Chapter 3

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Suhaina was holding her head in her hands. Drops of sweat were dropping from her forehead and she was continuously wiping her tears.

"I just hope she is ok wherever she is". She wiped her tears and Biya sat silently beside her shocked at the situation.

"That Farjaad is also in the same jungle what if Amal api is with him"? Biya voiced her thoughts and Suhaina's head snapped in her direction.

"I totally forgot that he was there too. If he even touched a hair on her head I swear..." Suhaina gritted her teeth and Biya disrupted her.

"He is not that insane.I have heard that he repel women seriously." Biya said and Suhaina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah as if he is the last man on planet earth". She replied when she saw the guide coming towards them. The whole class was waiting for Amal and Farjaad to come back.

"Suhaina, Hunain just told me to take the rest of the class and move forward. You two should come with us". He said and Suhaina shook her head at him.

"No we are not leaving without Amal api".

"Hunain and Hasan are going to find them. And I can't exactly leave you guys here. You are all my responsibility". He replied with a concern laced voice.

"I don't care ,we are not going". Suhaina stubbornly replied and wiped her tears again.

"It's a jungle Suhaina, do you even realize that besides I've called for help ,they are sending people to find both of them. Don't worry".

"I don't care if they are sending someone ,I am not leaving without my sister" She shouted this time and Hunain's head turned in her direction.

"What's going on "? Hunain asked the guide completely ignoring Suhaina and she turned around not wanting to look at him.

The guide was Hunain's friend and he asked Hunain to take care of both of them which he denied immediately.

"They are not our responsibility. We are not taking them with us". Hunain said bluntly.

"Who wants to go with you anyway. We don't need your help" Suhaina turned around replying harshly and he clenched his fist hard.

After an hour of arguments the guide made them both agree to terms.

"You are forcefully making them my responsibility Abdullah". Hunian glared hard at the guide and he gave him an apologetic look in return.

"I know, I am sorry. But I can't just exactly leave them here alone".

"Its their own choice if they want to stay here". Hunain gritted his teeth and Hasan put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Its ok. We don't have to talk to them". Hasan said in a comforting tone.

After a few minutes the guide left with the rest of the class and Hunain avoided the girls presence as if they were not there.

Hasan approached Biya first .His tone was extremely rude when he called her.

"You guys are coming with us".


It was midnight when she looked at her wrist watch.Amal was a strong girl.But sharing a tent with her enemy wasn't exactly on her list of wishes.

Again and again she peeped at his sleeping form and made sure that he was not awake. She hated his guts and she never thought that she would someday share a tent with him. Passing night made her realize that we humans do not decide things for ourselves. Its all planned, before we are born, even the little things are not sometimes in our hands.

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