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~ Vivian
I don't really remember much from earlier in the day. It's kind of been a blur since Steve grabbed my hand yelling something about the 107th. Peggy had let it slip that the men Steve had preformed for were a part of the 107th and that the rest of the men were either captured or killed.

Bucky's a part of the 107th. Is , was. I'm not exactly sure.

My heart feels like it's going to explode but Steve's optimism is rubbing off on me. He believes Bucky's alive and I want to as well.

The truth is I'm terrified but I'm in denial. I don't think it's hitting me that the love of my life could be dead. I push it away and like any sane woman would do, i help my best friend scheme a plan to go and save these men like our military is failing to do.

Presently we're in a plane with Howard Stark flying it, that in itself should be enough to bring me to tears in fear of my life. But it's doesn't. I haven't said anything since we got in the air.

"He's okay, Vi. He's Bucky, he's a fighter" Steve says putting an arm around me. "Yeah..yeah I know" I say it but I think we both know I don't believe it.

Steve gets ready with his parachute to jump into enemy territory by himself. They start shooting at us repeatedly.

God I hope he finds some ally's before I lose them both.

"Steve" i say causing his to turn around. "If..if he is alive...Go save him but...don't get yourself killed in the process." I release a shaky breath and he nods jumping out of the plane.

We make our way back and as soon as we do Colonel Philipps walks up with a few other men giving Peggy an ear full. He looks over at me and I meet his gaze.

"And you. You are just a nurse with no qualifications whatsoever, you don't aren't even supposed to be here, the only reason you are is because that science project wanted you to be."

I stand up straight and take a deep breath. "That science project is Steve Rogers, those soldiers you won't get off your ass and save are people and one of them might be my boyfriend, the only reason you give a damn about this is because Steve is doing the job you failed to do." The Colonel stares at me wide eyed unable to speak.

"I want the the two of them in their living quarters until I can figure this out, Agent Carter you and i need to talk" he says before we all walk off in different directions.

I finally get to my tent and sit there thinking for a while. It's gotten quite late but i won't be able to sleep until I know Bucky's alive. Until I know both of them are alive.

I grab my bag and get out a shirt that I had stole from Bucky's closet the night after he left. It lost his smell a while ago but it's all I have with me at the moment.

Holding his shirt, and the engraved necklace (he had replaced 2 years back after i lost it), sitting underneath my blanket, shivering from the night air, all I can do is pray to whoever will listen.

I need them to be okay. I need them to come home.


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