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I think it's been about a week since I've been captured. They said they're hydra. I know I've heard that somewhere but I'm so hopped up on I meds I couldn't tell my arm from my leg.

They're awfully chatty, telling me about their plan. It's like they don't expect me to remember.

All I can make out of the science talk is that they want to "enhance" me. I'm not exactly sure what that's supposed to mean but I assume they want to make me like Steve.

The doctor that comes to visit me often enters with two guards. The two guard's grab each of my arms throwing me onto a table with restraints.

I don't bother fighting, I've learned my lesson with that one. I look down at my legs that are covered with cuts and bruises to keep me from acting out. Once I'm locked down the doctor walks up and speaks in his thick Russian accent.

"Hello, American" he says. I don't reply.

"You're being stubborn today, aren't you" he starts putting on a pair of medical gloves.

"That's okay, we'll get rid of that bad attitude" he says.

"Get rid of? What do you mean" I finally speak.

"Well once we inject you with this" he holds up a bottle of purple liquid. "Then we'll start your treatments and training" my breathing starts getting heavy.

"What will that do to me" i say sounding like a small scared child.

He laughs and says. "Well it's a remake of what the great Captain America has running through his veins...or should I say had. Hmm, anyway I'm sure you heard of him, yes?" He says looking from the liquid over to me.

"A bit" i say through gritted teeth.

"You didn't answer my question, what will that do to me" he turns around getting tools ready.

"We're not quite sure, you see, it's never been tested, you're lucky to be the first" he responds.

"What no that's not going inside my body absolutely not, let me go"
He laughs "that's not going to happen"

I try getting out of the restraints, pulling as hard as I can, the only thing I'm achieving is giving the doctor a show. 

I start screaming help. I know it's pointless but I can't go down without a fight at least.

Then the doctor puts the liquid into a syringe and start walking towards me.

My breathing starts getting fast, my heartbeat following close behind.

"No please you don't know what that will do to me" he ignores me and pokes me in the side of the neck, then pushing the Liquid into my body.

It hits me so fast. Everything burns. It feels like my skin is melting off. I start screaming as loud as I can.

The doctor try's to yell over me "it's wonderful isn't it, each and every one of your cells is getting rewritten! Well wonderful for us, you're in unimaginable pain."

I continue to scream until everything goes black. I don't know how long I'm out but when I start to wake I'm in some electrical chair.

They turn it on again and again, asking me the same questions, the pain starts to hurt less the more we do it.

I keep making eye contact with a young man he can't be more than 20. He doesn't look like he likes what's happening here. Maybe he was forced to be here too.

The doctor clearly get frustrated and walks up to me.

"Why aren't you forgetting who you are!" He yells.

"Looks like that serum did more than hurt me" i smile.

"What's happening" he asks a man behind a monitor.

"Her cells, nerves, muscles, and probably bones if given the chance, are healing almost immediately sir."

The doctor let's out an irritated growl.

"What else did the serum do to her" the doctor asks.

"Well she's strong, really strong, yes her cells can heal but they can also hide if her body senses danger"

"What the hell does that mean" the doctor said frustrated.

"Well sir, she's got a sixth sense, she can detect potential threats and if need be theoretically she could go invisible, sir." 

"Great what else" "we won't know completely until she uses them and her body could create new one's at any moment, this is unknown territory." The man behind the monitor says.

"I don't like unknown territory, if we can't erase her mind and make her forget then she's a lot more dangerous to us then she is useful."

"Sir what are you saying" "I'm saying I want her terminated"

My eyes pop open at this. I begin to argue but I realize, what could the harm be. Look, my options aren't great. I could either live here and do things I don't want to, or I could be killed, i choose death.

It's not like I have anything else to live for anyway. At least I'll be with Bucky and Steve.

"Start the chair again, if we're gonna take her out I want to have some fun first". 

The chair starts up sending an ungodly amount of electricity into my body and I start screaming from the pain.

I don't want to be here anymore.


~ Unknown Point of view 
I hear a woman screaming from down the hall. I want to help her but I'm far too weak. Something feels familiar about her voice whenever I hear her yelling but I can't recall why. I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast, did I have breakfast?

I hear more screams coming from that room and i cover my ears. My instinct is to go help her but I know if I do we'll both suffer far more. I hope she's okay.


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