Chapter 8

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Monday, Monday oh how every body hates Mondays, my parents have been in a mood with me all Sunday as I disappeared from the party on Saturday for nearly 2 hours. Dad shouted at me and got in my face it probably didn't help when I said "Does it really matter if I disappeared, the point of the party was to find my mate and they weren't there" it shut him up for a minute or 2 whilst he came up with something, by that point I had switched off and was thinking about my mate.

I walked into the school with my best friend Jackson who is also my Beta and a couple of other people from my pack, the school is mixed with werewolves and humans so we have to be careful what we say or do.  I got hit in the shoulder by Jackson "hey are you ok? You haven't said much this morning" I shrug my shoulders "mum and dad are still pissed because I disappeared on Saturday night" "oh, that's why I couldn't find you, where did you go?" "Just for a run, need to get away, you know, I love my family but they are a bit much sometimes and all dad wants me to do is find a m....girlfriend" I sighed "Oh, you still haven't told him?" I looked at him with the expression 'what do you think', he laughed "can I be there when you introduce your mate to him, I want to see the steam coming out his ears" "thanks your really helping".
My morning classes went by in a blur, I heard lots of whispering about a new kid that was fit or hot but then he wasn't a new kid but just grew a lot, I was confused.
My last class of the day was PE, I walked into the locker room and I could smell Strawberries, my mate is here, only problem the locker room was packed and I couldn't go around sniffing everyone, I will just have to wait until we get into the gym and I can walk around, I quickly get changed and rush out to see a tall kid with blonde hair casually throwing a basketball, every shot went in, man he is good, coach walked up to me and then shouted "hey kid, are you new? Your really good, you should try out for the basketball team" "unbelievable" He shook his head as he walked up to us, He was the same height as coach but 2 or 3 inches shorter than me, he shoved the ball into coaches chest "unfuckingbelievable" he stormed off to grab another ball and went to the hoop outside. As he walked past the strawberry smell hit me.
I turned around to see everyone looking at the retreating person "who is he?" I said to no one in particular "that's Eden" everyone gasped "Wow he has grown" coach said, yes he has I thought to my self, he was beautiful, stunning green eyes, he had a nice figure you could tell he worked out, the lip piercing turned me on but what sealed the deal I'm like 99% sure he has a nipple piercing, fuck, my wolf was going crazy in my head, shouting mate mate mate over and over again, he wasn't going to calm down.  I've never had a class with Eden before, I don't know who his friends are, I need to find a way into his friendship group. I spent the rest of the class just staring at him but ended up having to leave early as dad needed me at the pack house.
It was now Wednesday lunchtime, I watched Eden as much as possible yesterday which is hard when I have no classes with him, but he sits by himself, I have seen Beth, Zara and Luke try to talk to him but they just get into arguments, I've seen him staring into space, he looks so lost
"Guys have you seen this video" Tess puts her phone in the middle of the table and presses play, it's lasts about 10 minutes. It was of Eden giving a bike class at some sort of gym, he looked hot, my wolf got jealous of all the sexual comments that everyone was throwing at him but also happy when he shut them down. My group of friends are all talking about it, so I decided to ask some questions "So what do you think happened, for him to change, or was he always like this but just had a growth spurt?" They were all looking at each other when Marsha said "from what I knew of him, he was really kind and caring but very very quiet and got walked over a lot, he probably had enough of it" finishing with a shrug, just as Eden stormed through the cafeteria with a face like thunder, oh dear, I turned and we all watched him walk out the cafeteria.  I was going to stake out the tree house to night, I have a feeling he is going to be there tonight. I was right I hid in the bushes and watched him coming running over to the tree house, with sweat glistening off his muscles, my wolf just wanted to run after him into the treehouse and mark him as mine
"Be patient hero, I need to befriend him first"
"Your being too slow, it's been over a week and you haven't said a word to him, hurry up" I huff and watched as our mate, got down from the tree house and run back the way he came, I was going to follow him but dad called me back to the pack house.
I walked into his office "where have you been?" "Hi dad, nice to see you son," he just looked up at me with his usual expression of don't piss me off "I went for a run, is that ok with you? Why am I here, what do you need me for?" "Our patrols have noticed an increase in activity around our borders, some have been rogues but some haven't, "that's strange we are on good terms with the neighbour packs aren't we?" "Yes we are, or so I thought" my dad said more to himself than to me. "So what do you think we should do son?" "We should increase our patrols and mix them up a bit, don't want them to get use to our patrol times and if it carries on put a curfew on everyone and we should also talk to our neighbouring packs about the rogues and see if any of the packs look uncomfortable" "very good, you can go" I nodded and walked out.

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