Chapter 15

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Hareem :)

Enjoy the everlasting and beautiful song above : "Menu teray naal " by Najam Sheraz. (Original version).

P.S  For those of you who think this is a spiritual novel , ITS NOT ! :)

The glory of first love was literally in the air . Amal and Farjaad's involvement was something that shocked Amal herself. They both kept it silent. Glances here and there were exchanged. Farjaad sitting at a distance from Amal staring at her and Amal blushing in response was something that became a daily routine for them.

Amal was head over heels in love with the guy but her natural hesitation never allowed her to approach him . He was the one who always approached her first.

The silent nods with a hint of smile was exchanged among them as Amal came into the fully crowded lecture hall. So many sounds were buzzing here and there as the lecturer was not in the classroom.

Amal sat at her usual spot and her phone buzzed. She unlocked her phone with one hand while setting her dupatta on her head with the other.

"Hey angel." Farjaad's text immediately made her smile . Blood rushed to her cheeks as she smiled looking at the phone but didn't look at him.

"Hi." She answered putting her phone back on the table when it suddenly buzzed again.

"The colour suits you ." He said making her smile again.

"Thank you." She replied still avoiding the eye contact. He was sitting a little far from her and was trying to make her look at him which she was dodging at all costs. Sensing her hesitation he smiled and texted her again.

"Look at me Amal." Reading the message Amal felt her hands getting sweaty .

"Why?" She asked looking at the front.

"Because I am asking you to."

"I can't , we are in a classroom full of students Farjaad."

"I don't care Amal. Look at me."

"I can't..."

"You want me to come over there?" His threat made her smile again but she ignored and chose not to answer it.

Farjaad waited for a few seconds. His patience was running low and he literally stood up. Shocked by his sudden movement some students gave him a weird look but him being Farjaad Affandi and one cold look from him made them avert their gazes at once.

Amal gulped sensing him coming near her but chose not to speak again. Her hands felt shaky while she wiped the little beads of sweat from her face.

His cologne hitting her nostrils was something that made her close her eyes in content. 

"Home..." She murmured unintentionally and felt him bending towards her a little.

"Excuse me Miss Amal." The deep sensual voice startled her instantly making her look up at him. Her gaze clashed with his and she forgot to breath.

"There you are.." He murmured for her ears only.

Her mouth opened resembling a fish and a smile graced his lips at his victory.

"I was wondering if I could have your notes from the last class. I wasn't there last time. Will you help me?" The innocence he mustered up on his face was what shocked her. She found no words to respond to him. Amal's gaze fell on his broad shoulders covered with a white shirt and she felt her breath stuck in her throat. 

Some of the students who knew about their enmity issues gave concerned looks to Amal.

"Uh..I ..I'll bring... bring them tomorrow." She whispered breaking the eye contact with him as his cologne overpowered her senses. Looking at the students sitting in the classroom her cheeks went flaming red. 

"Sure. Thank you." He said before giving her a long meaningful look and turned around going back to where he was sitting .

The shock on Amal's face was bright and she gritted her teeth in annoyance. Her annoyed face was so cute it made Farjaad pick his phone up  as he tried to tease her again.

"Now your ears are turning red..." He said and she stomped her foot before picking her stuff up and walking out of the crowded classroom as his chuckle followed after her.


Sitting in her room at midnight sipping hot tea was something that calmed her senses. Long cold nights demanded her to occupy herself with something. She was sitting in the little balcony attached with her room. Suhaina and Biya were sleeping soundly in their rooms and their parents were out of town for a wedding.

Finishing her tea she picked the cup in her hands and went outside her room. Putting the cup in the kitchen she glanced at the silent house once and went back to her room. As soon as she stepped back into her room she closed the door and locked it. As soon as she turned around a loud gasp left her mouth. He was standing in front of her leaning against the wall of her bedroom in all his glory. Moonlight was the only thing illuminating the room . He looked regal with his jet black hair shining against the moonlight. His broad shoulders were covered with a black fitted t shirt . Amal forgot to breath as he passed her a crooked grin.

The silence was so loud between them that it screamed and nearly shattered her ear drums. The inviting smile on his lips made her think that she was the luckiest women alive. But suddenly she remembered how he teased her in the morning and she huffed and stood her ground raising a brow at him.

Farjaad's gaze caressed her face making her feel warm. She knew he will break her composure somehow but she stood proud .

"Come here love." He said softly sensing her anger towards him. To him she looked like a furious kitten . His shoulder shook with silent laughter teasing her more.

"Please baby." He whispered again coming a little close to her and she shook her head in response.

"No..?" He asked like he was talking to an angry toddler.

She shook her head again.

"Amal..." The softness of his voice made her look at him . The silent message , the whispers , the love , the teasing , the sensuality , the promise of forever  everything was there. And it was enough for her to forget everything around her. Her feet acted on their own accord moving towards him . Taking a few silent steps towards him she softly went in his warm arms. Hiding her head in his chest she chained both her arms around his torso as he caged her in his arms listening to her soft heart beats. Hiding herself in him she smiled while her cheeks blushed . And just like that all her anger washed away. She smiled at her silliness as he hugged her in the silent cold night. Farjaad moved back and forth lightly on his feet moving her with him silently . Both of them were silent not saying a word and yet they said a lot.

Amal felt his lips on her forehead. He kissed her hair next softly . Her hand on his chest gripped his shirt tightly as she closed her eyes.

Her heart went crazy when she felt his hands caressing her arms softly.

"Still angry ?" He whispered in her ear and she shook her head lightly in response unable to speak hiding her head in his shoulder .

All Faults Are Ours In The Chapter Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now