Chapter 22

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We are on our way to the party, I'm nervous, this is the first time I've been to the city as an Alpha and without my father. My friends are in the mini van laughing and joking, Eden at the wheel, singing quietly along to the music, to most people looking in, this is just a bunch of teenagers having fun, not an Alpha, Luna and Beta of one pack in a car without protection. I know Eden is the only one who is human but still I'm worrying, he needs to be protected at all times, I've decided I'm not drinking tonight, I will drive if Eden wants to drink. To be honest it takes a lot for a werewolf to get drunk.
I really wasn't looking forward to my final year of school, but it has turned out amazing because I found my beautiful mate, my friends are out of this world, my father has been the only problem, the council took him and stripped him of his Alpha title even mum doesn't know what's going on, she said she would give it another month then go to the council, it must be hard for her, she has been with my father for 20 years, I don't know what I would do without Eden the mate bond is so fucking strong.
Before I took over as Alpha we had a few run ins with rogues, it doesn't help that the city is no man's land and the corridor to get to the city runs along our border so we do get wolves cross our borders by accident which is fine most of the time they are lone wolves and are just asking for some help but of recent we are getting a few groups trying to attack however the last 2 weeks it has been silent, it's unsettling especially now we are heading to the city Hero is on edge and high alert which is making me uncomfortable
"Puppy, you ok?" Eden asking looking at me then back at the road moving his hand to grab mine
"Hero is on edge and is pacing in the back of my head, he is worried something is going to happen tonight" "oh, well we don't have to stay to long at the party if you don't want to, it's safer in the hotel right?"
"Yeah it would be" "it should be fine Raves, you wouldn't let anything happen and you have your friends to back you up and I'm not defenceless you know" "I know, but it's still not making me relax" I went back to looking out the window.
"We are here" shouted Max 20 minutes later as we all climbed out the mini van as Eden gave the keys to the valet as I got our bags. We headed into a nice hotel, the lady on reception winked at me as we walked closer. "Good afternoon, welcome to The Hilton Hotel, how can I help you?" We all turned to Eden, he has got so much better with being the centre of attention ever since the talent show, he is so confident, like he is in the bedroom, making me blush, dirty thoughts, need to stop.
"Oh yes sorry I have a booking under Eden Spark, should be 3 rooms" he said, the receptionist then started handing out the key cards. "Are you guys here for a particular reason?" "A friend is having a party and we live out of the city, so we thought we would stay the night" "well you know I finish at 7, I could meet you guys" she said twirling her hair and smiling at Eden, making me growl, Eden smiled then turned to me "down puppy" then turned back to the lady "I'm sorry but I'm really not interested and your upsetting my boyfriend" with that he turned away from the lady and walked away to the lifts with us all following behind laughing
"Right Max and Jackson, your in 311, me and Raven in 309 and Olivia, Marsha and Tess in 307. Let's meet in an hour to find dinner"

The party was in full swing when we arrived, we walked in through an open door to find a lot of people drunk and dancing, it was packed, I navigated us all to the kitchen and we got our selves drinks.
"You finally arrived, I was thinking you weren't coming" Debbie shouted over the music and hugged me then Raven
"No we made it, went for dinner first, the guys don't get to come to the city that often" I said as Debbie nodded.
The hotel wasn't that far from the house only a 10 minute taxi, I know Raven isn't drinking tonight so I'm going to have a few probably 3 and just spread them out over the night. After 15 minutes the girls are dancing in the lounge with Layla and Debs, Max and Jackson have vanished "hey Raves, fancy a dance?" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the dance floor not waiting for a reply. We danced for a couple of hours, laughing joking with our little group, girls tried to come up to me and Raven and flirt, it was funny, I flat out say I'm not interested but Raves gets all flustered and stutters over his words, most went away and left us alone but 2 just wouldn't take no for an answer, I was starting to get annoyed so I grabbed Raven and kissed him on the lips, then turned to them "do you get it now?" They quickly left whilst Debbie and Layla were laughing to the point of crying. "What? They were annoying me" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"I'm just going to the toilet then gonna get a drink, do you want a drink?" I said into Ravens ear. Him just nodding, I slowly moved through the crowd and climbed the stairs to the bathroom up stairs which was surprisingly empty, I quickly did my business then came down stairs and headed to the kitchen, I grabbed Raven a coke then started to make my final drink of the night "hi stranger" I looked up to see Carter "oh hi" I said taking a sip of my drink, "sorry about the other night, so you enjoying this party?" He said looking around making me look around " Yeah,it's good, you?" I took another sip of my drink "it was ok but now it's gonna be great" "ummm ok" " do you fancy trying again?" He said getting closer to me "fancy trying what again?" I must have put Diet Coke in my drink it tastes strange "going on another date?" "Umm no sorry got a boyfriend now" I said taking a step back I went to grab Ravens can off the side when I missed it "uh wow" I said shaking my head, I suddenly felt very dizzy, Carter grabbed me and helped me stand up "I....I...need to find my.....ummm I need to find Raven".

My poor baby Eden.

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