Chapter 7

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For the whole of the summer holidays all the pack has talked about was Raven's 18 birthday party and it's finally here and he can't wait for it to be over, he knows that this is meant to be a big deal but he was so done with it, he didn't want a big party but they ignored him, they ignored him when he said he didn't want a band, they ignored him when he said he wanted blue and black as the colours so by that point he stopped talking about it and just walked out the room if people mentioned anything about that day.
Everyone around him is running around trying to get the final decorations up and the food out on the tables as lots of people are joining him tonight to celebrate, he wasn't in the mood really but he is the Alpha to be and the current Alpha his father wants him to find his mate and has invited every mateless female over the age of 16 from the surrounding packs to attend.  Everyone keeps asking if he is excited about tonight and he has to put on a fake smile, would they notice if he disappeared for the night, he loved his family but they were just too much sometimes.
What would they say if he casually mentioned that he was 99% sure his mate was not going to be at the party if they only invite the females, yeah he could imagine his dad screaming and shouting and his mother just patting his dad on the back and telling him it will be ok, so he has just kept his mouth shut and will just surprise them when he finds his mate....if he finds his mate, he could be wrong his mate could be a female but he really hoped it wasn't.

He really wanted to go for a run but looking at the time, he wouldn't make it back in time, so instead he went upstairs and picked out his outfit, black jeans a dark blue shirt, nice and simple. He stayed in his room until his mother shouted for him to come down, he took a couple of deep breaths, this was going to be a long night. He walked outside with his parents, his father whispered in his ear "Go and introduce yourself to every girl here, you need to find your mate" he sighed "Fine but I can guarantee they won't be here" he stormed off to find his friends. He finally found Pacey talking to a couple of girls, he didn't even listen to the conversation just nodding and laughing when they did so he didn't seem rude, he moved around different groups for an hour or so until he was sure the Alpha and Luna were distracted then he slipped off into the forest and shifted into his wolf and ran, he must have been running for around 45 minutes when his wolf started to shift his direction, he smelt something amazing Strawberries and sugar, they followed the scent and came across a tree house, Ravens wolf was shouting that's our mates scent, mate, mate. They sniffed around for a little while trying to find a trail but came up with nothing, they then decided they would start coming back at different times of the day until they found their mate.  He was going to keep this a secret from everyone as he knew they would go crazy and he wants to meet them on his terms away from people who would be nosy.
He ran back to the party and got dressed and quietly joined a conversation with Max and some other people from another pack, he saw his mum who was staring at him, I'm guessing she noticed he disappeared oops.
He went back to the tree house 3 times Sunday but had no luck, the scent had faded so, he hasn't missed the person they just haven't been here, Raven guessed that it was because they went back to school tomorrow.

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