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A/n! Please read. I included a scene in this chapter about racism. This is not to shine light on it but to show you the type of person this character I've created is even in the time this book takes place. I don't mean any harm by it. Now back to the book! :)

~ Vivian
After my talk with Peggy I couldn't sleep. We had made plans to meet for brunch. God I hate brunch.

I mean what is it really?

Anyway, after a long night of not sleeping I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day.

Once I'm out I get dressed in the nicest and last outfit I have. (Pictured above) 

I brought the idea of shopping up to Peggy and she agreed to go with me.

I'm packing all of my things and taking it with me on the train when I leave. Peggy's offered me her couch while we figure out where I should go.

Once I'm all packed up I head downstairs and see the woman that checked me in last night.

"I'm checking out early" i say giving her a smile.

"Alright, let me refund you for the rest of the week"

"No that's okay, keep it. It was a lovely stay." I say handing her the key.

"Thank you, that's very generous."

"Of course. I was wondering if you could tell me where the train station it?"

"It's 4 miles up the road, can't miss it" she says smiling.

I walk and run for a while before I finally make it to the train station. I pay for my ticket and wait for the next train to New York City.

It's not for 2 hours. Figures.

While waiting i read the paper and catch up on some things I've missed. Giving the occasional nod and smile to the folks walking by.

"Please I'm only twenty five cents short, my mothers health is not well"

I hear someone upset talking up by the counter. I look over towards the commotion.

"I don't do favors for your people"


I grab five dollars from my bag and walk up to the man.

"Will this get you there and back"

The man looks puzzled. Like he can't believe someone like me would be so willing to help him.

"I can't take this miss" he says.

"Yes you can. I have plenty and I'd hate for you not be able to see your mother."

"Why are you doing this" he says.

"Pay for your ticket and we'll talk if you have time"

He nods.

After a couple minutes he walks up and takes a seat next to me.

"My mother believed people were people. There was good, there was bad. Color didn't make a person, their soul and heart do."

"I assume you were close to her"

I take a deep breath.

"She was one of the only people I had growing up. Well besides..."

"Besides?" He says.

I paused thinking about Steve and Bucky.

"Just my childhood friends. Anyway, she loved people even when they didn't deserve it. And you deserve better."

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