoying, he turned over and grabbed his phone, he didn't recognise the number and usually he wouldn't answer but something in his gut was telling him to answer.
"Hello Eden speaking" he said half a sleep
"Hello Eden are you related to Mark, Maria and Chloe Spark?" The guy said, Eden was now sitting up straight in bed
"Yes, why and who are you?"
"My name is Detective Styles, there was an accident involving your sister's car and we need you to come to the hospital"
"Ummm ok but I don't know where they are, they left without telling me anything, why do I need to see them, they probably don't want to see me"
"Oh ummm, I'm sorry but we really need you to either come to the station or the hospital"
Eden sighed and rubbed his forehead "Ok fine, where are you"
"Highland Hospital near Oakland"
"Oh wow that's a drive.....that's like 8 or 9 hours"
"Yes, so when can you leave?"
"Ummm within the next hour or so, I need to get ready and let work know"
"Ok, thanks, I will message all information to this number if that's ok?"
"Yeah that's fine, Bye"
Eden was very confused, they must be hurt pretty bad for him to have to drive all the way there, they hated his car, it was too loud, I'm not sure what they mean by that it's a mustang, not a new one but he worked on it and had it re painted back to his beautiful bright blue, he paid for it so they couldn't do anything about it, just how he liked it.
He had a shower, got dressed ate breakfast, grabbed some snacks and drinks for the car, packed an over night bag, phoned work and let them know that he wouldn't be in work until Friday, he wasn't actually working today or tomorrow, so they only had to find cover for Wednesday and he didn't work Thursdays.

He didn't mind driving but he wasn't a big fan of it and being stuck in a car for 9 ish hours wasn't what he wanted to be doing on a Monday, the first Monday of the school holidays but it is what it is and he is now 3 hours in and has stopped for something to eat and to stretch his legs, should he feel bad about his family that they have been in an accident, he wasn't sure what he was feeling at this moment in time, was he glad he wasn't invited on the trip now, hell yes.

He was wondering if he could manage to drive the remaining 5ishhours without stopping but his bladder told him no so he pulled over again and decided to have a short nap which lasted an hour oops. He was about half hour away from the hospital when the detective guy phoned again
"Hi Eden it's Detective Styles"
"Where about's are you?"
"I'm about half hour away from the hospital, but I could really do with a shower and food, do you mind if we could meet tomorrow morning as it's nearly 7pm now?"
"That's fine, we can meet in reception of the hospital at say 8:30am"
"Yeah that's fine by me"
"Is there something you could wear that would make you stand out so I know it's you"
I laugh at this "you won't miss me, I have red hair at the moment"
"Oh ok, see you tomorrow" he hung up before Eden could say bye, the red hair was an accident so Beth said, they were just meant to dye the ends of his hair red, again thinking about it, they aren't very nice friends, his hair come just below his jaw, he has decided to get it cut, which he is going to do once he gets back.

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