The hunt

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🕰️ Three months later.🕰️

~ Vivian

I didn't realize the effect losing me would have on Bucky. The 8 months we lost effected him more after I woke up.

When I was asleep, he had a goal. He had priorities like making sure he showed up to see me everyday, or spending hours and hours doing research to help Shuri on her hunt for a cure.

Now his only goal is to make sure I stay safe. So that nothing happens to me again.

He has this fear that if he doesn't clean up the entire world, we can never be happy. I don't blame him for that.

However, He's doing that by going on every mission, every stake out, and every time any avenger calls, he answers.

I wake up to an empty bed most mornings and go to sleep worried that he may not make it home.

I came back to Wakanda about 3 weeks after waking up.

I couldn't stand being alone anymore.

I don't think Bucky realizes how much I crave the peace i once had.

Waking up to crickets chirping, knowing that no one knew where I was.

I don't know how Zemo found me, or why he blames me for his fathers death.

All I know is, I've lost years of my life. I've lost years with my husband and we've lost years with our best friend.

I don't know how much more I can take.

I spend my days looking out the windows of the Wakanda palace.

It's beautiful, but it's not home.

I sit poking at my lunch as it grows colder.

I peek out the window again seeing children down on the sidewalks walking home from school.

I love Wakanda. I found something here that I had lost a long time ago.

I'm suddenly surrounded by people. A community, and I found a sense of belonging.

Now I long for something more.

I take a deep breath and put my head back on the chair I currently reside in.

I feel someone approaching so I don't jump when I hear keys jangling at the front door.

It opens and there he is.

Standing in the door way is the man who holds my heart.

It's been 6 days since he left for the last mission. I've missed him but my anger keeps me seated and unable to move or react.

"Hey beautiful, I brought you some of that European stuff you like and" he stops talking when he notices me.

"What's wrong?" He asks walking up to me.

Bucky kneels to where our eyes meet.

"Bucky. You can't keep chasing ghosts." I say softly.

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