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The next day, after a good night’s worth of sleep, Hyunjung stayed at home for a long time before finally going out to meet with the film crew in the afternoon. Before she left, Jiyeon told Hyunjung's manager everything Dr. Lee told her yesterday and reminded her to look after Hyunjung carefully. The manager listened with a confused expression and when she got into the car, she scratched her head and asked, “Unnie, didn’t you send me a message last night saying you were fine?”

Hyunjung hadn’t moved much for nearly one day and one night, so she stretched her waist and other muscles as much as she could when she got in the car. She cracked her stiff neck again, “And I am fine. Alright, let’s go and finish the shooting as soon as possible.”


Hyunjung sat in the back and scrolled through Twitter on her phone. She found Park Soobin's account and sent her a message.

Not long after Hyunjung left, Hoseok, Jiyeon's driver came. She was watching a TV series and when she saw him, she immediately paused the show, “How was it, was the date a success?”

Hoseok replied blankly, “I don’t know.”

‘I don’t know’ was the same as saying ‘it was a failure’. Jiyeon was not surprised by this result = =

“Aren’t blind dates usually scheduled on weekends? Why did this girl schedule a date for Monday? Is she off on Mondays?”

“No,” he shook his head, “She’s a makeup artist so she’s busy almost every day. She only had time to meet this morning.

So that’s how it is. Jiyeon's interest was piqued, “Is she beautiful? Who introduced you to her? I heard that highly-skilled makeup artists are all very amazing, and can be considered a type of artist!”

“I didn’t look at her carefully, she seems to be okay, but doesn’t suit me very well.”

Didn’t look closely? What does this mean? Isn’t a blind date mainly based on the other person’s appearance and their introductory conversations?

However, one must indeed go on many blind dates before one can meet the right person. He is still young and not in a hurry, it’s fine if they slowly take their time.

While chatting, the doorbell suddenly rang. Jiyeon walked over to the door before Auntie Li could open it. The door was carved out of frosted glass so one could see the person outside but the other person could not see inside. There was also a camera installed so she could look through the monitor for an even clearer picture. The person outside had their head lowered so she could not see their face.

She opened the door and the visitor raised her head to smile at her, “Long time no see.”

She had just met the little sister, Luda, yesterday and today the big sister, Soobin, has come knocking at her door.

Her little sister’s obsessed and infatuated crying look left a real impact so even if Soobin acts polite, elegant, and graceful like a model young lady, Jiyeon did not believe that her personality matches the outside appearance.

Auntie Li served them tea when Soobin sat down. She thanked Auntie Li and then looked at Jiyeon, “I’ve come here to apologize. My sister has troubled you again. Ultimately, it was my fault for not being strict enough with her. I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive her.”

Listen, listen, see how humble and sincere she is!

Soobin looks the same as the photos of her circulating on the Internet. She’s even prettier than her photos. She was wearing a thin brick-red jumpsuit that made her skin look fairer than it already is. A pair of pale golden glasses rested on the high bridge of her nose and her styled wavy hair framed her small face making it even smaller, almost as small as a person’s palm. 

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