Chapter 11

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Wow, I wasn't expecting that, when I smelt Eden coming I thought about hiding but I wanted to see his reaction to seeing a wolf, he didn't seen concerned at all. My wolf Hero was very happy when he bowed slightly and said he meant us no harm. I was expecting him to back away but he came closer and closer until he was stroking us and snuggling us, I wanted to know why my mate was crying, he seemed so sad and lost. I wanted to tell him it would be ok and that I will make it better but I couldn't I just carried on purring. When he said he wanted to talk to Debbie I wasn't happy and who the hell is Carter. I need to tell my friends Eden is my mate, I need to get close to him, he needs to trust me.  Hero was a bit confused but very happy that our mate loved his fur and gave him his own name of Midnight, it does suit him. I wasn't sure what to do when he feel asleep snuggled up, he looked so peaceful and calm, we were also calm and happy, as we are with our mate, I was going to let him sleep for an hour or 2 but I fell asleep as well, when I asked Hero why he didn't wake us his reply was why would I we are sleeping with our mate, if I woke him he would go home sad and we would be alone.

I ran back to the pack house and quickly had a shower and got dressed, I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, everyone was downstairs waiting for me. "Sorry I'm late" I walked passed them and unlocked he car, Max got in the front seat "where were you, you didn't sleep in your bed last night". In the back was Tess, Olivia and Jackson and they were all looking at me, I groaned "I found my mate" they all started screaming and congratulating me "STOP, my mate is human and goes to our school" "So" Tess said which shrugging "so which lucky lady is it" Max said raising his eyebrows, I rolled my eyes "it's a guy" "Oh" "I'm ok with that that's not the problem, the problem is my mate is Eden" "why is that a problem Eden is lovely" Tess said "I can't get close to him, I've tried talking to him and he isn't interested, he just shuts down, are any of you in his classes?" "Me and Olivia are in his maths and Science classes, do you want us to start talking to him" "Yes please" I pulled in to the school, we were part of the popular group I guess you would say but I'm not really interested, I've tried to be a bit more down to earth and will talk to most people, I just can't believe I never noticed Eden before, he must have been really shy and quiet.  We walk up to our bigger group of human friends when Eden walked passed with his headphones on, he looked really good in black ripped jeans and a dark blue jumper. "Shame he grew into himself I enjoyed pushing him into lockers, it was fun" Josh said I let out a growl then tried to cover it with a cough whilst my friends looked at me. "Well he has turned into a hottie Josh you might have competition" some blonde cheerleader giggled.

During second period I got mindlinked by Tess "I'm getting nowhere, he is not giving me anything, he really doesn't trust anyone" "what did his previous friends do to him?" "No idea but it has messed him up, I will give you an update at lunch". Lunch came very very slowly, I basically pounced on Tess and Olivia "So?" "Hold your horses let us sit down" "right your sitting now what did you say and what did he say?" "I asked him how his holiday was and his reply was deadly, that was it one word, we didn't know what to make of it, so we asked him what his favourite colour was, Midnight black apparently" I smiled at that remembering last night. "Olivia then asked about family and he said he didn't want to talk about it, his hobbies are running and biking, he likes cats and wolves, we asked why wolves and he said he didn't really know but he has always felt calmness when he sees them, we asked what he meant and he said from where he lives he use to see them a lot, we then asked about his friends and he completely shut down then and said it wasn't any of our business and he was done with us" "well, thank you guys, we got a bit of information out of it.

"Hi Eden, do you want to sit with us?" Olivia said as Eden walked past, she went to grab his arm and he flinched back "I'm sorry Eden, I just wanted to know if you wanted to sit with us?" He looked like a deer caught in the head lights "Ummm mmm, no ummm" he was looking at his arm "I've got to go" and walked out, we watched his retreating figure "What just happened?" "Abuse" we all turned to Jackson "what did you say?" "Most people who flinch like that is because of abuse, not everyone but most" he shrugged his shoulders "just saying" and he went back to reading his phone. Well that's not good, who would abuse my mate, is this what he was talking about last night?

Shit did I just flinch in front of Raven, why am I thinking about him, those gorgeous hazel eyes are burning into my heart I thought as I walked through the hallway.
I was sitting in Science when Olivia and Tess sat next to me like in Maths, why?? "We would like to apologise for earlier" Tess said, I tilted my head "Why" "We probably came across as rude and we invaded your personal space, we just noticed that you seem sad, well Raven noticed" I snorted "Course he did" they looked at me "He is always watching me, it's a bit weird, it's like I have my very own stalker, do I? I mean I can't really complain he is good looking to watch as he try's to hide" I smiled at them "Oh, yeah he is pretty good at spotting people, you just seem sad and lonely and we thought that if you want to you could start hanging out with us, only if you want" Olivia said pouting at the end, I sighed "I've been burned, I find it hard to trust people, I don't like being used and I can't stand being lied to."
"We can understand that, so friends?" Olivia stuck out her hand with a smirk, I grabbed it and shook "Friends" my phoned started to vibrate in my pocket, I had a few missed texts from Carter

CarterBoy hey sexy, you free?
CarterBoy why aren't you answering?
CarterBoy you ignoring me, just wondering if you wanted to meet for coffee?? 😉
Me You do know I'm in school
CarterBoy What!!! How old are you?
Me 18 but I'm still in school, senior, so no I can't meet you for coffee now.
CarterBoy so when are you free?
Me Tuesday or Thursday after school maybe Friday
CarterBoy well there's a party Friday if you fancy it?
Me sure send me the details.

I walked to my music class and went and found a music booth and passed the time playing the piano, my music teacher interrupted me half way through
"Eden, you do know that to pass this class you have to perform in front of people, I've let you off the previous years but I can't any more, there's the talent show in a couple of weeks I have signed you up, please don't get worried you are very very good" with that she smiled and closed the door.
God what am I going to do, I'm no good, everyone will laugh at me, I don't want to be up on stage, my heart was racing so fast, I turned back to the piano and started to play a melody my mom taught me when I was younger before everything went wrong, it calmed me down for the moment. Ok so how do I do this, dancers that's it, that will distract the people. I got out the booth and went to find Mrs Bright in her classroom. I knocked then entered
"Mrs Bright, can I have 2 dancers on stage so not all the focus is on me?" She got up from her chair, "if it will help yes, let's go and find some, what were you thinking?" " I know the song I want to do, so a girl and boy that can do ballet but it will be slightly faster than the usual music they dance to" she nodded her head "Yes I know who would be perfect" she knocked on a door and walked in to talk to the teacher, I stood by the open door when I noticed Raven looking at me, i gave him a small smile then turned my head as Mrs Bright called for Chase and Becky they stood up and followed us outside the class room. " This is Eden, I will let you explain but I thought you two would be perfect for him, now I have to go back to my classroom" we all watched her walk off, I turned to them "Ummmm so I have to perform a song on stage and I ummmmm don't like being the centre of attention so I thought having some ballet dancers on stage would help me" I whispered to them "Ok cool, well do you know the song you want to sing?" Chase asked "Yes I'm singing and playing piano, so can you meet me after school in the music dept so you can listen to the speed, I'm very nervous and to be honest no one has heard me sing in years" "yeah we can meet then, where are you performing?" Becky said smiling at me " At that talent show in a couple of weeks" "ok cool see you after school" with that we went our own way, I still walk with my head down hiding myself away, I know I know I do it, I can't stop.

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