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~ Vivian
"Tony, don't" i say standing between him and Bucky.

"How can you protect him! You were my dads best friend!" He yells.

"Exactly! And I'm in love with Bucky, don't make this any harder for me please, Tony!" I say crying trying to keep his eyes on me and not bucky.

"I'm sorry, I met your father in 1943. I remember him. He was a great man and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today" bucky says.

"Yeah well that didn't work out too well for him" Tony says.

Bucky looks pained.

"You aren't the person Vivian fell in love with. You don't even remember her so tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now." Tony says through gritted teeth.

"You're right. I'm not the person she fell in love with but I do remember her." He looks at me as I turn towards him.

"Our first date would have been disastrous if it wasn't for Steve." He says.

"Awh cute but I'm still going to kill you" Tony says.

"Tony please don't fight us! He wasn't in control!"

"Vivian please understand where I'm coming from."

"I do understand Tony but you know me! We watched mash for twelve hours after your dad died! I stayed up with you for days when you couldn't sleep! I flew all the way to your parents house to get your mom's favorite blanket once you finally decided to sleep!"

He looks at me lost. He looks like I'm getting through to him so I continue talking.

"Let's go home and calm down before-"

I stop talking because I notice a figure flying up in the corner of my eye.

"Tony you didn't." I say.

"What happened, Tony" Rhodey says landing next to Tony.

"He killed my parents." Tony says with no emotion staring at Bucky.

"He wasn't in control then, right?" Rhodey says.

"God what does it matter!" Tony yells.

"Hey calm down! I know you're angry but that wasn't him Tony." Rhodey says.

Tony paces for a second and looks at me.

"I won't kill him. But you." He pauses and walks closer pointing his finger in my face.

"You are dead to me." He says before flying off.

"Tony!" I yell through tears.

"Vivian" Steve says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I back up and his hand falls.

"I told you not to come, I didn't need help!" I scream.

"Vi we just wanted to help you. Bucky he remembers you." He says.

I turn and look at Bucky who can't bring his eyes to mine.

I can't breathe. I can't see through the tears.

I got Bucky back but I lost Tony.

I can't. I can't do this.

I turn around and fly off as fast as I can. I don't even know where I'm going but I end up at my cabin.

I walk in slamming the door and fall to the floor crying.

After 20 minutes I decide to stand up. I meet eye to eye with a picture of Peggy and i laughing at steve while he was preforming for a group of soldiers.

I grab it looking at it.

With everything going on I never got to process Peggy's death. My best friend.

With Howard passing I had to be the one to watch the strongest woman I had ever met fall apart and grow old.

Slowly loosing herself, her memories, her strength.

I was lied to for years by Nick Fury. One of the few people I'd been able to trust.


Everything happened so fast.

It's not strange that I flew to this cabin. It's my safe place, where I found peace after years of being lost.

I feel once again like I did when I had lost Bucky and Steve.

Venerable and sacred.


~ Bucky
"What just happened." I say walking into a wakandan conference room.

"I don't know but we need to make sure Tony doesn't come back for revenge." Steve says.

"That's what you're worried about!" I snap at him.

He looks at me confused.

"Vi is out there! Somewhere and we don't know where! She's hurting. Not just from this!"

"H- How do you know?" Steve says giving me a confused look.

"After a while she ran out of stories. She would come in stressed and tell me about things in her head, things you don't know about! She lived almost her entire life in the same four walls and when she finally came out everything was different."

Steve crosses his arms.

"We all did. The world changed without us."

"Exactly but she just lost the one person left that she had. I did that! I have to fix it or who knows what she'll do."

"Bucky don't do anything stupid! She just got you back! What do you think she's going to do when she finds out you went and got yourself killed!"

"I won't, Steve!"

"You've made that promise to her before."

God I want to punch him for that.

"We have to think rationally"

I grab my jacket and turn to walk out but before I close the door I say

"For the first time in decades. I am."


~ Vivian
After sulking in the cabin for roughly 23 hours i grab the remote and turn on my tv.

"Hi I'm Sidney Grahm reporting live from what seems to be a tense altercation with Iron man and the winter soldier."

The camera zooms in to the top of the stark tower where I see Bucky and Tony standing face to face.



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