Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's 8:30 and he is standing in the reception area waiting for the detective, people are giving him weird looks probably due to the hair, oh well.
A guy in a suit walks up to Eden and sticks his hand out to shake his
"Eden good morning I'm Detective Styles, you weren't wrong about the hair" Eden laughed and shook his hand
"Please follow me" Eden was led down corridors to a small room, which looked like a nurses room
"Sorry about this, we don't usually have meetings in hospital but as your from out of town, I've had to borrow a room, I'm just waiting for my colleague" just then the door was opened and in walked a woman with brown shoulder length hair, probably 30 Ish years old
"Ahh here she is now please meet Detective Patrick"
"Nice to meet you Eden" Eden nodded his head
"So, as you know your family was involved in a car accident, your father was actually drunk behind the wheel of said car"
"Oh god, he didn't hurt anyone else, did he?" That was Eden's first thought, his stupid father better not have killed an innocent person
"No, no one else was involved, he took the corner too fast and flipped the car......"
Silence, Eden knew there was more to this story
"Ummm well he flipped the car and unfortunately everyone in the car died, we are sorry for your loss" Eden sat there just staring at the Detectives for a few minutes piecing together what he had just said to him
"So....they are all dead?"
"Yes, I'm so sorry, would you like to see them?"
"Ummm, did they die like instantly?"
"A passer by managed to get your sister out but she died on the way to the hospital, your parents died before anyone could get to them, again we are sorry for your loss"
Again Eden sat there, he wasn't feeling anything, shouldn't he be feeling something, sad or angry, should he be crying, he felt like he was walking on a cloud
"Yes can I see my sister, is that ok?"

The detectives walked him through the hospital to the morgue and made him stand infront of a window with a curtain covering it, they then pulled the curtain back to show his sister laying on the metal trolley with a white blanket over her up to her arm pits, he walked up to the window, yep she was dead,he could see from there that her lips were blue and she wasn't moving, even when she was asleep she would constantly be fidgeting.  again he felt like he should be a mess of tears, he use to be really close to his sister then she turned like they did and it became 3 against 1, he missed his sister, he missed being able to talk to her he always thought once he left home they would be able to get back to some sort of relationship but there she was dead on a metal trolley definitely not coming back. After staring at his sister Eden turned to the detectives
"What now?"
"Would you like to see your parents" as quick as the flash Eden replied "NO" a bit to loudly
"Sorry no I do not"
"Ok, well we now need to go to the station so you can pick up all there personal effects, but before we do that, you need to fill out some paperwork here at the morgue so the bodies can be released to you"
"Oh....sorry what do I do with like their bodies, I have no idea"
This is when Detective Patrick spoke up "you will need to contact the funeral directors probably a local one to you and they will contact the hospital to have them transported back and then you will decide how do their send off"
Eden just nodded, it was a lot to take in for an 18 year old.
It was a lot to take in over the next hour, he filled in all the paperwork then went to the police station collected his families stuff and then the Detectives dumped him back at his car In The hospital car park and went on their merry way.  He sat in his car for a good half an hour not really sure what to do, he decided to go back to the hotel and scrolled through his phone looking for funeral directors, found one by him and phoned them, it was a very strange phone call but they are picking the bodies up on Wednesday and will contact him to come in once they have them.

He looked through the stuff that was laid out on the bed, moms bag, Chloes bag, dads wallet and watch and their 3 bags of luggage, the car was completely smashed and will probably be dropped off at a scrapped yard.
He picked up his sisters bag and opened it to find her phone she had lots of missed calls from a Debbie, just then is started to ring, Eden answered
"Thank God, Chloe, why haven't you been answering are you ok?"
"Ummm this isn't Chloe, I'm her brother Eden"
"She never mentioned a brother, why do you have her phone?"
"How do you know my sister?"
"She lives with me"
"Oh so your one of her university friends"
Debbie laughs "No, Chloe dropped out last fall, she works with me in a shop"
"Oh didn't you know, well I guess you didn't as I didn't know about you, anyways can I speak to Chloe"
"No you can't she is dead"
"What, your joking right, this is some sort of joke?"
"Nope, just had to go and look at her body on a metal trolley in hospital, definitely dead"
"Oh god, I'm so sorry. And here I am shouting at you, I'm so sorry"
"It's ok, so she dropped out, where abouts is she living?"
"Oh if you still live with your parents then it's about an hours drive from there"
"What she came back to our state and didn't tell us, I can't believe it, after everything she put me through, she has been lying for the last 7 months" Eden was angry, she was always rubbed in his face as being the better child and here she was dropping out of university to work in a clothes store and he would never be able to do anything able it. Debbie didn't reply
"Well ok, can you pack up her stuff and drop a text to her number when your available and I will have to drive over and pick it up, if you want to keep anything your welcome, I'm probably going to take it to good will"
"Ok thanks,and again I'm sorry about what's happened to your sister, she was a really good friend"
They hung up and Eden laid on the bed, so she was a really good friend but couldn't be a good sister. He feel asleep still unable to cry.

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