Birthday party

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~ Vivian
"Please" i say drawing it out.

"No" Sam says bluntly over the phone.

"three hours sam!" I say trying to get Sam to take Bucky out while I plan a surprise party for him.

It's been two weeks now of Bucky and i talking, trying to get things back to normal. We both have been going to therapy. We sleep in each others room every night and help with each others nightmares.

We go on a run everyday, and eat at least two meals a day together.

"Three hours" he says.

"Yes!" I yell in excitement.

"Three hours, Vi!" He yells over the phone even though I ignore him because I'm dancing on my bed.

"Thank you!" I say hanging up the phone.

I want to make this birthday special. Minimal people. I don't think Bucky's ready for anything big.

After finding a way to get Bucky out of the Wakandan palace I just need to find a place to have it. I know the perfect person to help with that.

"Shuri!" I yell running into her lab.

"Slow down!" She yells back while holding a case.

"Is that it?" I ask.

"Yes! Wanna see?" She says.

I nod and she opens up the case. I wanted to get Bucky a gift that would contribute to his healing journey.

I asked Shuri to make him a new arm. One that's not made as a weapon. One that protects, it's soft and for everyday use. An arm that he can feel renewed in. One that's not coated with the blood of another life, another man.

She did just that.

"This looks amazing" i say softly

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"This looks amazing" i say softly.

"Duh it's my work!" She says closing it.

"Now what did you come in here for" she continues.

I clear my throat before catching her up to speed about Sam taking Bucky out later today and finding a place to have the party.

She tells me to let her take care of it, of course I don't put up a fight. I'm not exactly a party planner.

"Remember I've already invited the few people that are coming, no one else!" I say seriously.

"I know! I know!" She says putting her hands up.

"Now onto more important things." She says and i look at her confused.

"Has he kissed you yet?" She says softly.

Bucky hasn't kissed me. We may sleep in the same bed but he still gets scared. He moves away from me in the middle of the night. He keeps his distance when we're running together or even walking.

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