Chapter 10

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All my love


Standing by the window his gaze was stuck to the endless darkness swallowing the whole silent road in front him . The guilt was eating him alive for what he was about to do to that innocent girl who had no part in whatsoever he thought he was about to avenge.

Taking a deep breath he closed the window and walked towards his bed . Distracted by his thoughts he picked up his phone from the night stand and his fingers dialed a very familiar number . On third ring a grouchy and gruff voice responded from the other side .

"Who the hell is this at this God forsaken hour. This better be important or I'll bust your left nut." Anger and irritation was evident in his voice and it made Frajaad's lips curled upwards for a second.

"Do you even have the balls Nael?" Farjaad asked amused at his response and a coughing fit was heard from the other side.

"Farjaad lala (lala means brother)?" A startled response came from the other side and his sleep went out the window.

"How are you Nael?" Farjaad relaxed against the headboard of his bed. Putting a pillow behind his back he listened to the person on the other side.

"I am good. What's up? Because you ringing me in the middle of the night means its serious ". Nael now sat up on his bed rubbing his eyes . His mind was running through thousands of possibilities of Farjaad calling him at this hour.

"You are the student body president right?" Farjaad asked pushing his guilt harshly aside for what he was about to do.

His mind screamed at him letting him know that he was getting way out of his comfort zone and personality by doing such obnoxious and cheap planning.

"Uh yeah, why do you ask ?" Nael asked confused and his gaze again went to the wall clock in front him .

"I want Amal's number" His bluntness made it clear as day that he will do it no matter what while Nael's brows raised up to his forehead as he tried to process his request mentally .

"Uh what?" Nael cleared his throat while Farjaad's irritation went a notch higher.

"I am not speaking French Nael " He almost growled this time making Nael flinch .

"Sorry bro but I think I just heard you wrong . I thought you were asking for some girl's number" Exhaling a breath to calm himself Nael grazed a hand through his hair .

His suspiciousness and immediate denial confirmed that Farjaad never asked for a girl's number let alone his arch enemy.

"I am indeed asking for her number " An immediate reply confirmed Nael's suspicions and an utter cry of shock made Farjaad flinch moving the cell phone away from his ear for a few seconds

"Wha !!! " Nael's breathing stopped for a second and a loud thud indicating that he fell off the bed made Farjaad role his eyes .

"Stop with the drama Nael. I want Amal's number. You are the student body president you must have it and I want it . Now." Farjaad's strict tone made Nael serious too and he exhaled loudly this time.

"What's going on lala, everything alright ?"

"Yes everything is fine . I just want her number . Are you giving it to me or not ?" The loud authoritative tone made Nael cringe and he stupidly nodded his head before answering .

"Off course lala. Just a minute ". Farjaad heard shuffling on the other side for a few minutes before Nael started giving him the number .

"Lala I can help you if something is wrong . She is a really good girl and I know you guys are not exactly on good terms . What's going on ?" Nael's concerned voice made Farjaad guilty again and this time he exhaled a breath thinking that his guilt might also leave his body with it.

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