Chapter 9

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I only have one lesson left PE, who does that on a Friday? I get changed into my gym clothes and head out, I see Raven walking over to me, so he is finally going to talk to me "Hi Eden" he stands next to me I tilt my head "Hi......what do you want?" He smirks at me "I just wanted to know what happened between you and coach, seems you don't like him" I did a short fake laugh "He is the reason people are afraid to try out for things, he shouldn't be around kids, he is meant to nurture them not belittle them" I crossed my arms I watched his face as he took in what I said, he had a very handsome face, I strong jaw, a straight nose, beautiful hazel eyes, that go with his chestnut hair and his lips looked so soft, I zoned out "Sorry what did you say?" "Is that why you won't try out" I shrug my shoulders "I don't want to deal with idiots, I've spent my life dealing with idiots and self indulgent people I would prefer to keep my free time avoiding them" "oh ok, if you change your mind, come and find me, your really good" I could tell he wanted to keep the conversation going "so how did you do this" pointing to my body, I looked down, "I didn't do anything, I've always been like this, I just preferred baggy clothing it's good for.......Never mind", I nearly let that slip, I need to stop talking, as I thought that Ravens friends joined him with the coach "See the idiot" I walked off to see Raven smiling at me "See ya around Eden" he shouted as they went to play a game of basketball. I don't like showering at the school and as it was my last lesson, I will just shower at home, I was grabbing my stuff when my phone went off my first thought it better not be Andy or Dave, it wasn't

"Hi Debbie, how can I help you on this lovely afternoon?"
"What's with the sarcasm E?
"Ummm no to E"
"Wondered if you would like to help be my wingman and get me some lovely ladies?"
"Debbs it better not be another college frat party, remember what happened to me last time, no you don't you past out and left me with 2 girls that wouldn't stop touching me, it makes me shiver just thinking about it, why do I need to be your wingman anyway your to old for frat parties" I knew this would annoy her
"Hey mister I'm only 23, I need to find the love of my life"
"Umm I hate to break it to you but your not gonna find them at a frat party and how will I help be a wingman, if they are coming onto me it's because they want a guy not a girl, I think your doing this all wrong Debbs"
"Oh shut up" I laugh
"Please just come, it's tonight" I sigh and rub my fingers over my eyes as I look up I see Raven looking at me kinda angry I mouth What "fine I will come and help you out but I am not drinking as I have a double shift at work tomorrow and it's like an hours drive to yours, dinner better ordered, I will let you know when I'm leaving" with that I hang up grab my stuff and head out the door.

A couple of hours later I'm standing in Debbie's kitchen eating pizza "you do know I'm gonna be no help what so ever tonight" I stated stuffing pizza in my mouth "I know, but I use to go out with your sister all the time and I don't have that many friends and I feel like we have become close over the last 3 months" I nodded it was true I spent a lot of time in her flat just hanging out or going to parties and getting fucked off our faces.
"So you don't have to answer this but, I've seen you kiss girls and guys, do you have a preference? Again you don't have to answer" I tilted my head do I have a preference?? "Ummm I don't know, never really thought about it, I guess.......I prefer guys but you know if I get on with someone, I get on with them but yeah I prefer guys" I shrug my shoulders and we carry on eating pizza.
I park the car a 5 minute walk from the house as the road was packed with cars, we walked up to the house, it was huge "how do you know this person?" "She has a part time job where I work" I nod my head and we walk in, it's packed with people, dancing, drinking and making out, we head to the kitchen and Debbie is instantly hugged by a blonde girl "hey Debbie, thank you for coming" the girl was smiling at her and was still touching her arm "No thank you for inviting me, oh hope you don't mind i invited my friend Eden" I waved at her, her smile faulted slightly, interesting "I'm the designated driver as I don't live local" "Oh ok, nice to meet you" she gave me a hug as I whispered in her ear "you have no problem from me" she pulled out the hug and gave me a confused look, I just shrugged my shoulders "let's get to the drinking" Debbie pushed past us, Blondie grabbed my arm "what do you mean?" "You like her" "Oh, Umm yeah I do" "as I said you got no problem from me, I'm only 18 and she isn't my type" with that I turned and followed after Debbie.

After we got our drinks we found a corner and made it our own "Eden there's no one here" she said pouting "what's the blondes name?" "Who" she started to look around "The girl who invited you?" "Oh Layla, why?" I rolled my eyes "she likes you" Debbie laughed "no she doesn't she is straight" "how dumb are you, she invited you to this party, did she invite anyone else from work?" She shook her head "also she gave me the evils when you introduced me and lastly and most importantly, I got it from the source, she told me she liked you" on you I poked her, Debbie was staring at me wide eyed "Oh, soooo what should I do?" "God, I thought I was the one with social problems, go and talk to her" I pushed her in the direction of Layla.
I spent the next hour playing computer games in the entertainment room it was so funny seeing people getting angry at losing against me not taking into account that I'm sober and they are not. I was in the middle of playing a game when I got tackled from behind and landed on the floor to find Debbie on top of me "We need your help" Debbie and Layla were laughing, I got off the floor then helped Debbie up "Why"  they were laughing a lot this isn't good finally Layla spoke "we lost and have a forfeit and well we said you would do the forfeit" my eyebrows nearly shot off my face "You did WhAT!" I hate being the centre of attention, working at the gym doing classes has helped a lot but I still get nervous about the whole situation, I was not happy with them as they dragged me to the kitchen to find a load of girls and guys around the kitchen island which was cleared of everything "What is going on, what is the forfeit?"

Some drunk guy shouts out "the forfeit is to lay on the island and someone will take a shot out your belly button then lick the salt off your chest and then take the lime out your mouth" I turn to the girls with my eyebrow raised "And why can't you do this?" They giggled and then I get pinned down onto the island they start to push my top up "STOP touching me, I will do it my self" I rolled my top up, up to the middle of my rib cage, this drunk girl with bright red hair jumps up and straddles me "me first, I'm the birthday girl" someone pours the salt on my chest, then puts the shot glass on my belly button and a lime gets stuffed in my mouth. The girl wastes no time bending down to take the shot then try's and fails to seductively lick the salt off my chest and then she climbs up me to get the lime out my mouth, she screams whilst straddling my chest, she then try's to kiss me but I push her off me, I go to get up but get pushed back down and they repeat it but this time a guy comes up, luckily he doesn't straddle me I think the island would collapse, he stood to the side of me took the shot, licked the salt off and did a much better job than the girl, he then winked at me as he took the lime from my mouth, I instantly jumped up and ran to the tap and started running water through my mouth
"Are you ok, I hope I didn't upset you, your not homophobic are you?" I shook my head keeping my mouth under the water but keeping my hand on his arm, so I can explain, I pull away from the tap wipe my face with a towel then wipe my chest and pull my top down "Sorry about that, if people had given me a chance before I was pinned down, I hate lime, the taste makes me want to be sick" "oh I'm so sorry, I'm Carter by the way" he was good looking longish curly black hair with really dark blue eyes "I'm Eden, nice to meet you" I spent the next hour talking to him, I felt very comfortable around him, he didn't try anything, didn't touch me, "Crap, I've got to go, I've got a double shift and it's over an hours drive to get home" I jumped up, I was looking around "Great now I've lost Debbie" Carter stood up "I will help you look for her, but before that, can I get your number" I tell him my number and he phones it so I have his, I find Debbie, pack her drunk ass into my car and drive back to hers. I finally get home at 2am and collapse in bed.

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