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Part 5

"Why are you swimming so hard? You won't be able to win over me with that anyways?"

I stopped on my track and looked at the owner of the voice. I was startled when I saw that guy from the bus looking straight at me. I covered myself totally forgetting that I had swim suit on.

"Woahhh stoppppp!!! Girl you already have swim suit on your body, damn it!" I realized what he said and looked down at my body.

Fuck. How can I be so absent minded.
"I'm sorry." I was still not meeting his gaze because he was totally soaked because of me. "Why don't you look me in the eye and apologize? It would be better while proposing a apology."

I carefully and slowly lift up my gaze and DAMN. What did I even do!! His hair are wet too. Sexyyyyy,, shitttt- I mean he is completely soaked as I said. I was scared because he was nearly glaring glaring me.

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't in my right mind. I was startled to be very honest." He looked away. "It's okay and I'm sorry too for startling you out of the blue." I smiled at him a bit when he looked at me.

I came out of the pool and went to him.
"What are you doing here right now? Shouldn't you be in the auditorium?" He asked as I passed him to grab a towel. "Well, I can ask the same." I rubbed the towel on my head while turning around. "I was the first one to ask." He returned. "Doesn't matter to me."

"Why so cold girl? Did I do something wrong? It's not like you." I raised my brows, "You don't even know me yet. So how can you say it's not like me?" He smiled. "You're a good talker and patient listener." Keen observer I see.

"Glad you noticed but back to the question, what are YOU doing here?" He crossed his arms, "these ceremonies bore me." I formed an O. "What about you then?"...."just needed some fresh air so I came to have some physical exercise." I was about to pass him because I don't want to answer his other questions at the moment cuz my mind is messed up right now, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, are you okay?" No not this question please. "Why say so?"...."you don't look good as if you are messed up. You wanna talk?" I looked at him and then at the ground. "I've got nothing to talk about, so if you please let me go?" He let go of my hand.

"It's okay if you don't wanna share it with me but you should definitely talk with someone whom you can trust. Are you getting what I'm implying to? After all sharing is caring." He was so wrong for this. "For me, sharing means daring. In this world you can never get a shoulder to lean without a price. Sometimes you pay with your tears or sometimes with your mental health. I'm very much conscious with this."

"You are right but we all must have a specific someone with whom we can share everything. If you don't have one, then I'll be all ears to you anytime." I was shocked by him. We just met this morning and he is already so sweet and understanding towards me. Is it genuine?

"Why are you doing all this to me? Who am I to you?"...."a kind person is all I need to know about you and even you need someone to talk to." Fuck. "Thank you, but I've got to go now." I ran from there before I break down in front of him. I changed into my uniform and went to the class to grab my books and leave the premises asap.

{Sunghoon's pov}
The ceremony ended a few minutes ago and I'm not able to find her yet. She left the auditorium in the middle of the ceremony. I know she is hurt right now and that's why I need to find her.

I checked all the possible places she could be at. But she wasn't. I ran to our classroom and thankfully I saw her, packing her bag, ready to leave.

"YAA AT LEAST TELL ME WHEN YOU ARE LEAVING!!! I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I shouted while panting so hard because of all the running. She was startled by my sudden rage. It wasn't rage actually. "I got a call from mom, so I had to leave and then I went to the pool for some swimming. I thought you'll be busy till late so I didn't came back."

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