Chapter 18

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Sexual content ahead

I just want to hear his voice all the time, I made sure that all the kids in the pack that went to school went to the show, I didn't make it an order pre say but I made sure they couldn't say no, I even filmed it and sent it to my mum.

Mum: he is amazing, such a beautiful voice, he looks so handsome too, you have a good guy there, when are we going to meet him?
Raven: I dunno mum, he knows now, but we are taking it slow
Mum : ok baby

The whole time we were sitting eating our ice creams, I was watching Eden lick his spoon it was driving me crazy, I wanted him to be licking something else.
"Oh yeah his lips round...." "Shut up Hero, you are not helping" I said as I adjusted myself for the 100th time, Eden looked over to me and winked, god damn it he knew what he was doing, he slowly put the spoon to his lips and licked very slowly whilst keeping eye contact with me. I narrowed my eyes at him and he smirked, where has this confident Eden come from I'm loving and hating it. We staying in the ice cream parlour for an agonising 2 hours, I was so hot, bothered and horny by the end of it.

As we walked to his car I whispered in his ear "you are so in for it, when we get back to your house baby" he smiled at me "Bring it on big boy" he jumped in the car and turned the engine on and away we went. The 15 minute drive was the slowest ever I felt like a snail could have moved faster. We both jumped out the car and ran to the front door, Eden dropping his keys in the process, we finally made it in the house, slamming the door as Eden pushed me up against the door and attacking my lips with his mouth making me groan, his tongue invading my mouth making sure everywhere was touched, we kicked off our shoes not breaking the kiss, we pulled apart gasping for air as he pulled me upstairs into his room and throwing me on the bed. He crawled over me caging me with his arms "now who's a good boy?" He smirked at me Hero was panting in my head. I grabbed his head and pulled him to meet my lips, moving down his neck leaving a hickey and then finally his sweet spot, where my mark will go later ......tonight.

I pulled up his top and he finished pulling it off, this is the first time I've seen Eden without a shirt and my goddess, I'm one happy wolf to have him as a mate, my shirt quickly follows, he trails kisses across my collarbone down my chest stopping at my nipples and sucking one making me arch my back and moan out, in a husky voice "some one is sensitive" I was lost in the feeling of warmth and love, he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me making me whimper "hush baby, what do you want me to do? Do you want to top?" My mind was a bit fuzzy" we need to do both, you need to top and so do I" he nodded "do you want me to top first" I nodded as he smirked and went back to kissing down my chest  "I was hoping you would say that" he mumbled into my chest.

His hands were continuously touching my skin sending tingles all over my body, my dick was so hard and painful against my jeans
"Please Eden do something" I whined as I arched my back trying to get friction "someone is a needy puppy, patience baby" he pushed my hips down and looked at me as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off along with my socks, quickly followed by his jeans and socks. We were now left in our boxers, and what a sight he is, I pulled him towards me and kissed his neck as I played with his nipple ring making him groan and rub our dicks together. He looked up at me as his hand grabbed my boxers and I nodded as he pulled them off my dick hitting my stomach, he then pulled his off, I'm no means small but how the hell is his dick meant to fit in me, he looked at my wide eyes and smirked as he got on his knees and took the head of my dick in his mouth making me scream his name, "yeah baby, keep screaming my name" he played with my balls as he licked, sucked and swirled his tongue round my dick, my hands were In his hair,
I was a moaning panting mess this was heaven, he took nearly all of me in his mouth hitting the back of his throat every so often, at some point in between my moaning I started to thrust into his mouth "yeah like that baby" the vibrations of him talking went through my dick "Eden...I'm....gonna ...cum...oh god...faster" he hollowed out his cheeks and took me all in then mumbled "come for me puppy" and I did just that, I came so hard down his throat screaming his name, he carried on sucking me off through my high, he popped me out his mouth then kissed my thighs, my belly button and up my chest to my mouth, kissing my lips, I could taste myself on his lips, it tasted strange, he carried on kissing my shoulders, neck and chest until I got my breathing under control, I turned to look at him and saw the love and lust in his eyes, I went to push him onto his back so I could return the favour "later baby when you top, this is all for you at the moment, you ready now?" I nodded as I looked at him he was a god, a Greek god and he was all mine, his dick was standing tall and proud leaking pre cum, and looked like it wanted to explode, he opened his side draw and pulled out lube and condoms "do you want to use condoms, obviously your clean, and the 2 people I slept with I used protection" I took the condoms and threw them into the room "I want us to feel each other"
He opened the bottle of lube and poured some on his fingers "just relax for me puppy, this gonna feel strange and gonna hurt to start with" I took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed my body, his finger circled my hole a few times, he then kissed me as his first finger went slowly in, god this felt strange, not painful just strange, after a couple of minutes he added another finger, ok so this hurts a little bit "just relax baby" he kissed my lips, then down my neck biting my Adam's apple slightly, he was thrusting his fingers in and out "more....more please" I moaned out, he added his third finger in and a felt the stretching but soon turned to pleasure, I was moving against his fingers, "fuck what was that" I moaned out as a wave of pleasure hit me "found it" he smiled proudly, he hit my prostate a few times, before pulling his fingers out of me, making me feel empty.
He covered his dick in lube, I stared at the that monster "we are made for each other baby" he whispered in my ear as he sat up and guided his dick to my hole, "now relax baby" he slowly pushed his head into my entrance and I felt it pop in stretching my walls he slowly pushed himself in, stopping when I whined but it was taking to long I needed him now "please just.. do something your to slow" he pushed all the way in"fuck!!!" I cried out, he sat still waiting for me, I could see he wanted to move, he was fighting himself "Move"
he pulled out and pushed back in "oh god puppy, oh god, fuck" he had his eyes closed as he thrusted in and out of me, he pulled my left leg up and over his shoulder, and this new angle meant he went in deeper, I screamed out "Fuck Eden fuck faster, oh .....faster" I had one hand in a death grip on the bed sheets and the other one was pulling him forward, I needed to kiss him, he broke from the kiss and grabbed my other leg and put it over his shoulder and pushed into me faster, I felt like I was going to break in half, my dick was rock hard again and dripping, I was matching his pace with my thrusting, all you could hear was our grunts and moans as our skin slapped against each other, sweat was dripping down his chest, he looked stunning, he hit my prostate with such force making me scream his name over and over again, "oh goddess, I need to cum, please....oh goddess....I'm gonna" "not yet....together" he gritted out, his teeth were clenched together as he pistoned in and out of me at such a pace that I thought he was going to split me in two, whilst his hand was sliding up and down my dick "Come for me puppy" and that I did spurts of cum covered my chest and his chest as I screamed out, he fell forward screaming my name as I bit into his neck, sending pleasure and pain straight through him heighten his senses, we slowly came down from our highs. He laid on top of me but all his weight on his arms, once he had regained his senses he got up and went to the bath room and came back with a cloth and cleaned us up, then climbed back on the bed next to me, he was running his fingers up and down my chest, I had my eyes closed and a smile on my face, after 5 or so minutes he started to kiss my lips and my neck, I turned to him opening my eyes and smiling at him, I looked down his body and saw that his dick was getting hard again, I pushed him back so he was laying on his back and whispered in his ear "round 2", he smirked "show me what you have got puppy".

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