Chapter 17

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It's Friday night and I'm bricking it, I really don't like this, why the hell did I pick music as a subject. I'm pacing back and forth outside the theatre where the talent show is, I can hear the first act, some sort of comedian. Mrs Bright decided to put me as the last act, which just helped my anxiety so much, note the sarcasm. Once it got closer to my time Becky and Chase came and found me hiding and dragged me to the side of the stage.
"Eden, you sound amazing, you are going to knock them dead" I just nodded. Some stage crew wheeled the piano out on stage and the lights went dark, I walked to the piano and sat down, Becky and Chase got into position, the spot light turned on highlighting there silhouettes and a spot light was on my hands at the piano. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Damn, you look so good with your clothes on
And I'm not trying to come off too strong
But you know that I can't help it
'Cause boy you're beautiful

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the theatre, it was packed, people were even standing along the back, I quickly looked back at the piano.

And I can't deny I want your body
But I'm a gentlemen so I'll be
The one who takes it slowly
'Cause boy you're so beautiful

I could see Chase and Becky doing there routine, I loved all the lifts and twirls they put into the routine, they looked so in love, it made me smile.
The spot light moved from my hands and expanded to show the whole of me and people started clapping, but quickly stopped as I carried on singing.

I wanna love you with the lights on
Keep you up all night long,
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on
Hold you til the nights gone
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on

I did a quick side look at the front row and saw Raven and his friends smiling so proudly. I really loved the fact that Raven was here watching me and cheering me on, that's what family is.

I like the vibe in this hotel room
And I'd really like to get to know you
Start discovering your secrets
Underneath these very sheets
Your skins so perfect up against me
Your lips are talking when we don't speak
And I never wanna leave this
Cause there's so much left to see

I didn't need to look at the music sheets in front of me, I knew this song off by heart, I was just watching Chase and Becky move round the stage with such Grace.

I wanna love you with the lights on
Keep you up all night long
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on
And hold you til the nights gone
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move

I even saw Debbie and Layla in the second row, beaming proudly, Mrs Bright was to the side of the stage gave me a thumbs up making my smile bigger, I'm really enjoying singing, singing to other people.

I wanna love you with the lights on
Keep you up all night long
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on
And hold you til the nights gone
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move

I wanna love you with the lights on
Keep you up all night long
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on
And hold you til the nights gone
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move

I wanna love you with the lights on
Love you with the lights on
Love you with the lights on

When I finished the song I took my hands away from the piano and the lights turned off, the whole room was silent for a few seconds then everyone started clapping and shouting Eden Eden, I knew that was Raven and his friends. I sat smiling at myself, I done it, I beat my fear of being the centre of attention. The spot light quickly came back on as Mrs Bright walked back to the stage "Eden Spark every one" the spot light moved to me as I waved and everyone clapped "can we please say a thank you to his dancers Becky and Chase" they bowed then walked over to me as I stood up "congratulations Eden" "thanks you guys were amazing" they stood next to me the clapping stopped "well I don't think I need to think about this, congratulations to everyone who took part in the show, everyone was amazing but the winner of the talent show is Eden Spark" everyone started clapping again, I was starting to get embarrassed and blush, "so Eden will you do us the honour of sing another song" I looked at her wide eyed then at Raven who mouthed "go on" I nodded and sat back down as everyone emptied the stage
"So keeping with Shawn Mendes, I will sing Mercy"

You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around ya

Show me an open door
Then you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore
I'm saying, baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?

I'd drive through the night
Just to be near you, baby
Heart open, testify
Tell me that I'm not crazy

I'm not asking for a lot
Just that you're honest with me
My pride is all I got
I'm saying, baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?

Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice

Oh, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me?
I'm a puppet on your string
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free

I'm begging you for mercy, mercy
I'm begging you, begging you, please, baby
I'm begging you for mercy, mercy
Ooh, I'm begging you, I'm begging you, yeah

The theatre emptied out but I was still sitting at the piano in my own little world, I was broken out of my thoughts by tingles up my arms, I looked up to a beaming Raven, "baby you never told me you could sing, wow and you can play the piano, what else can you do?" He pulled me up "I can play the guitar" I said shrugging my shoulders, we walked off the stage to his group of friends at some point we had intertwined our hands, I wasn't bothered and he didn't seem to be. We got surrounded when they saw us "oh my god Eden, you were amazing" shouted Olivia with everyone nodding "I guess" "don't put yourself down baby" Raven whispered in my ear making me turn to face his smiling face.
I saw Debbie and Layla to the side, I pulled Raven with me. "Hi Debbie Layla" I had to let go of Ravens hand to hug both the girls "wow just wow, Eden, you kept that a secret" I smiled and blushed "oh this is Debbie and Layla, this is Raven my boy..friend" he smiled widely at that "nice to meet you" they both said to him, Debbie turned to me "when did this happen, I want all the details" "Yes Mummy" I saluted making everyone laugh. "Anyways we need to leave but just wanted to say you were amazing, don't hide that voice, I want to hear it again" I nodded and waved them good bye. Raven came up behind me hugging me and resting his head on my shoulders "I know everyone keeps saying it but you were amazing baby, I'm sorry I didn't get you flowers or anything, I thought you might be embarrassed" "you know me so well, thanks" all of a sudden the group re-appeared, "so when did this happen?" I think Marsha said without looking at any of them "well considering I'm gonna be bossing you around very soon, we thought we should get the ball rolling, come on let's get Ice cream" I pulled Raven towards he doors "Marsh did he just sass you?" Max said laughing

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