Chapter 5

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Ok I'm a nervous mess, but I can't show it, this is the new me confident on the outside complete mess on the inside, I pull up in my beautiful blue baby, I step out and everyone turns to look at me, I'm guessing they don't recognise me, well I'm now 6 foot and I have a lip and eyebrow piercing, my hair is cut short and I'm in tight fitted jeans and a v neck red top that is tight is all the right places with a leather jacket on. I walk through the crowd towards my locker, I here the whispers
"Wow look at him"
"He must be new"
"Look at that eye candy" I roll my eyes to all of it, I walk past my so called group of friends but they didn't notice me, the bell goes, whilst I'm at my locker and casually make my way to home room, I sit by the window, the teacher goes through our names
"Eden Spark"
"Here" everyone stares and whispers "wow, he got hot, what happened to him"
I notice Beth out the corner of my eye, she was trying to get my attention, the bell goes and I run out the classroom and hide in the toilets, I just need a minute to get my self together, I stroll into my first lesson, English, we go through the same thing when I say here to my name, the guy sitting next to me leans over "wow man, I can't believe how much you have changed over the summer" I just smile and nod. English goes by in a blur, as I am about to leave the teacher shouts "Eden, can I speak to you a moment" I look up and nod at him, people start to make their way out the class very very slowly trying to catch our conversation.
"Eden, I heard what happened, I'm very sorry, if" I cut him off "Does everyone know?" "A few of the teachers" " I don't want it mentioned, ever ok" I turned and stormed off to my next class Maths, I walk in as Mr Jones looks up "Eden, I'm very sorry about" "stop, do not finish that sentence" he seemed taken back, well before I was quiet and didn't really talk to teachers unless necessary "oh Umm ok, take a seat"
I walked passed Beth and Luke both looking at me then whispered "what happened?" Maths was spent with everyone whispering like crazy but no one actually came up to me. One class left then it's lunch Science. I sat at the bench, it was hot in here, I took my leather jacket off and put it on the empty seat and then crossed my arms, the girls behind me started to giggle, whispering about my tattoos and biceps. I got a tattoo of a Phoenix, I thought it summed my life up, I'm rising from the ashes to start again, on my other arm I have a tree with M, M and C written on leaves I felt like I should do something for them.
Lunch finally, I brought my own lunch with me, to get outside you have to walk through the cafeteria, I push open the door and it goes silent I March through everyone making my way outside I find a bench furthest away and sit down put my sunglasses on and quickly eat my lunch, I have my headphones on so I don't have to talk to anyone, I must have fallen asleep as I'm woken up by someone hitting my shoulder, I open my eyes to come face to face with Beth, Luke and Zara. I pull my headphones off
"What?" I state crossing my arms and staring at them, they look at each other I guess deciding who should talk, I give up waiting and start getting up, Luke starts talking
"What happened? You disappeared for the whole of the summer, you didn't reply to a single message or phone call" I raised my eyebrow "wow you sent messages, your such great friends, how about actually turning up at my front door, or is that to much effort for a friend?..." I left it hanging for a few seconds " I realised something over the summer, your not friends, you used me, belittled me, used me as a joke, a punch line, I was always there to pick you guys up but never interested when I needed help, so I don't need so called friends like that therefore you get to know absolutely nothing, good bye" I walked off, realising I had raised my voice and shouted out the last part, I know I never liked confrontation and would be a stuttering mess but I felt good, I felt like I was standing up for myself for the first time in forever I was looking out for me.
My last class of the day was PE usually I would hide at the back in baggy clothes, I'm actually good at PE well considering I work at a gym and run a lot but I would hide because the PE teacher/coach was horrible to you if you didn't fit into his perfect box and I didn't at the time.

Flash back 2 years ago
Coach was going through the list of when all the try outs for the different sports were, I'm really good a basketball, that's what I wanted to try out for, so when he shouted for basketball I ran down and put my name on the list. At the end of class Coach pulled me over
"Eden I'm sorry but you can't try out for basketball, your just to short for it, you need to be tall and well athletic and obliviously you are not as you try to hide yourself with baggy clothes and you don't participate in gym classes.  I just stared at him "Excuse me" "You heard me, I just don't want you to embarrass yourself, I'm looking out for you kid" he then walked off.
End of flash back

I was first into the locker room and quickly got changed, I had baggy Nike shorts on and a tight wife beater shirt on showing my tattoos off completely, you could also make out my nipple piercings if your looking for them. I walked into the gym, no one was around, I grabbed a ball and started to shoot at the hoop, it's just too easy so I took a couple of steps back but they were all going in, I started doing trick shots, I was completely in the zone, when some one started to clap I turned my head to see everyone looking at me, especially Raven and the coach, the coach stepped forward "hey kid, are you new? Your really good, you should try out for the basketball team" "unbelievable" I shook my head walked up to him, I was now the same height as him, shoved the ball into his chest "unfuckingbelievable" I walked off to grab another ball and went to the hoop outside. I spent the rest of the class outside shooting at the hoop with random people watching me from inside the gym. I started to walk back through the gym and into the locker room, I walked in and the whole room went silent, I shook my head, just as my phone started to ring,
"Hi, Andy"
"Have you finished classes yet?"
"Yeah just finished, just about to take a shower"
"Huh, you got some sort of kink I didn't know about?" I turn round to see everyone listening in but trying not to, I smirk
"What no, no!!"
"Whatever you say, how can I help you?"
"Dave has called in sick, can you take his 2 classes this afternoon, I've got his evening classes covered"
I pull out my stuff and see if I have a gym top
"Ok sure, I can leave straight from here, but I don't have any clothes, I'm wearing Nike shorts, I just need a top, you and Dave better make it up to me, those women are crazy"
"Yeah sure, your a life saver, bye" he hangs up, and I slam my locker close "having fun listening in?" I growl as I stomp out the locker room

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