Chapter 16

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Wow just wow, so many questions and thoughts running through my head, I'm not sure where to start.
Raven is a werewolf and I am his mate........brain meltdown. We will run the pack together, oh that means talking to lots of people, I don't like doing that......oh my.
I feel safe with Raven, I haven't felt that in a long time, it's nice and with that thought I fell asleep with Ravens arm around me.
We woke up on my sofa to the sound of a phone ringing, oh it's my phone, Raven growled next to me, god that was sexy
"Hi" I said into the phone
"Where are you?" "Huh" "your not at school" "Crap" I hung up the phone "Raves we need to get to school" "mmmmm, ok, help me up" I pulled him up and we went up stairs and had separate showers. We rushed to my car and we got in driving to school
"So Eden will you be my boyfriend?" I looked at him with a duh face "of course" he just smiled at me and looked out the window, we had missed first period, we went straight to reception and said we were late because my car broke down and got our passes. We made it just in time to second period. Everyone asked why I was late and I explained my car broke down I didn't mention I was with Raven, I really need to talk to him about this, we were in such a rush this morning.
I couldn't spend lunch with Raven as it's Wednesday and the show is on Friday, I am totally freaking out with it but Chase and Becky have been really helpful at calming me down.

It was lunchtime and I sat down at our table then remembered that Eden wasn't having lunch with us, my friends all crowded round before anyone said anything "I don't want to talk about it, ok?" They all nodded we ate in mostly silence, then I whispered "I told Eden" they all looked at me "He already knew about us, someone talks a lot apparently" I stated looking at Tess the Olivia. "So" Olivia said, I smiled "it's all good, I've still got a lot of explaining to do but yeah it's good" I could see everyone relaxed and were smiling, after that everyone started talking.
The end of the day came and I met up with Eden and drove back to his house me following in my car. I bet he had lots of questions and I have a few but I just don't know how to bring them up.
We sat in his bedroom, I don't know what I was expecting, it's painted blue with movie, music posters and posters of athletes. He has a queen size bed with dark blue covers on and a desk by the window. He closed the door behind himself and sat on the chair by the desk.
"You seem lost in thought Raven"
"Yeah I am, I have a few questions and I don't know how to ask them, I'm afraid you will get upset with me and I don't want you to be upset" I said looking up from my hands into his beautiful eyes, Eden sighed and came over to me on the bed sitting next to me.
"Your questions are about my family" I nodded, he ran his hand down his face.
"Ummmm, it's not a very nice topic, I don't like talking about it, basically they died over the summer"
"Oh I'm so sorry" "don't be, they weren't very nice people" I frowned at that, he got up from the bed and started to pace in front of me.
"My parents were fine until I ended up in hospital when I was younger, the accident wasn't their fault and it wasn't mine but something changed and they made my life hell for the last 9 years, I basically was a slave in my own home, is it bad I didn't really feel anything when I buried them apart from relief that I was now free, it was the start of summer and they went on holiday with my sister without me, just left me a note, I got a call a couple of days later from the police saying they had been in an accident, I drove up to Oakland and found out my dad had been drunk behind the wheel and killed himself, mum and sister"
"Oh Eden, I'm so sorry, you can feel however you want and I'm here if you need me" I was now hugging him, sparks and tingles were racing through my body and Hero was in my head shouting Kiss him, but before I could do anything Eden had beat me to it and I felt his soft lips on mine his hand pulling me closer. I relaxed and started to kiss him back, I felt his tongue on my bottom lip and I automatically opened my mouth letting his tongue invade my mouth, my hands had started to move and ended up in his hair pulling it slightly making him moan, I smiled at this, Hero was purring in my head, we finally broke apart and smiled at each other "I like the tingles" Eden said whilst holding my hands. I just nodded, I was still kinda spaced out from the blissful kiss, I never really took in what people said when they found there mates but when we kissed I felt like fireworks were going off inside my heart, I want to feel like this every time we kiss.

We laid down on the bed watching a movie, I couldn't tell you what it was about I spent most of the time watching Edens beautiful face, "stop staring at me Raves" my eyes went wide as he turned to look at me "sorry, I didn't mean to but your very beautiful" he just blushed and kissed my forehead "your sweet".
"Can I ask you another question?" He rolled onto his side so he faced me and I turned to face him, our faces centimetres apart "sure" "Your parents death, is that why you changed, when you came back to school?" He looked at me for a minute or two, his beautiful eyes staring into mine "I didn't change per say, I hid who I was because, it was easier to be in the background with them gone, I wasn't scared, I could be myself, I still struggle everyday walking into school, I hate being the centre of attention, I'm happy in the background but I know I can't stay there forever, I have to make myself move from the back, does that make sense?" I nodded it does. "So what are your parents like?" I grabbed his hand and started to play with his fingers "my mum is just my mum, she is caring and loves to have family all around her my dad is a different case, he is strict, he likes order, wants everything his way, dad wants me to be like him and I'm not, I'm more laid back and he hates it, we have started to clash more recently, I sometimes feel like I just want to leave and not have to deal with him" I sigh "why don't you leave?" "I can't, I would become a rogue, I wouldn't belong to a pack, and packs kill rogues if you are in their territory, it's complicated, also I'm an Alpha, if I leave there is no one to take over the pack when my father retires.....if he retires" "I feel like there's more to that" "I don't think he will hand me over the title or the pack when we tell him about us being mates, I have a horrible feeling he won't like it one bit" Eden leant forward and kissed my lips so lightly and then pulled away "We will deal with it when it comes to it".
I thought Alpha's were the dominant ones, but I'm really ok with letting Eden lead, even Hero doesn't seem that bothered....what's up with that....
"Raves, you spaced out again, is everything ok?" "Yeah......ummm,so I dunno how much you know about mates but I need to mark you and then mate with you" I scratched the back of my neck "ok, so mark as in what?" "I need to bite you on your neck you will end up with like a tattoo, I don't know what it will look like, then usually you would bite me but your not a werewolf so that won't happen, I'm not sure if I will get a mark. Once I've marked you we will be able to mindlink I think, and then....we need to sleep together" "Ok, that's fine, we don't have to do that now, do we?" "No but I think within the next 2 weeks otherwise Hero will take over and force me, and I do not want that".
I was so nervous, I want to ask him but I don't want to because I don't want to know the answer. "I want to ask you something but I don't know if I want the answer" he looked at me for a second "you want to know if I have slept with anyone?" I just nodded "Yes....I have slept with one girl, and one guy I needed to figure out me, I guess, have you?" "Nope, The other Alpha to be's, always told me I was stupid for not sleeping around but I wanted to wait, I was happy to wait" I just shrugged my shoulders "are you mad that I have?" "I dunno really, I'm glad it's not lots of people, and I guess you were trying to figure out who you were, I've always known I was are you gay,bi.....?" "Ummmm well I go for personality more than gender but I prefer guys if I had to say, but it doesn't matter anymore, does it, mates are made for each other, yes" I smiled at his smile and nodded a yes. We fell  asleep facing each other, with his arm thrown over my waist.

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