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After having the other party repeat herself multiple times, Jiyeon finally let the realization settle in, “Juyeon…..is my daughter?”

Sojung lowered her gaze and studied the little girl in the photo whose smile was brighter than the adults in it. She felt rather conflicted as she continued, “And looking at your expression, it seems that you don’t remember her at all. What to do….this child is very sensitive, she’ll know something is wrong.”

Jiyeon didn’t say anything. Her mental age is sixteen, yet her body is twenty-six. Now she suddenly learned she has a daughter. Of course, she couldn’t digest this news in such a short amount of time.

“Forget it, you should go back first. We’ll talk more later.”

The car drove forward and stopped at an intersection. Jiyeon opened the door, but before she got out, she suddenly remembered a problem, “Kim Hyunjung gave me some car keys earlier and told me to go pick up Juyeon. What do I do?”

Sojung asked, “She wanted you to go? But isn’t it the 10th today? Today should be her turn to pick up your child.”

“She said she had things to do.”

If it was any other day, then Sojung would go and pick up the child, but she’s just too busy. She had already asked for a half-day leave earlier, but if she asks for leave for the entire day, her boss will eat her alive.

“Then you should go and pick her up. Don’t worry, it won’t be hard to recognize her. After all, Juyeon's appearance is rather unique. Even if you don’t recognize her, she will recognize you. Bring her to my place after you pick her up.”

Jiyeon nodded dumbly and then got out of the car. However, just as her foot stepped out of the car, Sojung suddenly stopped her.

Sojung couldn’t hold back her curiously and asked cautiously, “You….don’t you think there’s something odd about Juyeon's features?” 

Jiyeon shook her head, “No, not really. Doesn’t she look a lot like me?”

Seeing that her friend was silent, Jiyeon asked her, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Sojung quickly plastered on a smile and urged, “Hurry and go pick her up. If you go back too late, who knows what Hyunjung might do later.”

Jiyeon left after those words were spoken while Sojung drove back to her job at the Total Variety Network. While waiting for the elevator, she took out her mobile phone and took a look. On her phone was the same photo from before. Sojung quietly studied Kim Juyeon's face and sighed. Kim Jiyeon, the one she knew before the memory loss, had kept some secrets from her and so she didn’t know everything either.

After they had grown up and become adults, they started keeping secrets from each other.

Hyunjung debuted at the age of 19, and by the age of 20, she had become famous all over South Korea. She was four years older than Jiyeon, so when she debuted, Jiyeon had just entered high school. Jiyeon was at that age where one easily becomes infatuated with another. And so her heart was instantly captured after she had watched just one slice-of-life movie with Hyunjung in it and then became a die-hard fan of her.

However, the current Jiyeon has only been a fan of Kim Hyunjung for about a year.

Yes, Jiyeon is a fan but she’s not a crazy fan. She indeed admires Hyunjung, but if her best friend was telling her to stay away from Hyunjung, then she will do as her best friend says.

A star, who is someone far out of her reach, or a friend she grew up with and has known all her life? Even Kim Jiyeon understood which one she should trust and which one is more important to her.

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