Chapter 20

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After meeting with Farjaad, Amal felt a bit relaxed. Coming back to her daily routine provided her with a sense of comfort. Sitting in the middle of her lush green lawn she thought about how far she and Farjaad have come. The thought made her smile. She avoided the constant nagging at the back of her mind that reminded her of something that obviously wasn’t right. The constant itch that made her question her choice was still there.

But love blinds all and it blinded her sight well enough to ignore the soft warnings in her head.
Closing her eyes she felt the cool breeze grazing her cheeks and silence provided her with content. Her phone buzzed on the grass breaking her train of delightful thoughts. Biya was there with her usual cheerful tone on the other side.

“Hey there”. Amal said softly.

“Hey sis, where you at?” She asked in a chirpy tone and Amal knew without seeing her in person that all of her teeth would be on display right now wherever she was.

“Home, why?” Amal asked in confusion, she thought Biya would be home too but when she woke up she didn’t see her, not even for breakfast. Realizing her slowness she smiled finally realizing that Biya was indeed not at home.

“We are at the mall and we want you here in exactly twenty minutes Appi, no lame excuses. We are here for shopping and you are definitely joining us and hey bring your card because I have no money and I am hungry and in the mood to shop all on your expense”. Biya explained in one go and Amal felt a vertigo coming through.

“Slow down Biya, what’s going on?” Confusion graced her features while asking.

“What? Did you not hear me? I am sending the driver, come over. See ya, love you.” With that she disconnected the call.

Amal pushed out a deep breath through her nose while shaking her head at her sister’s impatience. Getting up from the grass she went inside to change because she knew if she would be a minute late Biya would raise havoc in the mall.
She was tired already with Biya’s shopping, it wasn’t even an hour since she reached the mall but Biya’s shopping spree was horrible and Amal knew this would happen.

Suhaina was there as well, rolling her eyes every time Biya jumped excitedly while looking at something new like a toddler.

“I think I am hungry now, we should eat.” Amal said while trying to hold the shopping bags properly to which Suhaina and Biya both nodded in agreement.

Reaching the food court they sat down finding a space among the overly crowded place. Biya and Suhaina immediately went to the washroom while Amal sat there releasing a deep breath. Looking bored at the crowd she started to think about what she would order to eat when she heard a voice from right behind her.

“How long do you think you will string her along? Just let her go brother tell her the truth, this is just disrespectful and horrible. I told you before and I am telling you now, its not alright to take it out on her. It’s low, like really extremely low of you.”

Hassan said, he was talking rather loudly because of all the noise in the food court and Amal felt her breathing stop.
That nagging feeling came back with full force but her heart decided otherwise telling her that it could be anyone talking but in the back of her mind she knew she recognized Hassan’s voice.

Gulping silently she listened to her heart when she heard him. She could recognize his voice among a thousand and never doubt that it was him.

“I told you I will, just give me a bit of time, and honestly it’s giving me a headache too now. I don’t know what pushed me to do this but I had nothing else in mind to get my rightful revenge Hassan. Amal is a nice girl indeed but she still is the enemy.”

All Faults Are Ours In The Chapter Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now