Chapter 24

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"Hey, Umm hey, boy" someone was whispering in my ear whilst shaking me. "Mmmmm" I mumbled, I feel so numb and sore and very very cold, why do I feel cold. "Your awake?" I rub my eyes and stretch oh why does everything hurt? I open my eyes slowly to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at me, startlingly me "oh sorry" she crawled backwards a little bit, I looked around, "why are we in a basement?, where are we, who are you, why am I here, where's Raven?" I'm starting to panic, I'm struggling to breath, the girl jumps forward and hugs me "it's ok, it's going to be ok, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I broke the hug and hugged my knees "why are you sorry?"
She leaned against the wall "ummm I'm Maisie by the way, well you see my brother brought you here, it was in exchange for me but well as you can see, I'm still here" she said with tears falling down here cheeks. "Ok,ok, what do I remember, come on brain?" I closed my eyes "Ok we were at Layla's house for a party, I was dancing with Raven, left for the toilet on the way back stop at the kitchen to get drinks and bumped into" I opened my eyes and stared at Maisie "Carter" we looked at each other "Why, I didn't do anything to him" "it's not about you, unfortunately it's what our father did before he died that got us to here, we need to get out".
I slowly got up, "I'm Eden, how long have I been out" "Umm nearly 3 days" I was slowly walking round the basement to see if there was anything of use "Raven must be going out of his mind" I tried using the mindlink "why can't I use the mindlink thingy?" I said "they drugged you" she said shrugging "so are you and Carter.......wolves?" I whisper, she nodded "so why can't you get out of here?" She turned and looked at the door "silver in the door and they have been giving me wolfsbane, it stops my wolf side coming out" she whispered turning to look at her hands. There wasn't much light the two windows had been boarded up but little bits got through the gaps, that's when I saw a screwdriver, I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket when I felt something in my pocket I pulled out a key, I don't know whose key that is but it isn't mine, I slowly walk to the door, Maisie is watching me I put the key to the door but it doesn't fit, so strange, I put it back in my pocket and sit back next to Maisie, I'm so thirsty and hungry. Just as I was about to ask when we get food, the door was opened and in walked an angry giant, Maisie curled up into a ball, I just sat staring at him, with my head tilted "So your finally awake, can't believe that your human, I thought you would have been an Omega but no a human, what am I meant to do with it now?" He said pacing back and forth in front of me, I scoffed "it, I'm not an it, that's like me calling all werewolves monsters" he turned and growled at me I just stood up and looked at him which I think made him madder, he maybe half a foot taller than me, but I am damn well standing my ground.....for the moment......
"Not scared of me boy, well you should be, I can kill you" I carried on watching him showing no emotion "yeah I know" is all I said, he raised his eyebrow at that "I will break you" he said walking out the room as two other guys came in one grabbed me, whilst the other punched and kicked me, I could here Maisie screaming in the corner, I was trying not to make a sound, I could see the big guy by the door arms crossed watching me, getting angrier "that's enough for today" both guys stopped and just dropped me, me passing out.
What's with the shaking, "Stop..stttopp....with....ttthe shaking" I mumble out, the shaking stops, I lay with my eyes still closed.
"Are you still awake?"
" hurts" I whisper,
"I bet, they really did a number on, I'm sorry I couldn't help, can you sit up?" I try to sit up but can't and collapse back on the floor "Water" "hang on" I can hear movement and the sound of a bottle being opened, "here" I lift my head up my eyes still closed, she holds my head and pours some of it in my mouth "thanks" she puts my head on her lap, I guess I fall asleep again, as the opens
"Is he awake?" I stay still "No, your goons really did a number on him considering he is human, he needs food and bandages" "mmmm" I hear the door slowly close.
"Wake up" Maisie whispers "you need to eat" I slowly get up, I try to open my eyes but it hurts, I finally manage to open one eye and see that we have some sort of soup "it's tomato soup" she brings it to my lips, I quickly eat the soup and bread and then Maisie eats hers. "He left bandages and painkillers for you" I looked at the table with the stuff on it "why?" She just shrugged her shoulders "i have no idea, he has never been this nice....if that's the right word".
We both wake up to a lot of shouting, it sounded like a women
"I can't believe this, I didn't bring you up like this, how could you do this, he is human, like me! Let me see him now" we couldn't hear anything "Dwayne you will open this door right now!! You maybe an Alpha but you are my son and I have no problem smacking you round the head, open this door now!" I was standing in front of Maisie as the door was opened and a women walked in "Mum??" We all stood in silence watching each other "No dear but I think maybe your mum was related to me"
"Your her twin sister" she went to step forward as me and Maisie stepped back "I mean no harm" I just scoffed "yeah right" "ok, Dwayne you go and sort out some sandwiches or something go and be useful" he huffed but disappeared "right now let's get you both a shower and some clean clothes" she said ushering us through the door. 20 minutes later we were showered and in clean clothes sitting in a massive lounge just staring at each other.
The silence is broken by a knock on the door "where is my mate, I know you have Eden in there!" Raven screamed, the lady stood up and walked to the front door "Please come in, there is a lot of explaining that needs to be done" we heard her say, I look up as Raven runs in followed by half the pack.
"Oh my what have they done to you Eden?" he said cupping my face.

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