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It's been 10 years since Vivian met Bucky and Steve. She spent every moment she could with them.

They were the best dynamic.
-Steve picks a fight
-Bucky finishes said fight
-Vivian cleans Steve's wounds

They wouldn't have it any other way.

~ Vivian 1939
I hear someone opening the door and judging by how soft the footsteps are I know who it is. "Steve!" I yelled. He doesn't answer. I walk into the "spare" room that should really be called Bucky and Steve's room they stay over so much.

Steve throws some things into a bag fast as i walk in.

"What's that?" I ask smirking. "Something for a gal?"
"Yes but not for me, for Bucky's girl" I freeze. "Bucky's girl".

It was no secret that Bucky and I had something. Everyone knew it and was waiting for "us" to happen.

I take a deep shaky breath. "Okay". I turn around shutting the door and walking across the hall into my room.

Bucky's girl. Bucky's girl. Bucky's girl.

I mean I know I shouldn't let it get to me because we aren't even together but it does. Of course he was flirty with girls at party's and things but i was always his girl.
Or so I thought.

It's been about 2 hours and i haven't left my room. Steve went somewhere an hour ago and hasn't said anything to me.

I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Come in" i say.

Bucky walks in with a few things.

"Buck what's all this?"

"Well gorgeous it's for you"

"For me?" He smirks and nods.

I look down and see a pie, a card, and flowers

"Bucky what is this, it's not my birthday"

"No it's not so to find out read the card"

I hesitantly open the card that only says "Look up"

"I'm so confus-" i look up and Bucky's holding a necklace with a engraved "B" on it.

"I know it's stupid but I figured...if you say being mine. You could wear it and when I'm not with you everyone will know you're my gal"

I pause choosing my next words very carefully...

"Bucky that is really stupid but so sweet"

"Thank you?" He questions and laughs.

"Was this what you were planning and Steve was being suspicious?"

"Yes! I asked him to pick the necklace up before Bo's Jewels closed and he almost ruined the whole thing.

"Well he had me worried for a bit but, yes"

"Yes?" He smiles


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