Chap 12

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Words are not able to describe the guilt we feel sometimes. They just follow your subconscious everywhere making you feel embarrassed of yourself. Same was going on with Farjaad for whatever he was about to do with Amal. Revenge or not that was low ...very low of him to stoop to that level.

Looking out the window he was wondering about the consequences he would have to face into the future including death. Taking a deep breath he closed the window and came back to bed . Picking his phone up from the side table he pushed his guilt aside and a grin took place on his face. Dialing a number he relaxed against a pillow and attached his phone to his ear. On the fourth ring a soft voice greeted him . Something strange passed through his entire system as soon as he heard her . Not realizing what it was he made an irritated face.

"Hello ?"  She spoke again from the other side breaking his train of thoughts.

"Yes hello. Amal"  Covering his face with a grin again he decided to push her buttons.

"Who is this ?" Amal stopped pacing at the roof of her house listening to an almost unfamiliar voice .

"Who else love , it's Farjaad"  He answered in a calm voice and she stiffened suddenly.

"What do you want ?"  Her tone became guarded .

"Same . I told you yesterday didn't I ."

He sat up on the bed crossing his legs.

"I don't know what you are up to but I swear on everything that is holy I will rip your eyes out Farjaad. Do not cross me or I promise you'll regret it." She answered in a furious tone and he rolled his eyes.

"That's a cute threat sweetheart. But I am not playing any games here. I am just being honest. Listen I know how it is with our families , I am not stupid Amal. I know what I am putting at risk here but it's all worth it." He finished it like a great actor almost sounding sincere.

"I was raised hating you Farjaad . What do you think you are doing here. You think I was born yesterday. You think I am stupid and naive it that I am sixteen years old. You think your sweet talk is gonna change anything?" Fuming with anger her volume rise to the point where she started panting. She was angry and furious beyond limit.

"You and I both were raised hating each other but that does not mean at all that my feelings can't change. I am an adult and I am not naive. I know what this will bring for us. I am not asking you to trust me , I am just asking you to give me a chance."
Smooth Farjaad...smooth...

"Oh, so you wanna die young huh?" Sarcasm laced her tone as she went down the stairs.

"I'll handle our families. I can do it." He seemed confident enough to make her laugh sarcastically.

" Who wants you to do anything anyway? I am not insane to agree with you on anything. Or to say that I am not on any kind of crack would be correct". She replied annoyed with him.

He was successfully engaging her in a conversation with him without her realizing it.
After all it was the first step..

Making her get use to him...his presence..

Addicting her with his it mind or body..

Being stubborn and shameless without a self respect is after all the first step in love.........

"Amal I respect you enough not to ditch you. Give me a chance. I am being open with you . Friends or not you know I don't just open up to anyone".

"What is going on in your head for God sake?"

She gripped the phone hard in her hands . The grip was tight enough to cause her pain but she brushed it aside.

"Let's just say that night in the jungle changed my perspective on holding grudges."  He replied releasing a deep breath.

"Or may be that cold night froze all of your senses enough to make you a nutcase."  She rolled her eyes at him and was about to disconnect the line when she heard him again.

"I am sane enough to realize my feelings."  His reply made her silent for a few seconds and he smiled.

"And I am sane enough to reject them."

"What if I prove myself to you?".

"Careful there Farjaad... Your confidence in yourself makes me want to puke."

"And you witty nature is driving me insane."

"Don't you dare flirt with me."

"Stop me if you can..."

"Shut up..."

"Make me "

"This is not funny at all". She threw the cushion on the floor angrily and he chuckled .

"Sure is.."

"That's enough Farjaad."

"Alright then. I'll prove it to you now since you are so in denial . I'll take care of your feelings and keep your brain in check love. And Amal I promise I never lose".

The sudden seriousness in his tone made her shudder . A warmth wrapped her whole being in itself making her hands shook.

"Leave me alone."  Scared from her on state she disconnected the call and sat down on the bed wiping the sweat off her forehead.

Never..not him ...

She told herself.. but as they always say..

Never say never....

All Faults Are Ours In The Chapter Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now