Chapter 25 - The End

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What have they done to his gorgeous face, he has a split lip, one swollen shut eye and bruises all over, I don't even want to think about the rest of his body, I put my arm round him and get him to curl up into me, he is holding onto my shirt so tight. Carter is hugging a girl I can only guess is his sister.
The blonde lady who let us in, stands in the middle of the room "so my name is May, this is my son Alpha Dwayne, so this is a bit of a strange story.
Maria Edens mum is my twin sister, when we turned 18, we went to a party and I met Taylor Dwayne's father, I didn't know at the time he was a werewolf but he told me later on and I moved in with him, Maria got jealous and tried to break us up but as you know the mate bond is strong and she didn't know about werewolves. Taylor was a lone wolf, well sort of, he was part of a small group of wolves that traveled the world, we traveled for a bit but then I found out I was pregnant so we came back to America, I tried to get in contact with Maria but she had left town, mum and dad had no idea where she had gone, someone else had her number now, she just vanished, so I carried on with my life. We travelled around America for a little while but then Dwayne started getting older so we decided to settle down so he could go to school in one place and make some friends, by this point the small group was basically a pack, so we asked everyone if they wanted to stay here and make an official pack they were more than welcome.
To become and official pack, you need an Alpha which Taylor was and you needed money and land, we had some money but not loads and we found some land that was not part of anyones pack, we went to the council and they said they needed to contact the surrounding packs and make sure they were happy to have another pack around them, the packs all agreed apart from one Blue Acre Hill, your father Raven refused to be living next to a pack made of rogues, so instead of being an official pack we set up in no man's land and became an unofficial pack, your father was forever attacking us for the fun of it, it became a sport, we contacted the council but all they said to us was find a new place to set up but we didn't want to, we liked it here.
Then 5 years ago your father attacked Taylor and killed him, Dwayne took over and we all agreed that we would take him down, but we couldn't get close to your pack, unfortunately Dwayne decided to play dirty and that's how Carter and his sister ended up in this mess" she sat down next to Dwayne.
"So you wanted my father, well he ain't here, council took him stripped him of his title and gave it to me, so you kidnapped and attacked a Luna and a human one at that, I get that my father did something terrible to your family but I am not him and to attack a human is not right, your no better than my father" I said turning to look at Dwayne who growled at me, making me growl "can we just go home...please Raven...I don't want to be here any more" Eden said into my shirt, we stood up him not moving from gripping my shirt I put my arms round him to hold him up as we walked out the room. I turned to Carter "Carter your welcome to come back with us and your sister" he looked at his sister wide eyed, who was nodding her head yes "Give me 2 minutes to get our stuff" they ran out the room, Jackson had been standing in the door way the whole time so I mindlinked him to get the car ready.
We walked through the house to the front door being followed by May and Dwayne. "Eden is that your name?" May asked he didn't reply "yes that's his name" I said "I know this isn't the best time but could we meet up, I would love to get to know you, and maybe see my sister" I felt him tense up "she is dead" he said into my shirt, but I could tell she heard as he tensed up "Oh I'm sorry for your lose" "I'm not.....I don't want to talk to you right now, I just want to go home, please" he whimpered "ok come on" we opened the front door and walked to the car as Carter and Maisie came running out with bags and threw them in a car and got in, I got in the back of our car making Eden lay across me" Carter followed us back to our pack.
My poor baby, I made sure to get him checked out with our doctor, nothing is broken, he is just very bruised and sore. He has been stuck on bed rest, which is driving him insane and he is driving me insane but I want him 100% better.
Carter and Maisie fitted right in and Carter found his mate the day after they arrived, a sweet boy called Jenson who actually goes to university in the city but they have never crossed paths. In the week Eden has spent in bed, Carter has been and seen him every day to apologise, I think he should be on his hands and knees but Eden has forgiven him but that's why Eden is the Luna he see the good in everyone.

Eden 18 months later
Carter and myself have become inseparable much to Ravens displeasure, I got Carter involved with the gym, running and biking. He didn't know what to do when he finishes university in a couple of weeks, so we got our thinking caps on and I went and spoke to the owners of the gym I work at and asked if they still want to sell and they do so with the help of Mel, we have got a bank loan and purchased the gym, myself and Carter will each own 50%, I will work there whilst I'm not at university.
Raven decided to do an online degree so he could be at the pack house as much as possible but he always seems to be at my university waiting for me to give me a lift home, I think someone is jealous and I tell him so, which makes him pout, my poor little puppy.
We haven't heard much from Dwayne, I sat down with Raven and went through everything that happened and we agreed to let the council know we are happy for them to be an official pack. We then sent a letter to Dwayne and May saying we would only talk to them if it was to do with pack business other than that we are to leave each other alone, if mates are found in each other's pack, the individuals can pick which pack they live in.  I am upset that I have an aunt and a cousin that are so close to me but at the moment I can't get past what Dwayne did to me, maybe I'm the future.
The end

This story is over, I knew how I wanted this story to go but really struggled with putting into words, I have a couple of other stories that I want to work on and I'm still stuck on "My Golden wolf" I know how to end it but can't work out how to get there.....yet.

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