Chapter 21

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Sexual content ahead

"So guys" I said to everyone around the table "My friend Debbie and her Girlfriend Layla, I think you saw them at the talent show" everyone nodded "well they are throwing a party in two weeks and invited me and Raven and I asked if I could bring friends and she said yes, there is just one little problem maybe" I turned to Raven "it's in the city" everyone turned to Raven "please Raven come on, we never get to go to the city, we could get a hotel for the night, just one night" "You want the Alpha, Luna and Beta of our pack to go into basically into no man's land with rogues.....and leave no one running the pack?" I could see he was thinking really hard, "so why don't we ask your mum and Parker, the head warrior to run things for the evening and we promise to be back at lunchtime on Sunday therefore it will be about 18 hours, they will be able to cope" he sighed I knew I got him "Ok" everyone cheered "I will ask Parker and my mum first"
The last 2 weeks Raven has moved in with me, we just couldn't get a moments peace all our friend (wow feels strange to say that) are always at the packhouse wanting to hang out, which is great and everything but we are newly mated and as Raven told me and I have first hand experience Hero is basically a wolf in heat and just wants sex all the time and we ain't getting any sexy time.
School hasn't been too bad, I have had a few girls come up to me and say rude things about our relationship and how Raven is just using me and I'm an experiment and he will leave me, I just laugh until they turn and walk away, it's amusing.
"Baby way are you laughing so much" Raven said into my ear as he hugged me from behind
"Well apparently I'm an experiment and that you will pick a girl over my sexy body, I just couldn't stop laughing when she said that, it was like she really believed that you would just go oh yeah I do in fact like girls"
"Well it's never gonna happen baby" he kissed my mark making me shiver. "I turned round in his arms "so you got the last of your stuff in the car?" "Yeah as of tonight I will officially be living with you" he leaned down kissing me "ahhh no cover my innocent eyes" Max laughed out making everyone roll their eyes "you will be the same when you find.....the ones" Raven said looking around, everyone mumbled in agreement.  I guess it is a bit sad that only Raven has found his mate but then, he is the only one who is 18 and it seems the pack aren't allowed to leave the area so how are they meant to find their mates, maybe his party will be a good thing.
We just finished putting the last of Ravens stuff in our room, we decided to move into my parents old room as it was bigger and well it's mine now, I really thought I would find some information on relatives but nothing I don't understand how both my parents can not have any one, seems sad, well I guess that's like me now. I'm broken out my little trance by a kiss to my neck "you ok baby?" "Yeah just thinking that it's strange that I haven't found a trace of any relatives whilst clearing the house out, I have no grandparents, uncles, aunts or cousins seems........a little sad don't you think?" "I guess, but you are my family and I am yours, come on I cooked some pasta for dinner" he said dragging me out the room and to the kitchen. Dinner was really good, it's nice having someone cook for me, I always had to cook dinner for myself, it got depressing, "oh hang on", I ran to the side table in the lounge and opened the draw, "I found this when I was tidying" I handed it to Raven who opened it, "me and my sister on the left and I think my mum had a twin, this it the only picture I have found" we stared at it for a few minutes "maybe you do, maybe you could look for her?"
"Maybe when we have graduated, Hey Raven, do I need to give up working at the gym? Also how do you make money, like how does everything get paid?" "Oh hasn't mum explained it?" I shook my head No "ok well first, you don't have to give up the gym if you don't want to, with regard to money, all pack members put money into an account which pays for maintenance of the pack house, the grounds, paying wages, for the food in the pack house, parties etc. the Alpha family in most packs own companies or have shares in companies, in our case we actually own two private hospitals, we own 50% in a plastic surgery company, why you asking about working?"
"Umm well I always wanted to own my own gym and the current owners of the gym I work at are looking to retire in a couple of years, I was always Leaving this town after I graduate but now as I'm staying, I would like to go to university in the city as it's close by, an hour isn't to far to drive instead of living there, then after uni maybe I could like set up the gym or buy out the owners" I stood biting my lip whilst looking at Raven.
"You were leaving, your staying because of me, oh....I'm not making you stay am I?" He looked like he was going to cry "Raven you need to understand that my parents didn't want me, I had nothing here for me especially after they died, now, I have you, I have our little group....I'm happy to stay, I want to be by your side but I want to be able to do my own thing as well and university and the gym is what I want to do, haven't you thought about University?" He shrugged his shoulders "not really, it wasn't really an option that was given to you think I should go to university?" "It's a thought, you own businesses shouldn't you have a degree or a least an understanding of how to run them, you could find a degree that's online or go to the one in the city, the pack shouldn't judge you for wanted to extend your studying" he nodded "yeah your right, no harm in applying for the courses"
"Thats my puppy" I said smiling as he rolled his eyes and hit me in the shoulder "bad puppy, bad puppies get punished" I whispered in his ear making him shiver and bite his lip "do you want to be punished puppy?" His eyes were closed and he was biting his lip harder, I smirked "I take that as a yes"
I started to kiss his neck around his collar bone, as he moaned my hands made there way inside his shirt pinching his nipple as he gripped the kitchen table, I pulled his top off, I kissed down his chest, he went to move his hands from the table "bad puppy hands stay on the table, do you understand" he was breathing hard and his eyes were wide, I growled out "Do you understand?" He nodded "good puppy" I went back to kissing down his chest my hands playing with his nipples, I started to bite round his belly button as I undone his jeans and pulled them off along with his socks, I slowly and teasingly pulled his boxers down kissing his legs then biting his thighs "oh goddess" he moaned out, I'm loving this, I didn't realise I'm quite dominant in the bedroom and Raven seems to be ok with it so far. I sucked on his balls and played with them whilst biting either side of his dick "please please oh Eden please, stop teasing" he panted out, I engulfed his dick in my mouth making him cry out, I had seen edging before so this was his punishment. I set a fast pace, of licking and sucking his dick, every so often I made sure he hit the back of my throat, "Eden, Eden, baby I'm so close so close"  he panted out so I pulled off of him making him whimper "what, huh, why?" He opened his eyes "you are not to cum ok puppy" "but I, soooooo close" " no answering back or I will spank you" I growled out, I saw his face blush and his mouth part, I picked him up and carried him to our room and as I laid him on the bed "you would like that puppy wouldn't you, laying across my legs as my hand comes into contact with your ass, making a slapping sound as you dick rubs across my leg" he moaned and I saw pre cum trickle out "such a horny puppy" I started to strip out my clothes very very slowly, putting on a bit of a show, all I could hear was Raven panting heavily and moaning.
"On all fours now" I said as I finished stripping and getting the lube, I poured lube on my fingers and inserted one, slowly moving in and out adding a second one when Raven started to complain, "oh...oh please let me come" "NO" I growled out as I added a third finger, he was now fucking my fingers as I hit his prostate a few times, I pulled my fingers out and lubed up my dick. I pushed his face into the pillow and grabbed hold of his waist as I slowly pushed my self into him, making me moan at the warmth that encased my dick. I slowly carried on pushing until I was fully in. I was struggling to stay still it felt like a life time before Raven told me to move.
My pace was slow, deep and steady, Raven was screaming my name every time I hit his prostate, I knew he was close, he had done so well holding on, I picked up my speed and was full on pulling in and out of him getting faster and faster, I could feel the tingles rising up "oh god Raven, fuck" "Eden please please" he was crying out "ok.....puppy come" i gritted out as I thrust into him as deep as I could go slamming his prostate, making both of us come me screaming out his name and Raven screaming my name and collapsing on the bed, I slowly pulled out panting and laid next to him, god that was amazing I looked at him, wow he has passed out, I was smirking.

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