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~ Vivian
Im standing toe to toe with the last shield agent on this floor. The rest lay behind us unconscious.

"Should i punch first or give you a chance" i say.

Then the agents radio goes off and I hear Fury's voice say "let her through before you get your ass kicked like the rest"

I raise and eyebrow at him. His shoulders drop and he moves to the side.

I walk passed him kicking in fury's door.

"You lied to me" i say harshly.

"Vivian let me explain" fury says.

"You had five years to tell me!" I say with a broken voice.

"You didn't even tell Steve I was alive. You willingly left me alone. Knowing tony didn't come visit, Peggy's gotten too old too. Roberts dead. You knew all of this and you left me there."

He just takes a deep breath and stares at me. 

"Tell me why!" I yell.

"Vivian you are practically immortal".

"I...I don't understand" i say softly and crying.

"You have lost everyone. Your dad, your mom, James, Steve, Howard, Robert, Jarvis, and Peggy was 90 when he came out. I knew she was next! Who was i to give him back just for him to get taken from you again"

I shake my head "no, you're the director of shield, anything you do is more than likely for a selfish reason."

"I was protecting you" he says

"That wasn't protection! You lied. You got everyone to lie! Actually, I want to know how"

He looks confused "how?"

"How you convinced Tony not to tell me. How you convinced Peggy not to."

"Vivian. I didn't have to. Tony's head is too far up his ass to care, when's the last time he called you?" He says looking at me.

I don't say anything so he continues. "Right right. When's the last time poor Peggy could remember a conversation for more than 5 minutes"

"Don't you bring her into this" i say through gritted teeth.

"I'm just being honest. Vivian everyone forgot about you."

"Screw you" i practically spit at him.

"You didn't tell Steve because you wanted him to think he was alone! You wanted him to be a soldier! Not a friend, not a family member, not a person. A soldier. You didn't tell me because you wanted to use him." I say.

"And he's doing a damn good job keeping the world safe, Vivian. It is my responsibility to do what's best for the world-"

I interrupt him. "You do it then! You do it! Don't fuck over everyone else just to get the job done, where is the justice in that!"

He doesn't say anything.

"Right. There isn't." I say.

I turn around and open the door but before I leave he says.

"Can i ask you a question? If Peggy was so important, why did you drive here instead of teleport." 

I scoff. "I may be super but I'm still human. I have emotions. Emotions that needed to be processed."

I look at him. "I guess you wouldn't really understand that because you don't have emotions. You have responsibilities, right?"

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