Chapter 20

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We followed his mum into the kitchen "where did that confidence come from Eden?" He whispered "I have no idea, I just saw the wolves and I had a flash back to the attack and.... And they destroyed my childhood I wanted to just shout at them, I knew I couldn't fight them, I just wanted scream and shout.....I'm sorry" i said into his shoulder "it's ok baby, I just can't believe my dad, I don't even know him" we sat there snuggled in a hug when a cough from behind us broke us from our embrace. We turned to see Ravens mum
"Umm I'm sorry but can we just talk about what happened?" Which I think was aimed at me more than Raven, I nodded and took a seat next to Raven, him intertwining our fingers, his mum sitting opposite us.
Raven was the first to break the awkward silence "the scars on your back, they are from my father?" I just nodded looking at the table
"so my parents purchased my house when my sister and I were little like 3 and 6 I think well around that age, the back garden wasn't that big and I just loved the forest as I got older, my dad let me explore it by myself, however before that he would come with me, on one of our adventures I think I was like 5 or 6 we found the tree house, it wasn't in great shape, so for the next few weekends me and dad fixed it up so I could use it, he told me it would make a brilliant hang out for my friends when we get older. So after a little while my father let me explore the forest by myself but usually I just went to the tree house and explored round there, it wasn't actually far from our house less than 10 minutes and you could just make out the top of our roof from it.
For a while we had seen wolves in the forest they never came close but I could see them, I told my dad and he told me to be afraid of them but I wasn't as they hadn't done anything wrong, I was the one in there land there home so to speak but I promised my dad I would be careful. For a couple of weeks I would notice a couple of wolves had been coming closer and closer to the treehouse, I thought maybe they were intrigued by me so I started to sit at the bottom of the tree and watch them running through the trees.
One day my dad came home from work in a bad mood and I had left something out on the floor, some sort of toy I guess, well he stepped on it and fell over, he went mental at me, screaming and shouting so I legged it out the house and ran to the tree house, I hide there and fell asleep, I woke up and the sun was setting so I thought I better get back home, I climbed down the tree and started to walk home but was attacked by a massive grey and white wolf, I now know as your father, the other two wolves just circled us, he attacked me from behind, using his claws, I was a defenceless 8 year old child, I remember trying to crawl away and the circling wolves pushed me back towards the wolf, I started to scream as he clawed my back again, I sort of remember some people screaming and then being lifted in the air, I woke up 3 months later in hospital"
His mum gasped, Raven had been rubbing him thumb over my hand the whole time. I took a breath "they didn't think I would wake up, when I did they told me that the wolf had clawed so deep that he caught my spine and that I was probably going to have trouble walking again, so I had 3 months of living in the hospital learning how to use my legs again, I had so much therapy, mental and family was never the same and I never knew why, my parents and sister shut me out, they didn't want me at home, they made my life so hard, I was in hospital for a total of 6 months, I missed so much school I was kept behind a year, I lost all my confidence I hated being in that house more than the woods, I felt at home in the woods which is so fucking stupid, I should have hated being in the woods especially the tree house but it was my safe place you know".
"So you still live with your parents?" "Nope they are dead and I don't want to talk about it, so what's gonna happen now?" I said looking at Mel, she looked at me sadly and nodded
"Umm that's the problem I have no idea, thank you for telling me your story, you seem like a lovely guy and I'm glad Raven found you" she said standing up and leaving the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I had
"Baby, I'm proud of you" standing up pulling me with him "why?" I was confused "for being so open about what happened" I just shrugged my shoulders "would you like to see my room?" He pulled me up the stairs and into a room, I'm not sure what I was expecting, it had  one bright green wall and all the others were white, he had the normal stuff I like a big bed, a desk, tv a dresser of some sort, a closet and what I guess is the door to a bathroom, it wasn't messy just lived in. "Want to de-stress and watch a movie?" He said pulling us onto the bed "sure, you can pick" I mumbled into the pillow that smelled of Raven making me smile, "ok, there's a little fridge in the side table can you get us out some drinks" I did as I was told, then pulled my jumper off as Raven closed his door and laid next to me, he put his arm out and let me snuggle into his chest. We started watching the movie in comfortable silence.
The next couple of weeks passed in a blur. The two wolves that were with Ravens dad got punished for not helping me and were made to retire so Jackson is now Beta and they are looking for a gamma. The council have taken the Alpha so they can investigate what was going on, Mel decided that she would retire therefore Raven took over as Alpha and I took over as Luna, everyone has been nice to me in the pack, I thought there would have been one she wolf that would threaten me about taking Raven but no one has, I believe it's because Raven liked everyone and included everyone never singled anyone out as special, everyone was special to him....does that make sense?
Going to school the following week....well that was a story in its self, everyone was trying to be my friend as loads of people filmed me singing and now I'm the most popular guy in school...well that was until another week went by, Monday Lunch time when I walked in with Raven and his friends, I sat down at the table with my pack lunch everyone sat around me, Raven being last to sit down sat next to me "Baby they have chocolate chip cookies, I know they are your favourite" he said handing them to me "Thanks Puppy" I said smiling at him "you know I hate that nickname" he mumbled everyone at our table was laughing, Raven carried on mumbling whilst eating his lunch, at some point I had my arm round his shoulders and he was leaning into my chest talking to Jackson.
"What the....Raven your not gay?" Someone shouted, the cafeteria went silent our whole table stopped talking and looked over at some of the soccer (football for UK) players.
"What's it got to do with you Mark, unless your upset that I'm not dating you?" This made everyone giggle and Marks face go red "No fucking way I'm not one of you" "so what's the problem, I'm not interested in you, never have been never will be, so go back to wherever you came from and leave us in peace" Raven turned back to me, I was speechless, he didn't raise his voice didn't even stand up and still made Mark mute, I looked back at Mark who mumbled something then walked back out the cafeteria.
"Wow that was just something, I'm not even sure Mark knew what he wanted to say" Olivia said everyone nodded

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